Let’s Make A Deal is a popular TV show on CBS TV that’s been around since 1963, and it’s also popular with Donald Trump and the Globalists.

I have said REPEATEDLY that the ONLY WAY that Trump would be allowed, repeat, allowed to be president again would be if he made a deal with the Globalists, and now the proof of this is coming in.

I spoke up, repeatedly, when he gave us the evil Dr. Fauci, who pushed the Poison Covid Jab on us along with masks and Social Distancing and was responsible for the forced closures of damn near every business and gathering place in America from cafes to churches, and again when Trump continued praise and push the Poison Jab for MONTHS after most of us knew that it was harmful and he had no excuse at all to not know. He was the President. You’re goddamned right he knew.

Well, here it comes. Trump’s pick for Surgeon General, Janette Nesheiwat, is a Pfizer stooge. She praised Facebook for censoring anti-vaccine comments and wanted other companies to do the same. She praised that evil bastard Fauci: “I have so much respect for Dr. Fauci, his number one concern is patients, not politics.” She wanted everyone to get at least three “Boosters” of this non-vaccine.

Trump has nominated Scott Bissent, a Soros (Globalist) accomplice, Secret Society (Globalist) associate and flaming homosexual who is married to a man, as Treasury Secretary.

I can go on but that’s enough to make it plain that his appointments back up what I keep saying about him and Globalism.


People on news sites frequently ask why Trump keeps saying what he’s going to do well ahead of when he’ll be able to do it.

The answer is that it gives everyone time to prepare defenses against his actions. Mexico is now preparing defenses against Trumps claim that he’s going to deport millions of illegal. They’re building big shelters for these migrants planning to cross our border and even an app for illegals here to alert others and be alerted to potential detainment.

Trump has threatened China with tariffs so China just slapped sanctions on a bunch of American companies to prevent them doing business with China.

These are just the latest examples of the results of him telling everybody what he plans to do. Running his mouth was what got him in the most trouble, last time. This time around he’s not verbally assaulting everyone, at least and the truth is that all these warnings he’s giving out now are helping promote the Globalist agenda.

Warning the illegals serves to separate the gang members from the rest of them, since the focus on the gangs. It’s not all the other illegals that our government really wants gone, it’s the drug gangs, the cartels. As for China, I posted before that there’s been a Globalist shift away from China because the Chinese want to dominate everything, and those sanctions are only a drop in the bucket of the mutual economic attacks that are coming.

Trump and Musk look to be joined at the hip now, and Musk is making some very Globalist moves. The billionaires are worth watching, they know what’s going on and act accordingly.


Merry Christmas, Mr. X, Ernesto and everyone. I hope you and your families enjoy a wonderful Christmas. Even though I’m not a Christian I’ve always loved the Christmas season as the one time of year when most people at least try to be happy, kind to each other and express some generosity. Christmas day for me is the day I roast a turkey and exchange gifts with a few people, and put aside my thoughts about a lot of others. 🙂

I wish you a warm and happy Christmas.

The Black Sheep of Newsbleat


Since today is the Day Before the Day Before, I thought it would be appropriate to discuss something happy and uplifting, like mass extinctions.

The more I read about the hates and rivalries in our world and especially between all the Muslims (though the Christians and other faiths are no slouches either), the more I understand the need for, and Globalist goal of, paring our global population down to no more than a half-billion people. Even that 500 million may be too many.

I was just reading up on the current situation in Syria, and all the murderous rivalries in that small nation, and their relationships to neighboring Islamic nations, their historic connections and tribal connections and family connections and on and on. These people are like the Hatfields and McCoys, only their feuds span many centuries instead of just a few decades, they’re deep and unforgiving, their hates are part of their DNA, and the only way to ever end them is to wipe them all out.

Inevitably, to have a successfully functioning global government, only the more intelligent and useful among us can be allowed to live. It’s a simple truth. A global government will be all-powerful. To maintain this half-billion population level, it will control who lives and who doesn’t and millions of stupid, inbred, violent fanatics won’t be part of the future. No more Islam.

More Happy News here (there’s always a silver lining) is that one result of this culling of humanity will be a serious increase in the average IQ. We will finally stop breeding the bright with the dull, the dull will be gone and our evolution will take another leap upwards. Plus wars will have ended along with poverty, disease will be wiped out and our planet will start regaining at least some of the beauty we’ve trashed. The world will be a much better place with a lot less of us in it. So Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas, and may all you Muslims cease to exist As Soon As Possible.


Years ago, when cars still had steel bumpers instead of plastic and foam crap things, Bumper Stickers were very popular, and for those who had small children, one that said “Baby On Board” became a common sight on rear bumpers, to get people to keep a safe distance.

Soon we began seeing boards with baby dolls nailed to them, in rear windows. The inventive human mind is never one to pass up an opportunity, which naturally brings us to the subject of off-planet colonies.

Also years ago, the math was worked out for Lagrange Points. A Lagrange Point is simply the point of gravitational equilibrium between a planetary body and any other object that orbits it where the orbital speed pulling it away from the body equals the gravitational pull of that body. Centrifugal force versus gravitational pull, in other words.

I bring this matter up because an argument has begun over where our first off-planet colony should be, with some saying that neither the Moon nor Mars are good choices because they have little to no atmosphere or any magnetic field to protect us from deadly cosmic radiation and we’d have to live deep underground all the time.

But Saturn’s largest moon Titan, however, is touted as the best choice because it has an atmosphere that only lacks oxygen to be breathable, (if you don’t mind 5% methane) at a pressure similar to ours, so it’s much more suitable. So they say. Of course, while Mars is 140 million miles away at it’s closest, Titan is over 900 million miles, the temperature on Titan runs about -300 F, and it rains methane, the Sun is a dot in the sky, you would still have to live in massively protective shelters and to get oxygen from water you’d need jackhammers if you could find any because the water would be frozen harder than concrete. What fun, eh? I can see it now, a Disney theme park, McDonald’s Golden Arches, hordes of college kids for Spring Vacation. No? Oh.

Then there’s Lagrange Points. There’s an asteroid belt surrounding Earth that’s loaded with chunks of a planet that never formed, so while compounds may be scarce except for water, elements are abundant and the belt would provide almost limitless building and survival supplies for a colony a short distance away. Aluminum, and hydrogen-rich materials like water and some plastics, work well for space radiation shielding.

Being much closer to Earth than Mars is, mining the Belt from a Lagrange Point colony would be very profitable for them. Over time, the colony can become steadily larger until it resembles a small moon, it’s easy (for me, anyway) to envision “bubbles” of all sizes attached to the main body, air locks in between, surrounding it in layers, as it grows and grows, and each layer adds more protection for the ones inside it.

Moon colonies could provide the raw materials and launching points for Lagrange colonies, and possibly also for Mars, so they might come first.

Elon Musk currently has ten children and wants more, and encourages everyone to keep having lots of children while our planetary population surges to over a monstrous 8 billion people. He’s also the one intent on creating a Mars colony. So, how do you get people willing to go live on Mars? Easy. By making Earth so overpopulated it’s nearly uninhabitable. Oh Elon, you sneaky devil. He’s right, though, people will always migrate away from the less tolerable to the more tolerable. The grass is always greener…

And when lots of those Starships of his begin heading to Mars, no doubt at least a few will have a baby on board.

It’s a Bird, it’s a Plane, NO, it’s a SCHOOLBUS

I mean, come on. First, it was just normal little drones. Then “SOME OF THEM ARE THE SIZE OF CARS!!!!!!”. Now they’re claiming they’re the size of school buses, those big, long, yellow, multi-windowed ones.

Reminds me of a Beatles song, “We all fly the night sky in a yellow school bus”. Well, sort of reminds, anyway. This is just getting stupid and it smacks of an effort to create National Paranoia.

Exactly the same way, EXACTLY, that the Covid scare started out. First there was this terrible awful disease spreading in China that OMIGOD I hope it doesn’t come here, even as the Chinese were paying tens of thousands of them to come here, and then Oh Shit We Have Covid Here, and Fauci and masks and social distancing and FEAR NOT, we are developing poison “vaccines” at lighting speed that won’t be tested first. And everyone ran out and got at least one shot of it.

No one’s buying another disease/vaccine panic, but this is an ALL NEW panic of a whole different kind. Something bad is up, and we’ll unfortunately know soon enough.


The latest theory is that the drones are equipped with radiation detectors and are trying to sniff out radioactive materials at or near military bases.

In other words, they’re looking for planted nuclear weapons. Atomic bombs.

I much prefer the National Happy Drone Owners Association idea of my own, that this is a prank that’s escalated across the country by people with drones. But the problem is, why fly them only at night, but all lit up with lights all over them? Since they’re so visible, why aren’t they being flown in the daytime too? In fact, preferably. That way they won’t bang into buildings.

But my thoughts wander to another possibility. Remember when there was that spate of phony anthrax scares and everyone was so freaked out about terrorist attacks that the Homeland Security Act that took away a bunch of our Constitutional rights was passed without a whimper? And that every single time there’s a bunch of people killed by a maniac with a semi-auto rifle, our gun rights get attacked?

This is a classic scenario as a run-up to some new thing the government wants to either impose on us or take away from us.

We’re being told that our government knows what’s happening and it’s totally harmless, they just don’t want us to know anything about it. That’s even scarier than if they said it was bad shit and it’s Top Secret. If it’s so harmless, then what’s the harm in telling us what’s going on? So ends Chapter 3 of the Drone Saga. Stay tuned.


I’ve been wondering what the details of the schism between those currently in power are, that are behind the change in direction of our government, and while this isn’t likely to be the biggest reason or the only one, it’s certainly one of them.

The only sense it made at all for Joe Biden to be made President was because he would do whatever he was told to do, and that’s certainly true, but it turns out there was another reason. He’s a crook. He aids and abets fraud.

It’s coming to light that he’s allowed a lot of people within various agencies to rob American taxpayers by approving false claims for goods and services and by siphoning off portions of funds paid out as aid to other nations including Ukraine, and of course he and his family are very likely getting a piece of each theft. It’s a Biden Mafia.

For most of the politicians in Congress, it must have been galling to watch this playing out, as much of this graft probably interfered with their goals as Globalists. This would sure help explain at least part of why Donald Trump was allowed to be president again, they need a face in there that represents honesty to go with their shift in direction.

Because of this I’m predicting a move away from the racial disharmony that’s been foisted on us by our government. We may start hearing less Anti-White rhetoric from the MSM and more anti-crime speeches, in harmony with a crackdown on drug cartels and a lot of illegal alien criminal deportations.

Our Globalist government doesn’t want to be seen as a criminal organization and Joe’s son Hunter and the criminal behavior of those two, taking advantage of their positions, must have made a lot of the Elite very unhappy. So of course they worked things out with Trump, to put a much better face on what goes on underneath it.

Nothing in government is ever what it appears to be. Don’t be a believer, don’t be a follower, and never take sides. Always watch with an open mind, never ever get sucked in.