Looking at all the paid-for demonstrations, the organized “Pro-Palestine”, meaning Anti-Israel/Jew, aggressive campus mobs and all the crap being dumped on Israel and Jews right now, and knowing a lot about the history of Jews back to ancient times, the reasons for all this Jew hatred are obvious and not undeserved.

Jews hold themselves off from everyone else. Yes, other races, nationalities, ethnic groups and so on, do the same thing, but there’s a difference. Other peoples always find a way to mix on a social level that Jews prefer to avoid. For an example, a friend and I were driving through our neighborhood one evening when we saw a party going on and my sister was out there. So we stopped and asked if we could join the party and were asked if we were Jewish. I said “No, but my sister is there and she’s not Jewish”.

We were told that she was a friend of theirs and they made an exception for her. It wasn’t because we weren’t their friends that we couldn’t attend, it was because we weren’t Jewish. That did indeed tend to piss us off.

Jews insist that God puts them above everyone else, that they are “God’s chosen people”. So I guess the rest of us can go suck hind tit, is how Jews see it, because God loves them more. That alone is enough to tell Jews to all go fuck themselves. Then, they are a very successful people, they seem to excel at everything, from business to doctors to movie stars. A lot of Jews are billionaires, and this creates jealousy that just increases the hatred.

There’s one last thing. You can hook up with some Jamaicans, get close, smoke their dope and become a Rastafarian. You can convert to Catholicism or Islam with no problem. But if you convert to Judaism you may become a Jew but you will never BE a Jew. You have to be born a Jew as if it were a race, when it’s not. Judaism is one of the few religions that does not seek converts. There’s no Jewish missionaries running around in Africa and the Brazilian jungles or anywhere else. You are only a Jew by birth, which is why there’s so few Jews, with everyone trying to kill them anyway.

If the Jews were to open their religion to us “Goyim”, an insulting term on a par with “Infidel”, and welcome in us non-Jews, everything would change. The Jew hatred would stop. But they cling to this By Birth Only bullshit because it’s like royal lineage and the reason behind the Right of Return law. If your ancestry is Jewish, then one of your original ancestors was Chosen By God and therefore you are also Chosen By God.

The clever Romans saw and fixed this problem by having a Jesus who accepted everybody, and made Christianity a universal religion by doing so, out of a Jew they crucified. You gotta hand it to them.


France has officially sent combat troops to fight in Ukraine. “The French soldiers are drawn from France’s 3rd Infantry Regiment, which is one of the main elements of France’s Foreign Legion.”

UPDATE: US soldiers going to Ukraine? Maybe not, now. Because, NEW UPDATE, within minutes of the French Ambassador being called to the Russian Foreign Ministry, French Pres. Macron said on TV: “We are not at war with Russia or the Russian people, and we have no desire for regime change in Moscow” and that he was not sending any French troops to Ukraine.

So whatever the Russkies said to his ambassador, it was enough to scare the crap out of Macron.

“The initial group of French troops numbers around 100. This is just the first tranche of around 1,500 French Foreign Legion soldiers scheduled to arrive in Ukraine.”

Before the US became involved in Vietnam, the French were there, tending and guarding huge rubber tree plantations. France was the world’s largest supplier of natural rubber. Then the Communist movement grew and with it the effort to push the French out of their country, so the French fought back.

But it became too expensive, the rubber wasn’t worth the cost, so they went to the US and asked them to take over. The USA still needed natural rubber so they sent in troops, and the Vietnam War was born. The real reason they left was because of the demands of the US citizenry to leave. The need for the rubber had ended years before but now the Military-Industrial complex and most of the politicians were making fortunes from the fighting and dying.

So now we have the French throwing troops into Ukraine when everyone else is saying that the Russians have won and Ukraine is lost, and France is a NATO member. Now what? Will other NATO members have to join them in battle in Ukraine?

It’s a sticky question because these French troops aren’t really French. The Foreign Legion is made up of all foreigners who can gain French citizenship after 3 years of service. So do they count with NATO? They do if NATO wants them to, and NATO would if they want a battlefield to fertilize with millions of corpses.

The current estimate is that 500,000 Ukraine men have been killed in the war so far. How many Ukraine citizens? How many Russian soldiers have died? NATO, the USA, Europe are all controlled by the Globalists now and they want to get rid of people. Wars are great for this, especially if the fighting can be concentrated in a small area to keep the damage down.

At the same time, Ukraine is one of the largest grain producers in the world, or was before this war started, so if France and probably NATO can keep the war going, there won’t be any grain produced, which fed a lot of Africa. You can see where all this is going now, right?

War, famine and disease. New diseases being “discovered” all the time, and “vaccines” for them that kill us, wars to kill us, starvation to kill us. Chairman Mao killed untold millions with starvation alone, he was the greatest mass murderer ever, but that record may soon be broken.

Stay tuned.


It takes 600 more days than it’s already taken, according to Professor Dr. Dolores Cahill in January of 2021, who said that everyone who got the Vax would be dead in 3 to 5 years. The five years will be up in another 600 days.

Just over 72% of the world’s population got the Vax and 67% had at least one “booster”. That’s about 5.75 billion people with one shot or more.

One of the world’s leading virologists today is now warning the public that a “massive tsunami” of “chaos” and “death” is about to decimate the global Covid mRNA-vaccinated population.

The grave warning was issued by Dr. Geert Vanden Bosche, a world-renowned Belgian virologist who warns that a “huge, huge wave” of illness and deaths among those vaccinated for Covid is now “imminent.”

The top scientist says this “massive tsunami” will collapse hospitals and cause financial, economic, and social “chaos.”. “What I am predicting is a massive, massive tsunami” of illness and death among highly-vaccinated populations with compromised immune systems, Bossche said.

For 5.75 billion people to die in 600 days, 9,583,333 a day have to die. But not at first. Right now, there are millions more people dying around the world than are being born, millions of “excess” deaths. Exact numbers are unobtainable because the world’s media isn’t talking about them anymore. If you noticed, they’ve also stopped reporting all the Sudden Deaths.

The “official” world death rate is about 170.000 people a day. If 2 million more people a day than usual are dying right now around the world and no one reports the fact, who is going to notice except the life insurance companies? By the time the rate has increased to 5 or 6 million a day and people start to pay attention, over 2 billion people will have already died and the death rate will be steadily accelerating. As long as the media stays silent, most people in the world will still not know about it.

This is happening now. The global Excess Deaths rate is increasing all over the world. When all those people started dying suddenly, it was big news for awhile because it was so unexpected and novel that the media couldn’t help reporting on it. But they’ve been told to shut up about it and they have. You might hear of it once in a while still, but not every day like they were reporting before. Now the millions will die in silence, unreported.

IF YOU HAVE NOT HAD THE VAX, this is the important part for you, so take it seriously.

The hospitals of the world are going to be overwhelmed and collapse under the weight of millions of diseased, dying patients that they can’t admit and treat. Medical care where you live will collapse. The loss of so many people will collapse commerce, global, national, local. Your government will collapse. People run everything and without the people, nothing runs.

The power stations will have brown-outs or shut down, so the water pumps will shut off. Your water taps won’t work.

When there’s no one to open and run the stores, the stores will be looted. When the food runs out, the looters will come to your home seeking food. If you have a lot of food stored away, you will want to defend it if you intend to keep eating, so be prepared to do so.

When these world-class, renowned professionals put their reputations and careers on the line to warn us all of what’s been done to us and what’s coming, I have no choice but to respect their warnings. I’d be a fool not to and it isn’t just a couple of them, many doctors and virologists have spoken up but the media ignores them.

We know now that the Vax is a killer and it’s only begun killing. This is how the Globalists are ridding the planet of most of us, and the anarchy that ensues with the collapse of global civilization will kill off a whole lot more.

All the uproar coming this summer, and there will be plenty, is all for distraction from the increasing deaths. You’ll see friends, relatives and neighbors dying off, businesses shutting down, and you’ll wonder what’s going on, but the news will be all about the latest riots, the latest outrage, to keep you from thinking too much about it.

I know that I bring up the possibilities of various awful disasters from time to time, but that’s always speculation, like Israel using her nukes as a last resort. It could happen but I’m not saying it will.

I am saying this will. If we get through the next year and eight months with Earth’s population still pretty much intact, I’ll be as happy as anyone to see it. However, I don’t think we will.

Geert Vanden Bossche

Geert Vanden Bossche received his DVM from the University of Ghent, Belgium, and his PhD degree in Virology from the University of Hohenheim, Germany. He held adjunct faculty appointments at universities in Belgium and Germany. After his career in Academia, Geert joined several vaccine companies (GSK Biologicals, Novartis Vaccines, Solvay Biologicals) to serve various roles in vaccine R&D as well as in late vaccine development.

Geert then moved on to join the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Global Health Discovery team in Seattle (USA) as Senior Program Officer; he then worked with the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) in Geneva as Senior Ebola Program Manager. At GAVI he tracked efforts to develop an Ebola vaccine. He also represented GAVI in fora with other partners, including WHO, to review progress on the fight against Ebola and to build plans for global pandemic preparedness.

Back in 2015, Geert scrutinized and questioned the safety of the Ebola vaccine that was used in ring vaccination trials conducted by WHO in Guinea. His critical scientific analysis and report on the data published by WHO in the Lancet in 2015 was sent to all international health and regulatory authorities involved in the Ebola vaccination program. After working for GAVI, Geert joined the German Center for Infection Research in Cologne as Head of the Vaccine Development Office. He is at present primarily serving as a Biotech / Vaccine consultant while also conducting his own research on Natural Killer cell-based vaccines.


DVM is Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Becoming a Vet is more difficult than becoming a human doctor but animals are the common vector of virus transfers to humans and his focus was on Virology. He is vilified as a “horse doctor” online in the effort to slander him. Just as Ivermectin, compared to Penicillin, is being called “horse goo” when it’s the best cure for Covid. The purveyors of The Vax don’t want the truth to be known.

His accomplishments speak for themselves.


Every summer over the past few years we’ve watched Black Lives Matter (BLM) riot, loot, assault and burn, and Antifa fascist mobs riot, loot, assault and burn, and Negro flash mobs attack people and loot stores and Negro riots over the death during arrest of another violent black drug addict and illegal alien Hispanic gang mobs terrorize cities and Mexican cartels conduct cross-border raids in their drug wars. Now, this summer, we have the Palestinian sympathizers rioting at our halls of learning and you haven’t seen anything yet, wait until these mostly Muslime assholes hit the streets.

Yesterday and this morning I’ve been watching videos of the students and their instigators, mixed together with a lot of paid immigrants, mostly Muslims, raising hell at various colleges and universities across America in support of Hamas and making death threats against Jews.

At some, local police are busting up the demonstrations and taking the worst of them off to jail, while at others, they’re allowed to continue causing damage and making noise.

All of them are threatening Jews and expressing support for Muslim terrorists. Back in 1938 in Germany when Adolf Hitler was rising to power, this exact same thing was happening at German universities except that the support being expressed was for Adolf Hitler. The death threats against the Jews was the same.

There’s other similarities between then and now, like the inflation that’s resulting in the steady drop in the value of the dollar and the increasing lawlessness. But there’s big differences, too. There was no mass immigration of third-world unskilled labor, no preferential treatment for homosexuals, blacks and “trans” people, no attacks on white people for being white. In fact it was just the opposite, the LGBTQetc. crowd was persecuted and blacks were hated.

This just proves that Nazis don’t care who they persecute as long as they have victims. Before, they lumped in queers, blacks, Gypsies, the retarded and mentally ill along with the Jews to send to the death camps. If we have death camps again, which I doubt, it will be the Jews again along with anyone on the Far Right, aka Trump supporters. At the worst, what I think we will see will be a lot of open attacks on Jews including murders that go un-investigated and unpunished and assaults on Trump supporters.

No doubt all these agitators who are out to wreck our country even more than it already has been, will be out on the streets this summer looting and burning again until the early hours of the morning and as usual, the police will stand there with their thumbs up their asses watching and doing nothing. Like they did in Portland, Oregon and other cities.

All of this stuff is ORGANIZED. These aren’t “spontaneous demonstrations”, these are organized events paid for by political groups and possibly by government agencies, and are definitely closely watched and heavily videoed by various government agencies who use the most advanced facial recognition technology so they know exactly who is involved on all sides.

Keeping a low profile is smart during all this unrest. Don’t be a demonstrator, don’t share your political opinions in public, as you never know who may be marking you for future retaliation. Just stay out of the way and let the loonies do what they’re going to, you can’t stop them anyway. The less noise you make, the less crap you’ll have to deal with later on.


April 29 (Reuters) – The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on Monday said employers refusing to use transgender workers’ preferred pronouns and barring them from using bathrooms that match their gender identity amounts to unlawful workplace harassment under federal anti-discrimination law.”

This is “guidance” and not made into law yet, but it can be used to back up a lawsuit by some “Trans” freak against their employer, and it won’t be long before it is law. This is just the first step.

All the professional psychiatrists and psychologists assure us that transsexualism is mental illness and should be treated as mental illness and not as something valid that should be accepted as valid. Our government refuses to listen to reality because pushing this insanity contributes to the destruction of the long-established traditions of society and creates social chaos.

They want to create social chaos and destroy our social mores in order to replace them with Globalist mores. Transsexualism is just one of the ways to do this.


The Japanese are screaming. They’re very unhappy with the World Health Org. over pushing all those mRNA shots on the world because they know now that it’s those shots that have killed thousands of Japanese and the death rate is increasing.

Besides the fact that people are dying now of very rare diseases, they’re dying from diseases no one ever heard about before. But this particular doctor in this video is a cancer specialist, and he’s speaking out about the Turbo Cancer epidemic that any search on Google for it will tell you it doesn’t really exist.

Which tells you that you can’t trust Google.

It’s called Turbo Cancer because by the time people are going in get checked for problems by a doctor or hospital, their cancers are already in Stage Four, they’re too far gone to be treated and they’re dying. Not of one new “Turbo” type of cancer, either, but they’re coming in with all different types.

This is because it’s not cancer that’s killing them, it’s their destroyed immune systems. Their bodies have been battling spike protein bits ever since they got the shots and “boosters” and their white blood cells, their immune systems, have been wiped out and they have nothing left to fight off infections with.

So they get all sorts of infections that they can’t deal with and they die.

I’m not a doctor and I can’t advise you whether you should get any vaccine shots or not, but I can safely say that you take them at your own risk. Be informed. Stay informed.


It’s just that there’s no indication of what that plan might be. Netanyahu swore that the IDF was going to go into Rafah and clean out the last of Hamas but there’s still no action. Now the word is that Israel has made an insane offer to shut down the war, pull out the troops and release thousands of terrorists in exchange for 33 hostages, after hundreds of IDF troops have died in the effort to rid Israel of Hamas. This makes absolutely ZERO sense. What the hell is going on?

This is probably wrong, but I can think of only one reason for this, which is that Israel may be waiting for some deal to close before launching the Rafah assault. A big aid package was passed the other day in the US Congress that Biden signed, but Israel doesn’t have the money and guns yet.

The aid can be withheld if Israel has been found to have committed war crimes. “Israel provided its assurances of NSM-20 compliance in March. The State Department has until May 8 to report to Congress whether it finds Israel’s assurances credible. Ahead of that deadline, a group made up of critics of Israel’s conduct on Wednesday called for suspending the arms transfers, accusing the Israel Defense Forces of a “systematic pattern of war crimes.”

So this may be the cause of the delay. I don’t know that it is or that Israel needs this aid to be successful in the war with Hamas, but I do know that if this trade for 33 hostages in exchange for total defeat happens, there’s going to be riots in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. It just can’t be allowed to happen.


This is a rare photo of Schiff because his eyes aren’t bugged out like they usually are. The photographer must have caught him in the middle of blinking.

BUT THE REAL NEWS is that someone stole his luggage out of his car at the airport and he seems to be in a panic over it, probably because of his collection of dildos and other ass toys in one of the suitcases. That’s my opinion, anyway.


Our current administration want to impose a tax on “unrealized gains” on billionaires. If they do, how long will it be before the tax is imposed on everyone? This is a 25% tax on capital gains. 25%!

Because of inflation along with the sudden population increase due to many millions of what used to be “illegal” aliens being allowed to swarm into the country, property values have gone up a lot.

This increase in dollar numbers is Gain. If you don’t sell your property, then it’s Unrealized Gain. The same thing applies to any stock market investment, stock you may own or stock investment funds like Dreyfus Fund. If the value goes up, it won’t matter if you actually profit from that by selling, you will be taxed on the increase in value.

Many prices have doubled since the so-called “Pandemic”. Fuel costs, many food items, many household items have all doubled in price. Not in value, just in price. So if your home has doubled in price from $400,000 to $800,000, if they do this tax increase you will suddenly be told to pay a tax bill of at least $100,000 for a money profit you never got and if you don’t pay it, your home can be taken from you for unpaid taxes.

Isn’t that cute? There’s nothing stopping them from doing this, it’s a Uniparty, they can pass any laws they want. I don’t know who in the administration is pushing this idea but I do know that they’re not all united in how the country should be run, and there’s plenty of them in Congress who won’t want to pay these taxes.

None of the billionaires would be happy about this, either, so I don’t give it much chance of becoming law. But isn’t it incredible that anyone in the government would even suggest it? People would stop investing in anything that could gain in value unless the gain was huge. Why buy a house if owning it was going to tax you to death?

We elected idiots to public office because we’re stupid people. If we were smart people we wouldn’t do such stupid things, so I guess we deserve what we get. This is why I stopped voting long ago, it never mattered who I voted for, things always went to shit anyway because they all make stupid decisions and I got tired of feeling bad that I voted for those morons.


In states where the minimum wage has increased to $20 an hour, the first businesses to start converting to AI are the fast food restaurants. At the order station, instead of an employee speaking to you over the speaker and asking for your order, it’s a robot AI that speaks to you and takes your order.

All sorts of different mechanical robots are coming off assembly lines now that are highly mechanically capable and with AI brains. No doubt they’re very expensive, but over time they will pay for themselves with free to low cost labor, and as more robots replace workers, production will increase, more will be made and the price will steadily drop even as their quality increases.

The movie AI Artificial Intelligence came out in 2001, about a future where very humanoid robots were doing all the work, and sex robots were very popular for obvious reasons. No sexually transmitted diseases, and no obligations. Lifelike sex dolls are popular now and soon they’ll be fully animated and intelligent. This is going to play hell with the prostitution industry, no doubt, and will also result in a steep decline in the birth rate as robots become more popular than real women. And men.

What a strange, strange future we’re heading into.