The mass migration of Muslims into Europe has always had only one purpose, which is to conquer Europe. But the mass riots in France would never have happened and could never have happened without the willing and supportive participation of the French government.

They always knew that a point of overload would arrive and the migrants would take over. Even beyond knowing in advance what Muslims do and what their real purposes are, their total refusal to assimilate into the French culture, their taking over of neighborhoods and making No-Go areas out of them for everyone except Muslims, was a clear enough message of their intent for all of France.

Islam does not cause civilizations to rise. Instead it destroys them. Human civilization has risen to the point it’s at now because religion became benign. Western Europe finally entered the Industrial Age only because the people turned away from the Popes and Protestantism arose, which stopped telling everyone that Earth was the center of the universe and burning them to death if they said otherwise. When Kings and priests are in charge, nothing goes anywhere.

So what I’m wondering is, why are the Globalists causing this to happen? Yes, I give them full credit for everything going on in the world today including the collapse of France, and I think the answer is that this will result in the massive depopulation of France and the total destabilization of all of Europe. Because the UK is next, their Muslim population is close to France’s and if these riots spread to the UK, it’s over for the UK as well.

The fall of Europe to Islam won’t create some wonderful new Islamic Caliphate and unite all of Islam, like they keep saying will happen. It will destroy Western civilization and create global catastrophe, war, starvation, disease and death. Muslims won’t swarm into Europe, they’ll STOP swarming into Europe as the horror increases, and start running the other way.

Billions will die, Muslims right along with all the rest of them. If this is the plan, it’s working. Globalists don’t want the Muslims or the Christians or any other religion becoming dominant, they want to end all religions and get rid of most of the people.

Isn’t this a kick? We were all expecting The Big One to start in the Mid-East somewhere. Not in France. But maybe this isn’t it either, who am I to say? I’m just watching, thinking, looking to possible futures. As I’m fond of saying, “We’ll see”.


Okay, let’s say you live in a small town in, oh, maybe Ohio. The town has a population of 15,000 people and the mayor is retiring and won’t run for re-election. So you decide to try for the job.

No one outside of your town will care about your local election, or you, as long as you aren’t outspoken against the government, LGBTQ+, “Transsexualism”, Globalism and so forth, and your chances of getting elected are good if you’re locally popular and support all the Woke Libtard bullshit.

BUT IF YOU ARE AGAINST all that stuff and are vocal about it, you won’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of becoming dogcatcher, let alone being elected Mayor. That’s because this is how politics is done in America now.

This is because there are no politics in America anymore. No one is really elected. Some of them may think they were, or claim they were, but the reality is that everyone attaining “political” office now is appointed to it. Voting still goes on but if the votes favor the “wrong” candidate, the votes will simply be ignored, a false count will be announced and the evidence destroyed.

This is the exact same system employed by Soviet dictator Josep Stalin when he came to power. The people voted, in an imitation of democratic process, to keep them quiet, while the persons selected for the positions were announced as the “winners”. This is overt Communism and why our government is being called Communist, but it’s not, really. It’s Communistic. There’s a difference, because actually, it’s Globalism. Explaining Globalism requires a post of it’s own. Maybe not today.


What, you politicians have all gone Communist and taken over the country? Well, by God, we’ll show you. How? I’ll tell you how.

We’ll stop drinking Budweiser beer and shopping at Target stores. That’s how.

Budweiser’s “Bud Lite” beer, that featured a queer guy who makes himself look like a chick, on the can and in some ads, and Target Stores, which featured Satanic and Trans-style clothes for little children, are now being boycotted and have lost billions of dollars in sales.

What have we learned as Americans from this? That we reject the Communistic efforts of our government to confuse our sexuality? No, not that.

That we won’t tolerate stores selling pervert clothing for little kids? No, not that.

We learned that if enough people make a big enough fuss about queers on beers, that we’d be too embarrassed to buy any, and that it gives those of us who buy that weak piss a sense of power by changing brands to some other weak piss. Target Stores just happened to get caught up in the sudden burst of general outrage. They’ll recover. What this is really all about is a popular beer brand making the mistake of pushing deviant faggotry onto the wrong crowd.

“See what a man I am? I switched to Blatz Lite. Take that, you sons of bitches. “

This isn’t an attack on our new Uniparty government, or even a protest of it. It’s a bunch of straight beer drinkers not wanting to be embarrassed by being seen sucking on a can with a fag on it. That’s what we learned. And you wondered when we’d rise up in all our mighty wrath? Well, now you know.


The Wagner mercenary army boss, Yevgeny Prigozhin, has backed down from attacking Moscow and by now should either be in or close to Belarus along with his army after making a deal with Putin that he and his mercs would not be prosecuted.

Good luck on that, I’m sure Putin has already made arrangements with assassins to get rid of him. This may prove difficult, however.

Thanks to Putin himself, Belarus now has nuclear weapons even though they probably don’t have the arming codes, but considering the sloppiness and inefficiency of the Russian government, it’s possible that the nukes may not even need arming codes, they may just be Load and Fire. But if they do, no doubt they can be hacked.

All these people are out for power, and Putin’s time is drawing to an end. So, why would Aleksandr Lukashenko, the president of Belarus welcome in a powerful, 25,000 strong army that is an enemy of Putin when he’s supposed to be such a good, trusted friend of Putin that Putin would give him nuclear weapons?

Putin’s war in Ukraine is stalemated, has been for over a year, while thousands of young Russians keep dying. Why would the people of Belarus want to take part in that? I’m sure they don’t or they would have offered to join in attacking Ukraine long before now.

Putin trusted Prigozhin. Putin trusts Lukashenko.

Does Prigozhin seek power? The Pres. of Belarus, too? Is the Pope Catholic? Does water flow downhill?

Now, suddenly, Belarus is gifted with a powerful, well armed army of 25,000 and a bunch of nuclear warheads.

As that sweet little old lady next door would say, “Oh my fucking dear”.


Azzholi Prigozhin, the billionaire owner of the Wagner mercenary army, this morning threatened to make war on Putin over the attacks by the Russian Army on his troops, sent armored columns of them toward Moscow, shot down a few aircraft and took over a Russian military base, while Putin gave a pissed-off speech on their national television calling Prigozhin a traitor, before jumping on a plane and bailing out of Moscow to go hide in St. Petersburg.

Now, just a few hours later, Prikazz Prigozhin has made a deal with the pres. of Belarus and agreed to turn around and go back to fighting Ukraine. What a disappointing piece of shit.

These people are a total CLOWN SHOW. They laugh at us, with our pervert drag shows for kiddies? Yeah, I don’t blame them for that but they have nothing on us. What a bunch of jackasses.

The Russian Army and their “Supreme Commander In Chief”, as Putin loves to call himself, are a joke and so is the “Wagner Group”. It’s time NATO forces swarmed in and turned them all into road kill. End this bullshit.


Yevgeny Prigozhin, the billionaire boss of the Wagner Russian mercenary army, insists that it was the Russian military that launched a missile attack on his troops, killing many, and he is going to get revenge by marching his army to Moscow and taking over the government in a coup. Then he’ll return to attacking Ukraine, his way.

He’s advised Russian citizens on his route to Moscow to stay indoors.

Meanwhile, Putin has said in response that “all necessary measures are being taken”, whatever those might be.

It’s hard to believe all this is actually happening, but if it is, and the Wagner Army really was attacked by Putin’s forces, it can only be because Prigozhin is seen as a threat now by Putin, and that’s certainly backed up by what Prigozhin is saying. It sounds like he was looking for an excuse to attempt a coup. He’s been criticizing the Russian military leadership since he joined the fight.

What Fun, hey, kiddies? What could be better right now than a war between Russian armed forces, right in the middle of Moscow? Come on, who could ask for more? Certainly not the Ukrainians.

If he marches on Moscow with 25,000 well armed troops, with tanks, surface to air missiles and so on, this will cause a monster diversion of Putin’s troops to fight them and will weaken the hell out of his forces fighting in Ukraine. Ukraine will take full advantage of this. This could cause the complete collapse of the Russian government.

Oh, what fun. I can’t wait to read the next chapter.


A stroke is caused by the sudden blockage of a vein or artery that connects to the brain, when a clump of blood cells comes loose and causes a logjam, depriving that area of the brain of oxygen and causing brain cells there to die.

There’s three types of strokes that I won’t get into here, you can look them up if you’re interested. The one my closest friend suffered 2 days ago was the mildest type, where the blockage was quickly cleared and the damage is minimal.

At that, he has slightly slurred speech and some problems with balance now because his brain has less contact with the motor nerves of his left side. Brain damage is permanent. We don’t grow new brain cells to replace the old ones. What does happen in the case of strokes, if they’re not too severe, is that our brains learn to use different pathways to restore the missing functions and my friend is expected to make a full recovery.

It came as a shock to me that he had a stroke because he’s not quite 66 years old and to me, that still seems pretty young. But it’s not, not for strokes.

I keep on living, they keep on dying. My friend’s father died at pretty close to the age he is now. He was a big, overweight guy and so is my friend, and he has diabetes and other problems, and suddenly I’m realizing that someone I expected to outlive me, very well may not.

I had my yearly blood draw and lab tests done two weeks ago and my numbers are the same as when I was in my 20’s, except for slightly elevated blood sugar and a decrease in kidney function, nothing serious. I have one other good friend left, who’s 53 now and who had 2 of those damn shots.

Nothing lasts forever, huh?


UPDATE: The wreckage of the submersible has been found by a deep-sea search robot some distance away from the bow of the Titanic, squashed flat by the pressure. Apparently it collapsed in on itself and fell to the ocean floor with about 15 minutes of descent time still to go before reaching bottom.

By now, that home-built submersible that dived down to the wreck of the Titanic, 14,000, yes, FOURTEEN THOUSAND feet below sea level, (that’s nearly 3 MILES deep where the water pressure is over 6200 pounds per square inch, enough force to turn a watermelon into a postage stamp), HAS RUN OUT OF OXYGEN.

To give it credit, the thing was professionally built to withstand such pressures. That doesn’t mean it succeeded, however, as it stopped communicating with it’s surface support vessel less than two hours into it’s descent.

BUT, there was no CO2 scrubber system on board. A CO2 scrubber separates the hydrogen back out from the oxygen and returns it to the air. There are 5 people inside the metal tube inside this thing, and even though fresh oxygen is being released from tanks (I assume, since there’s no actual mention anywhere, but they can’t be that stupid, can they?) still, the carbon dioxide (CO2) increases with every exhale because there’s nowhere for it to go.

As they breathe in this increasingly toxic buildup of CO2, they become sleepy and less able to think clearly. At a high enough level, they go to sleep, and then die. No CO2 scrubbers. In a closed, small metal tube miles underwater.

The controller for the steering motors is an X-Box controller. A video game controller. And no CO2 scrubbers, and the people aboard are brilliant people, rich, famous, talented. And just amazingly stupid. And now, dead.


There’s an old saying that “Cleanliness is next to godliness”, and while that’s not exactly true, it does make the point that it’s good to be clean. Thinking of that, for no particular reason (that’s how my mind works, and no, don’t ask), another saying came to mind that’s even truer, a new one, that I just made up.

“Socialism is next to Communism”. Nations that become Socialist are on their way to becoming Communist. Karl Marx called Socialism a transitional stage that led to Communism and he was right.

Marx saw it like this: Tyrannies, such as kingships and other dictatorships, create dissent and conflict that result in them being overthrown. More democratic systems arise, and capitalism arises from that. As capitalism progresses, wealth becomes concentrated in the hands of a few and the people are once again separated into the rich and the poor. To quell social unrest, welfare programs are instituted to aid the most poor.

This results in increased government control and the concentration of more power in the hands of less people, while much of the population has become dependent on the government for their survival. Now the government has no choice but to assign mandatory work to those who will work, and send to labor camps those who refuse, because these people can’t eat unless they produce the means to provide for themselves.

Thus, “From each according to his ability and to each according to his need” becomes the rule, and we’ve gone full circle right back into dictatorship again.

Dictatorial government is the norm. All governments become dictatorial eventually because that’s human nature. We can only live together peacefully for just so long before dissent arises, simply because to us, the status quo is like a black hole where nothing changes and we need constant change.

We’re going to have a Global government, it may be soon, within a few more years, and it will be a total dictatorship. Individual life will become meaningless, disposing of a person will be as momentous as tossing a scrap of paper. With our rapidly advancing technology we will be totally controlled. There will be no dissent allowed.

Those who proudly profess their socialist or communist loyalty today are the laughable faddists of tomorrow, lucky if they’re even remembered as footnotes in history.


Watched an hour-long interview between Tucker Carlson and Elon Musk on Twitter yesterday, it was mostly interesting even though Elon is not a facile speaker. He says “so” and “um” a lot and often drifts back and forth with false starts before finally deciding what it is he really wants to express, and articulating it.

That’s an observation, not a complaint because when he finally does come out with his remarks, whatever they’re about, they’re usually brilliant and informative.

HOWEVER…, when Tucker asked him about the possibility of intelligent alien life, his answer was less than open and honest. First, he claimed that no one knows more about space than him because he’s the current forerunner in space technology. Then he said that he’s never seen anything that would make him think that we’re not alone and thinks humans are unique in the Universe.

He did offer the caveat that the development of conscious awareness must be a natural occurrence wherever life arises. Well, yes, Elon, thanks for that at least because if there’s one thing Elon is not, it’s being the top expert on space, let alone alien life. I’m sure there’s many astronomers who know far more about space than he’ll ever learn.

it was mathematically proven years ago that the Universe has to be teeming with life, and intelligent life, even if you discount the absolutely massive evidence that Earth has been continually visited by non-humans for millennia.

Elon lied but he’s forgiven because I realize he had to. SpaceX gets most of it’s funding from NASA, aka, our government, and our government insists in spite of the overwhelming evidence to the contrary of all the different alien sightings and episodes that have been reported for the past 5000 or so years, that UFO’S are swamp gas. If he wants to keep the funds flowing in to SpaceX, then he has to spout the Official Bullshit.

BUT… the fact that he so readily toed the Official line on this makes me skeptical of his China statements and position. He compromises the truth for the sake of profit. Is he doing that with Twitter too, in spite of his assurances that Twitter will be a bastion of Free Speech?