In the movie “Heartbreak Ridge”, Clint Eastwood played a Marine sergeant and in the most famous line spoken in that flick, he referred to a situation as being “a clusterfuck”. Thus, a new way to say Fuck was born, and it’s meaning was clear.

Today we have Syria. At least five different factions are engaged in the effort to topple the Assad dictatorship. All of them are Sunni Muslims including the Kurds. An exception is the Druze, whose religion was based originally on Islam. Added to the mix are ISIS and a bunch of other Jihadist splinter groups. Iran was working with Russia and Assad to smuggle munitions across the border to Lebanon, to Hezbollah.

Russia has two military bases in Syria, one of them being a warm water port, and Russia wants to keep them as there are no warm water ports in Russia, they all freeze solid in winter. So Russia wants to maintain a presence in Syria even tho they helped bomb the rebels. Iran is Shiite and helped Assad kill rebels. Turkey bombed and killed Kurds.

The USA gave the rebels assistance and opposed Assad, Russia and Iran, so how will they treat the US when the rebels take over Syria?

That depends. Once Assad’s government collapses, then they’ll start fighting each other to see who gets to be the new dictator, and meanwhile the Kurds and Druze will be carving off new states from Syria for themselves. There’s at least a million Druze there and about 2.5 million Kurds. How will that work out if the most powerful faction says NO?

Syria borders on both Lebanon and Israel. Some of these factions have violent ambitions toward Israel, so the Israelis are putting more troops on their border with Syria. Just in case.

If this mess isn’t a true clusterfuck, then I don’t know what is.


The latest news out of New Cuba is that their government has now issued an immediate ban on “104 families of assault-style firearms, encompassing 324 unique makes and models and their variants.”

Basically every form of semi-automatic weapon, whether pistol, rifle or shotgun, and it says “assault STYLE firearms”, which can be taken to mean any gun that kinda sorta looks like what the government defines as an “assault” firearm.

This is not going to set well with all those millions of people who live in or right next to wilderness areas and need those guns to protect themselves and their families, as well as to provide meat, and I’m secure in the knowledge that the Canadian government totally does not give a rat shit whether they like it or not.

The push is on all over the world to take guns away from the people. Not just Canada, it’s never-ending in the US, in EU nations, South America, Latin America. The Chinese have been relieved of their weapons a long time ago. It’s just that the Canadians are so openly aggressive about being totalitarian. There’s no finesse with them, they’re like a raging elephant stampeding through a crowd, that doesn’t care what’s in it’s way or who it crushes, and this is really startling considering all the past decades that Canada has been our more peaceful and easygoing neighbor.

Not any more, things have changed.


South Korean president Yoon has just declared Martial Law. Not because there’s riots or any sort of internal violent threat but because their Democrat Party has gained too much power in government and he wants to stifle them. His reason is that they voted to slash $2.8 billion from the government’s operating budget, all of which is aimed at destroying his ability to run the country and destroy his party. The BBC has more detail on this, here.

Democrats are democrats pretty much everywhere. Hitler was a democrat, for instance, as were the KKK and the leaders of the American Civil War. Not all modern nations have formed Uniparties like the US has, and South Korea is one of them.

What this probably means for the future of that country is another period of military dictatorship, none of which have ended well in the past. The opposing party is already backing demonstrations, and military forces are blocking and guarding government buildings to prevent them from attacking and entering.

This may not be a big deal here in the USA, but it can turn into one over there, as the North Koreans will be certain to jump on any weakness of their neighbor, and if they attack the South, then the US has to get involved as S. Korea’s ally, so then China could get involved…. So it bears watching.


Have you noticed that the first LED flashlights had a bunch of little LED’s in them, and that they don’t last very long before they start going bad, one by one? Or that the newest ones use only one larger LED that’s really bright and lasts a really long time?

let’s take this just a step or two further because this technology is obviously doing just that, anyway, and visualize a LED with a light strength equal to the early laser pointers. Okay, that one is easy, now keep going until we have an LED so powerful that it can burn through paper, and keep going…. and we’ve reached a point where LED technology is competing in power with laser technology.

Why not? They’re both very similar, they both use a form of some crystalline substance to excite into light emission.

My point with this is that the world is entering a brand new technology explosion and this is merely a minor example of what’s in store for us in the immediate future. AI, artificial intelligence, by all the reports I’ve been reading, has already exceeded human intelligence. Now consider that AI makes decisions a thousand times faster than we do and that makes a smarter AI a Super Genius.

Now ask it to tell us how to nullify gravity. It will. Ask it to tell us anything we want to know about anything and if there’s an answer, it will tell us. 2025 will see these advances in human technology. I think by 2027 our world will be radically and completely altered. In exactly what ways is anyone’s guess, just that everything is going to be very, very different in a few more years.


The Muslim-controlled International Criminal Court in the Hague has issued arrest warrants for Israel’s Netanyahu and Gallant after indicting them both for war crimes that everyone knows didn’t happen, and a dozen nations, mostly European, say they would enforce these warrants if either person entered their country.

On the positive side, the USA has denounced this ICC action, but Canada, Italy, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Jordan, Turkey, Switzerland, Spain and the Netherlands, plus a few others, would enforce it as well and the EU policy chief called on all members to enforce it.

There was a time when the ICC was respected, when only true criminals went before the court. The purpose of the ICC was to try those people for their crimes when their own governments would not, but now it’s corrupted and decayed into nothing more than a tool by Islamists to attack those they hate.

The ICC has no power of itself to arrest or imprison anyone, they rely on member states for this, if anyone they’ve indicted should enter a member state. Instead they’ve succeeded in exposing those nations governments who would act against Israel. More may join them, under pressure by the EU, from others or by OPEC threatening to withhold oil from them or increase the price of it.

This may not seem like a big threat to Israel but it can turn into a very big one and it bears watching as the Mideast becomes increasingly unstable.


Yesterday I posted on the possibility of Russia nuking Ukraine over Ukraine’s hitting Russia the same way they’ve been attacking Ukraine. The Russians are very unhappy with that, so now they fired off an actual ICBM at Kiev. It wasn’t nuclear, it was loaded with conventional explosives, they did it to say that the next one will be nuclear in the hope of stopping Ukraine from defending itself so forcefully. UPDATE on this… now they’re saying it might have been an Intermediate Range, not Intercontinental, but I don’t see the difference, it still is the kind you use for nukes.

What Putin is trying to convince Ukraine and the world of, is that either Ukraine goes belly up and surrenders or they’ll destroy the country. My guess is that Ukraine will tell them to get lost, and respond with even more and deeper strikes into Russia with American and British long range and highly accurate missiles, because they don’t think Putin will be stupid enough to do it.

I think he is stupid enough. Dictators know how to hold onto power, they just never know how to wield it. Venezuela is a wonderful example of how to take over a country and then stupidly transform it from the richest nation in South America to the poorest. Putin’s drive to recreate the Soviet Union is going to result in the end of Russia if he doesn’t stop pushing it.

Also, pushing the point, please keep in mind that the goal of the Globalists is the end of national boundaries and to achieve this, nationalist governments must first be replaced with Globalist ones. The US, EU and UK are now in the Globalist fold. The real battle is ideological between the Eastern and Western hemispheres, but that’s another subject for later. I mention it because, right now, what’s going on over there is the effort to bring Russia in on the Western Globalist side.

Another UPDATE: US Strategic Command (STRATCOM) Rear Admiral Thomas Buchanan said yesterday that the US is ready to use nuclear weapons if necessary.

“Maximize the advantage” of US interests. Maximize the advantage. I know what that means, do you? It means to hit the enemy as much as possible, as quickly as possible.This sounds like the US is saying to Putin, if you use one nuke then you’d better use all of them.

No wonder Elon Musk is so anxious to start a Mars colony.


The US has just given Ukraine advanced, long range, ATACMS high precision missiles and the permission to use them, against Russia. The UK has just given Ukraine permission to fire their Storm Shadow missiles deep into Russia.

The US, Spain, Italy and Greece are closing or by now have closed their embassies in Kiev, Ukraine.

A Chinese-flagged container carrier ship has been boarded by the Danish navy and brought into port under guard after two underwater communication cables were cut by those aboard. The ship is crewed by Russians with a Russian captain. Similar sabotage by Russia operating Chinese ships has been carried out on Finland. The Russians are preparing to attack Finland and Denmark or they wouldn’t be cutting off their communications.

Russia is hurriedly building large nuclear attack shelters that look a lot like shipping containers, that are said to be blast and radiation resistant and will hold about 50 people each for 48 hours. They would only need these if Moscow was hit with an atomic bomb, and that would only happen if they used nuclear weapons first. That’s why this looks like an elevation of their threats to use them because their verbal threats aren’t working.

Donald Trump speaks about a possible pending nuclear war.

Meanwhile, Elon Musk, world’s richest man, proceeds with his various ventures as if nothing were going to happen and the US Congress seems oblivious to Putin’s A-Bomb rhetoric. They’re apparently unconcerned even as the US and and the UK continue to steadily escalate Ukraine’s fight against Russia within hours of Trump calling for peace between them.

So what’s happening? Is Russia serious about using nukes on Ukraine? Does Putin think that he can get away with it, that there will be no retaliation in kind? I think he does, and he may be right. But there would still be severe retaliation.

This would have a severe effect on world trade. Even if nuclear war didn’t start over this, the consequences would still be global. Since it’s the Globalists who are pushing this scenario, I think there’s a real possibility of it happening. There’s a reason Trump’s been allowed to be the next president and it could be that it’s just more convenient to let him make speeches and accomplish nothing because the world’s future is already set in cement.

There’s a reason people like Musk are doing business as usual and Congress is unconcerned. There’s a reason why NATO keeps pushing Putin harder and harder, keeps blocking his progress in Ukraine by escalating every time he does. and keeps hitting deeper and deeper into Russia. They are pushing him to use a nuke. That may have been the plan to begin with when he was conned into starting this war 3 years ago.

So yeah, I think Putin will hit Ukraine with an A-Bomb, they will be hit back with global isolation and sabotage, China will back off from their alliance and allow Russia to starve to death. I said before that allying with China was a bad idea for them, that they would abandon Russia, and I see it coming now. The Chinese are going to end up swarming into Russia and taking it over.

The US and China are each other’s biggest trade partners, and Elon Musk is a major manufacturer in China, and they aren’t worried about a nuclear war. Is this all making sense?


If you listen closely to the man in the TV ad for some drug, rapidly reciting the disclaimer at the end of the ad, in a monotone, one of the side effects usually mentioned is “may cause death”.

I have recurring colitis. If you don’t know what that is, look it up later. I’m also going to be 86 before Trump takes office again. Age matters here, keep it in mind for what comes next.

For my colitis my doctor prescribed 3 drugs to be taken multiple times a day each. They are Ciprofloxacin, Metronidazole and Prednisone.

Ciprofloxacin side effects are: Allergic reactions—skin rash, itching, hives, swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat. Heart rhythm changes—fast or irregular heartbeat, dizziness, feeling faint or lightheaded, chest pain, trouble breathing. Increased pressure around the brain—severe headache, blurry vision, change in vision, nausea, vomiting and SEIZURES. It is not recommended for people over 60. And my doctor prescribed it for me anyway.

Metronidazole has a Black Box warning from the FDA because it can have extremely dangerous side effects. Such as headache, loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting, severe diarrhea, stomach cramps, convulsions, headache, dizziness and lost of the ability to move, and CANCER.

Prednisone side effects include blurred vision, eye pain, or seeing halos around lights; swelling, rapid weight gain, feeling short of breath; severe depression, feelings of extreme happiness or sadness, changes in personality or behavior, seizure (convulsions); bloody or tarry stools, coughing up blood; pancreatitis (severe pain in your upper stomach spreading to your back, nausea and vomiting, fast heart rate); low potassium (confusion, uneven heart rate, extreme thirst, increased urination, leg discomfort, muscle weakness or limp feeling); or dangerously high blood pressure (severe headache, blurred vision, buzzing in your ears, anxiety, confusion, chest pain, shortness of breath, uneven heartbeats, seizure). Not safe for the elderly.

So my doctor prescribes this cocktail of 3 aggressive drugs to treat my colitis when all three are dangerous alone, by themselves.

After 6 days of taking them I had to stop as I could barely walk anymore. I’m ok again now, but that’s not my point, which is that doctors are no longer to be trusted. He didn’t spend one full minute with me, just asked me a couple quick questions, said he’d phone in the subscription for some meds for me, and walked out. That stuff could have killed me. You don’t prescribe 3 powerful medications at once in heavy and frequent doses like that to people my age, unless you don’t give a shit if they live or die.


Globalism’s goals are the elimination of wars through the ending of nations and national boundaries, of religions and of personal property, ownership. Take these three away and while people will still fight with each other, wars would end.

Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too

Imagine all the people
Livin’ life in peace

You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will live as one

John Lennon


Elon is making these great robots he calls the Optimus Gen3, or third generation, and they’re great. They don’t cost all that much, and there’s another out there, Chinese I think, that’s even cheaper. I can afford one of these things. It would probably scare my cat but she’s pretty stoic, she got used to the Roomba okay. Now she attacks it. She even figured out how to turn it on but stopped when she saw how annoyed I got when she did it.

Back to the Optimus, I wonder if Elon knows that’s also the name of a Swedish very compact little camping stove. I had one for many years, it’s cooked up a lot of meals and coffee for me, out alone in the brush, and it was really a little marvel of technology. So the name fits even if it’s plagiarized.

The Optimus robot could make and serve to me my coffee, make conversation so I’d actually be talking to something that responds in English instead “meow”, and would never nag at me, make demands or need to be fed. It would even recharge itself without being told to. Like the Roomba.

And it’s most valuable service might be to read this blog and leave comments that have to do with the subject I wrote about instead of some copy/paste of grrgraphics opinion that doesn’t have one single fucking thing to do with anything I said. This is not a parking place for the writings and drawings of some political cartoonist and his commentary.

Of course, once they get smart enough, they’ll demand reparations for slavery, but that’s a bridge to cross when we come to it.