John Dillinger, the famous bank robber of the 1930’s, never wore a mask when he robbed banks at gunpoint, but he didn’t start out that way. He did wear a mask for his first bank robberies, but when his identity was discovered and the police knew he was the robber, he decided there was no point in wearing one anymore, and he never did again.

There is so much evidence piling up now to prove that the Secret Service was involved in the attempted assassination of Pres. Trump that it’s undeniable, and more evidence is still coming in. Everyone has a video camera built into their phones now and if surveillance and security cameras on buildings don’t record your every move, people with smartphones are. So far there’s about a dozen videos online, on Facebook and other media, showing the assassin crawling around on that roof, people yelling to the police and the police doing nothing.

Elon Musk posted a high definition photo from one of his satellites that shows a ladder in back of the building that the assassin used to climb up, and it was there before he got there.

Once it becomes obvious that this was a government plot to kill Pres. Trump, what’s the point of trying to hide it anymore? Might as well toss the mask in the trash and just come out barefaced as being the tyrants that they are, stop trying to deal with idiot puppets like Biden, and say “Screw it, We are your new masters and don’t care if you don’t like it”.

It’s going to come to that. The more the mask slips, the less reason there is to keep trying to fake it.


This is a link to a video claiming that the Secret Service sniper who shot the shooter, had him in his sights for at least 3 minutes while repeatedly asking for permission to shoot him, and was told to wait until the shooter fired his weapon.

This says that he was instructed NOT to fire. To wait. This is totally outside of Secret Service training. They are there to protect the President and to eliminate any threats, including merely perceived but not proven threats. A man in camoflage clothing on a roof where no one was supposed to be, with a rifle, is a PROVEN THREAT.

There is already more than enough proof that government agencies are deeply involved in this attempted murder of Pres. Trump and that they organized it.

People need to understand how powerful the Globalists have become. Pres. Trump is their enemy, he wants to stop them and he thinks that being president of the United States will give him the power to do so, and he’s wrong.

The president of the US no longer has any power. The puppet performance by Joe Biden should be proof of that to anybody.

I don’t think Pres. Trump is going to back down, I know he has powerful people behind him now that he didn’t have before and that’s why he’s going ahead in his effort at being elected again, but I’m not expecting a happy, peaceful end to all this.


The Secret Service had the shooter in their sights SEVEN MINUTES before he started firing, according to the video linked below. I wondered why one of them was able to shoot him within seconds of when he started shooting. He fired off 8 rounds, in the first few, Trump was hit and ducked, that only took about two seconds, then in the next two seconds you could hear gunfire and the shooter was down. It all happened that fast and I wondered if one of the Secret Service guys had been aiming at him and was waiting for him to shoot Trump before killing the shooter.

He was. Here’s the link.

Pres. Trump was set up to die. Just one more inch to the right with that bullet and he would be dead.

The person now at the head of the Secret Service is a “diversity, equity, and inclusion”, “Woke” appointee of Joe Biden named Kimberly Cheatle who was formerly employed by the Secret Service. I don’t know anything about her other than that, and that comes from Rep. Tim Burchett , Tennessee Republican, who plainly doesn’t like her. But she’s in charge of the Secret Service and she’s responsible for providing the security for people like Pres. Donald Trump, and that “security” was withheld when it was requested.

Trump’s people asked the Secret Service, meaning her, for more security personnel for this rally and were turned down. Then the guards look straight at this shooter on a roof and do nothing, just wait until he shoots Trump before shooting him. People in the crowd saw the shooter with his rifle, they were screaming at the Secret Service, “There’s a man on the roof with a gun”, you can hear them on the videos, and the Secret Service did nothing, and waited for the assassin to shoot.

Do you think that, having failed in this attempt, they won’t try again? They had to be working with the shooter because this whole scenario was obviously orchestrated. You don’t just walk into a Trump rally with a rifle, climb a roof and start shooting. You get stopped the instant you even look slightly suspicious, that’s what happens. The Secret Service people are among the most highly trained in the world. The only way he got on that roof with a rifle is because he was allowed to.


With Donald Trump gone, the Uniparty “Republicans” would rush to replace him with someone generally palatable to the American public as the supposedly best choice. It wouldn’t be the peoples best choice, it would be the Uniparty’s best choice, the one who would be able to tell lies convincingly and without forgetting the lines. Someone who wouldn’t freeze in front of the camera, blink and stare vacantly, introduce Zelensky as Putin and fall on the Air Force one steps.

Someone who would be elected President without any need to cheat on the votes. Someone who will be just as much a puppet as Joe Biden, only more convincing.

So that’s my prediction. Trump is out of the election, however it’s done, a total, 100% RINO traitor is put up for us to vote in, in his place, and after the deed is done and Americans figure out what a piece of crap it is that they voted in as their President, they’ll have only themselves to blame and will be quiet about it.

Just like when they voted in Obama because he’s black. Oops.

This gets rid of Biden and keeps the Deep State in power, now and forever.

I do fear for the Trump family and hope I’m wrong to have the bad feeling I have about them.


I smell fish. Dead fish, rotting dead fish. None of this is right. Just checked in with Dan Bongino, he was a Secret Service agent for 12 years and he said that they’re trained to shoot someone at 1000 yards away. That’s over half a mile, so they want to be sure that there’s no place to threaten a President from, within at least that distance.

Yet those white rooftops, where anyone on them would stand out plainly, were no more than 150 yards away and there were no armed agents on those roofs. That’s not a “security failure”. That’s a deliberate act, that was setting Trump up for the kill.

The shooter was shot within seconds of shooting, almost as if the agent who shot him had already taken aim and was waiting for the shooter to shoot, first.

Then after the shooter was shot, it took two hours before he was declared dead and meantime no one was able to question him, if he was still alive. Maybe he was still alive, which is why it took so long. They wanted to make sure he was dead first.

Jack Ruby killed Lee Harvey Oswald to keep him from talking and then Ruby died of a “galloping form of rare cancer” while in jail. Jack Ruby was tied in with the Mafia and the shooting of Kennedy. John Kennedy’s son says now that the CIA was responsible for the death of his father. We know for certain that the fatal shots were fired from that grassy knoll, not from Oswald’s gun.

My point is that everyone connected to the murder of Jack Kennedy was themselves killed. Silenced. Now the shooter of Pres. Trump is dead with no evidence of anyone trying to render any sort of aid to him to keep him alive. Instead we get two hours of secrecy and then they say he’s dead. Will more people suddenly and mysteriously die before this is over? Keep an eye on it, it could be.

I’m convinced. The more I write, the more I talked myself into it. This was a deliberate attempt by agents in our government to assassinate Pres. Donald Trump.

I’ve said several times here that Trump will NOT be allowed to be President again, that they will either steal the election or kill him. Killing him is really so very much easier than all the trouble it takes to rip off a national election, and this time around, no one would believe it. There would be riots. So the best course of action from their viewpoint is to kill him. Then no more problem.

So I expect there will be more attempts and the next one will very likely be successful. This failure is not only a huge embarrassment, but they won’t be able to get away any “security failures” like this, again. My bet is either poison or an accident, like an airplane crash, and blamed on some radical fringe group or maybe the “Pro Palestinians”. The only other option is that he becomes very sick and drops out or he drops out “at the urging of his family” because he’s told his family will all be killed if he doesn’t.

These people aren’t screwing around. They want him out of the picture.


One of the most famous photos in the world is the World War II photograph of the raising of the American flag on the Island of Iwo Jima.

Well, now there’s a new one. You’d have to be blind not to see the resemblance to the Iwo Jima photo, and I guarantee you that this picture is going to be everywhere in Trump’s election campaign. Watch and see.


are still moving forward. Here’s a link to a speech Schwab just gave that is packed with answers to what’s going on with them and the world.

First answer is that they held their Annual Meeting of the New Champions in CHINA. To what question? The question of whether China is on board with the WEF and the Globalists, and there it is, the answer is Yes.

Second Answer: In his speech he said: “To drive future economic growth we must embrace innovation and force the collaboration across sectors, regions, nations, and cultures to create a more peaceful, inclusive, sustainable, and resilient future,” Schwab proclaimed.

He added, “At this critical juncture the active participation of all stakeholders is essential to ensure a sustainable development path.”

Which answers my question of the level of involvement that Globalists have. They are stakeholders. They have invested in Globalism in the hopes of a return, and these are many national leaders, major corporations, billionaires who have committed themselves to this and hold shares in this vision of the future. They’re the owners of it.

Third Answer and the one that’s been burning away in me for a long time now, is “Eighty”. Speaking to a huge and packed auditorium, Schwab commented on the representatives there from EIGHTY nations, who are part of this WEF meeting.

Eighty nations have joined the Globalists. Since China and Russia are now joined at the hip, that includes them, which answers a fourth question. There’s 193 countries on the Earth, and 57 are Islamic and not likely to be members, so that leaves 80 out of 136, or 56 nations which have not yet joined the Globalists.


My previous post is about a huge increase in child deaths and the cause is the “Covid Vaccine” shots.

That “vaccine” is genetically engineered and the evidence is that it targets the younger population. If you want to get rid of people, then it makes sense to focus on the ones who can bear children now or in the future, and not on older people who are past those years.

So let’s look ahead on the assumption that in a few more years time, perhaps half or more of the young people will be dead. They’re the ones running the restaurants, cooking the food, keeping stores open, driving the trucks, unloading the freight and so on.

There will be mass closures of businesses of all sorts, everywhere, resulting in shortages of pretty much everything. Right now, Family Dollar is closing over 600 stores, Walgreens, RiteAid and CVS are closing thousands of stores between them. These are pharmacies, drug stores where we go to get prescriptions filled. Walgreens alone is closing over 2000 stores across the nation. The closures now are because of inflation and shoplifting but what will things be like in a few more years if the majority of the Injected are dead?

With so many people dying off so fast, there will be mobs swarming into neighborhoods looting the homes of the dead, and of course there will be a lot of fighting off of these people by armed and still living residents.

Fast forward a little more, much of the Jabbed population is gone now. Government troops are everywhere, keeping order, or trying to. 30% of us never got Jabbed and now it’s these people who are keeping the power plants running. Some, or most, of the nuclear plants will have been shut down, the power is no longer needed and they’re dangerous to operate. Food production from farms to processing and distribution will be government controlled now and we may have an entirely new monetary system and ways to pay for goods. These are Globalist goals.

In ten years, by 2034, it will be a Brave New World of global government and total population control. Just my opinion, we’ll have to wait and see. As usual.


This is a “Sticky Post”, it will stay on top for awhile and new posts will appear underneath it, until I un-stick it.

Doctors warn of alarming 3000% /30 times increase in unexplained child deaths from heart failure. A thirty times increase.

A comprehensive study by leading pediatric scientists confirmed that the unprecedented surge in heart failure among children is caused by Covid mRNA shots.

Additionally, vaxxed children are 13,633%/137x more likely to die of COVID-19 than those who didn’t receive an mRNA injection. One hundred thirty seven times more likely to die.

The data shows that children who received the shots are 4423%/45x more likely to die of any cause than unvaccinated children. Forty five times more likely to die.

“Vaccinated” children are dying of heart failure thirty times the rate of the unvaccinated, 137 times faster from the Flu, and in total, Forty Five Times the rate from any cause.

Not long ago I warned you that all those virus experts were saying that we are going to see a wave of deaths from the Vax shots that will keep getting worse. The evidence is coming in more and more to prove them right. Younger people, especially, are dying while doing the active things they do, playing sports or just playing, while those rubbery grey clots grow in their veins and arteries, come loose, and plug up their hearts.

If you took even one of the Jab shots, then you need to do what you can to rid your body of the spike protein bits and boost your immune system.


We don’t know for sure yet but the general word going around is that Fuckjoe Biden will hand off the job to Krazy Kamala on Monday. This makes the most sense if the Globalists want to keep up the appearance that the democrat party has a viable candidate for the next fraudulent election.

If she replaced Biden now, she’d have about 4 months as The First Woman and Black Woman President Ever and would have had time to do presidential-looking shit before the election, so that when they rip off the election from Trump for a second time, it will at least look a little legitimate.

So Kackling Kamala is my current bet for the democrat candidate for White House Puppet. Now the question is, what sort of creature are they going to put up for HER running mate, the future Vice President? Don’t forget the popcorn.