One of the great things about the past is that it’s unchangeable. People will lie about it but what was is still what was, and everything today is on people’s smart phones and the Internet. The past is set in cement.

So, do you remember all the screaming when Trump won in 2016 over Hillary Clinton in spite of all the obvious cheating in her favor? Do you remember the massive vote fraud against him when he went for re-election, the millions of votes that came from nowhere for Joe Biden at 3 in the morning? The many counties that cast more votes for Biden than they had registered voters?

If you do, then you’ve noticed how quiet it is, this time around. No massive voter fraud to elect Harris, when they’ve demonstrated how capable they are of doing so. All they did was to make the election look closer than it really was, so it would seem “fair” and that Harris actually was real competition.

BUT there’s no RIOTS. No BLM, no Antifa. No mobs burning and looting. Why is everything so quiet and peaceful?

It’s because he never would have been elected if they didn’t want him to be, so obviously they did want him to be. Our government is a Uniparty. They do squabble among themselves, but they have an agenda and they follow it. Since Trump was allowed to win another term, it can only mean that either he has agreed to adhere to the agenda OR that they’ll do as they want whether he agrees to it or not.

This means that we’re going to see him signing bills into law over the next four years that promote the Globalist agenda. Remember I said this.


I don’t blue-sky this stuff, it’s always based on what’s happening and obvious trends, along with past history.

Our Congress is two parts, the House and the Senate. The House decides what new laws will be sent to the Senate for them to argue over and vote on, for or against. If it’s For, then the new law is presented to the President to sign into law or to Veto.

If a new law is written that the House doesn’t want passed, it won’t come up for discussion, it will be “tabled” indefinitely and will be forgotten. So for a President to see laws passed that he wants passed, those laws have to clear the House and be approved by the Senate.

The Senate has a “Republican” majority of members, which is still no guarantee that they’ll agree on any particular new law, and they’re STILL COUNTING the votes for 25 of the House seats with no majority yet established. The “Republicans” are only 7 seats ahead. A lot can change.

My prediction is that a lot will change. It’s taking far too long to count these votes and like before, I believe the “Democrats” will somehow “find” more votes to have the majority. Don’t forget that this is actually a Uniparty, both halves of Congress are on the same side, and “Republicans and Democrats” is a facade.

Remember when Nancy Pelosi was House Speaker? She had the power to stop almost everything that Trump tried to do, and she did stop it. House Speaker is the second most powerful person in our government, and decides what gets onto the House floor and what does not.

Also, the Left has been very quiet about this Trump “win” instead of absolutely Freaking Out and throwing fits like they did the first time he was elected in spite of their efforts. That’s too strange to ignore when they’re clearly in full control of our government.

All this tells me that yes, he did make a deal with them as I have said, he gets to be President, the House will control anything excessive he tries to accomplish, he will be the Globalist frontman without appearing to because there’s been agreement within them to modify their past policies, which they can see are not doing what they hoped to accomplish.

For instance, Trump is saying that he’s going to kick all the illegals back out of the country. He can’t and he won’t, it’s an impossible task. What will happen is that a lot of the drug cartel gangs will be imprisoned and the cartels shut down both here and in Mexico, because this is in line with what the Globalists want. To bring Mexico and the USA closer together as friends, to further blur our boundaries, and the cartels are in the way of that. He said he’s going to finish the border wall, and that may happen, it would help in the effort against the cartels.

Everything that a Trump administration accomplishes will be things the Globalists want accomplished or changed. Meanwhile, faith in our government is being restored, which is something very necessary to the Globalists to maintain our obedience. Have you noticed that all those riots have stopped? Where is Antifa? The BLM? Now the problem is drug cartels and illegal immigration. Our government supported Antifa and BLM, but now they’re gone? Now we have government supported illegal immigrants and the cartels that came in with them. You get it? They just keep swapping crises on us.

Keep watching.


The movie where a monkey carrying a deadly disease escaped from a testing lab? Well, GUESS WHAT?

BEAUFORT COUNTY, S.C. (WCSC/Gray News) – Police are searching for 40 primates who escaped a research center in South Carolina. The Yemassee Police Department is working with the staff of Alpha Genesis Primate Research Center to locate the escaped primates.

Residents are advised to keep all doors and windows secured to prevent the primates from entering inside homes. If anyone locates one of the escaped primates, authorities said not to interact with them and instead call 911 immediately.

They aren’t saying if they’re carrying a disease. WHY NOT? If they’re not infected with something, don’t you think they’d be eager to say so?


Those North Korean soldiers are in Ukraine now, fighting for Russia, and it’s a safe bet that thousands more are on their way. If Russia captures Ukraine with their help, do you think they’ll stop there?

Not much chance of that, as this looks like an invasion of Europe starting with the Balkans. I bet that Chinese troops will be added, in N. Korean uniforms, millions of them. So, will NATO step in? Will the EU partners wait until those people are marching in? Is this why Trump was allowed to be President again? To be the convincing frontman for new global policies?

China is our biggest trade partner. With most of Europe as well. North Korea, China and Russia are allies. In fact, China actually owns N. Korea, it just isn’t talked about. Why did they wait to start doing this until right before our “election”? Why wasn’t the election stolen? Just enough cheating was done to make Kamala look like she actually is as popular as they pretended, and no more. Did they make Trump an offer he couldn’t refuse? Of course they did. They already let him know that they’ll kill him, and damn near did once already. Then they had some guy close by, in the bushes, while he was golfing, just to remind him. And his family? They’re easier to reach than he is. And face it, nobody on planet Earth thinks Kamala, that cackling, drunken ninny, could ever pull off a convincing Commander in Chief act. Trump is perfect for the job.

Another possibility is that JD Vance is even more perfect for the job and the plan is to eliminate Trump soon after his inauguration as President. A THIRD possibility is that he’ll be killed right before his inauguration. In that case, and I’m not sure on this but it seems right, but Vance, not also being inaugurated as Vice Pres, would not become President, instead Mike Johnson would because he’s next in line as Speaker of the House. Mike Johnson looks a lot like a Globalist to me.

It seems unlikely to me that this coming war will go nuclear or spread across a lot of land. They don’t want to destroy the environment, they just want to get rid of a lot of excess people, so it might be fought in areas that will accomplish the most death with the least destruction. When the greater part of Earth is brought under control, all the smaller nations will have to submit or be overrun.

Wars always bring pestilence and this would be a great excuse to release a new and deadly disease along with the inevitable famine.

I may be totally wrong about all of this. It just seems to me that too many things align with this scenario to not consider it as a real possibility. But as I’m fond of saying about the future, “We’ll see”.


The Fat Lady hasn’t sung yet, this opera isn’t over. 6 in the morning and Trump’s been declared the winner by all the media and I doubt our Global Media would do that if it’s not true, but all the results aren’t in yet either and right now he actually doesn’t have all the Electoral College votes he needs. This could still go south for him.

But if there isn’t a sudden reversal like last time, then it means he made a deal OR that the next attempt on his life will be successful. Let’s face it, his promise to deport all those millions of illegal migrants that were allowed entry is an impossible one, along with most of his other promises, like ending the Income Tax. Either way, he will be no more in charge than he was the last time. All those changes he tried to make were mostly blocked by Congress. All of Congress.

So we’ll see. The point here is that the Globalists were able to put who they wanted into the White House last time and they’ve had four more years to grow even stronger. They run our government and they run the people they put in front of us that speak for them, and that includes whoever they say is President.

What this tells me, if he really is allowed to stay on as President, is who’s voice came out on top regarding the direction of world government, and why. It’s the major corporations of the world and the billionaires who run them, that are the force of Globalism and they don’t all agree on how things should be done.

I’m pretty sure I know now what the plan is, I was hoping they’d take a certain path and it looks like they are. I’ll save that story for another post, there’s no rush and I want to be sure about it. It was a toss-up whether Trump would cave to them in exchange for getting to be President again and maybe he’ll change his mind once he starts feeling that he’s powerful again. Nothing is set in cement here.


Get ready for the RIP OFF. Washington DC business are BOARDING UP their windows and a second layer of heavy fencing complete with big sharp spikes on it is going up around the White House as I type this.

Why? They’re preparing for riots they expect to happen after the election. Why are they expecting riots?

There’s only one possible reason. Do you think there will be riots if Trump is declared the winner? HELL, NO. Most Americans will be dancing in the streets and shouting hallelujah. But there may be if that cackling piece of shit Kamala Harris is.


Ayatollah Khomeini is a Twelver, his brain is drenched with this insane Twelfth Imam, or Missing Imam stuff, where the imam has to return to usher in a new Islamic Caliphate, which to happen requires a lot of people to die in a short time. It’s what I was told, anyway. My point is that he’s very likely to order a big attack, knowing that the Israeli response will be big in return and very possibly all the US armament that’s moving rapidly into the area will get involved in the mayhem.

Hard to say what’s going to happen. The word is that he’s arranged for attacks to be launched at Israel from Iraq, and who knows who else might get into the act. Israel is surrounded by Muslims who want to erase the country, maybe that crazy bastard in Iran has aces up his sleeves yet.

Isn’t it interesting that all this is happening right at Election time? Hmm?

I have this really strong mental picture of some malignant god hovering over the planet with lots of hands full of little wooden exes, all those strings on them moving people and events.

What the Hell, maybe it won’t happen.


While we wait for the “election” to be over with, let’s talk about something that occurred to me while watching a documentary the other day about Stonehenge and all the other megalithic stone circles in Europe.

What everybody goes on about is how the people managed to transport those great big rocks from far away, and no one ever asks why they were there in the first place, because once it was realized that they were astronomical calendars, that told when the solstices were and so forth, that was the end of it. But I’m more interested in the beginning of it.

We know that Stonehenge started out as wooden posts in the ground, and slowly evolved into being the monster that it is today. That’s how it began, with one person, and this is because someone who lived right there and farmed realized that the sun rose and set more toward the south each day as summer waned toward winter and was lower in the sky each day, and set two stakes in the ground, one day, that aligned with the sunrise, and then did this pretty regularly after that until the shortest day had arrived and the sun started back the other way again.

So of course he then wanted to know the longest day, and eventually it rolled around in June. Now he had a stake by itself set off from an line of stakes that aligned with where the sun would be for every day of the year and the two end ones were the most important because they were the solstices.

Then there were the stars, that moved in a circle at night. They needed to be kept track of too, because they changed position in the night sky as the seasons changed, they rose up and moved downward. So the line of stakes became an arc, this way the constellations could be tracked, and the arc became a circle so that not only the repeating six-month cycle could be followed but it could also be coordinated with the motions of the stars.

This was a wonderful tool for this clever farmer, now he knew in advance what to expect from the weather, when planting time was coming, and more exactly when harvest time was near, he no longer had to guess by the clouds in the sky and the increasing coldness in the morning.

It wasn’t long before all his neighbors realized the value of what he had and began visiting him regularly to consult about what the weather might be doing, and they decided to help make his wonderful calendar more permanent than just rotting stakes in the ground. So they brought stones to replace the stakes, and over time the stones were not only replaced with larger and larger ones, but more stakes and more stones were added as both knowledge and the population grew, which in large part was because of the farming success granted by the knowledge that was gained.

Word spread, and other communities began building their own stone circles so they could also have this tool close to home, and these stone circles became gathering places for celebrations, especially at harvest time. They became extremely important to farming communities, they became vital to survival.

It soon became the job of one or a few people to exclusively keep track of each day as compared to the previous years, was it warm on that day last year, and the previous years, did it rain and so on, and by comparing the weather over the years, seasonal trends could be followed. Farmers could be warned that it might snow in a week or there might be a dry spell. These people would have been extremely important, revered, protected and supported by their communities. They were the weathermen.

This is why Europe is covered with about 35,000 stone circles. This is why they evolved from posts in the ground to permanent structures with huge stones often carried long distances. Not because they’re astronomical observatories, which most of them also certainly are, but because of their practical application and their importance to their local communities. The largest stones would have been erected by the largest communities, and that allows us to infer population numbers. Likewise the largest, most elaborate circles.

It would have been an honor to be part of building a new stone circle, the men and women both would have gladly joined in. So that answers the secret of where the workforce came from, it came from everywhere, and willingly and was no doubt done over a period of years. Each year, a goal of so many great stones, even if it was just one a year, to build the new circle that would replace the old small one, that they would be proud of. It was even a status symbol for their community.

This level of knowledge wasn’t passed by word of mouth, there had to be schools where the movements of the sun and stars were taught, along with the lore of past weather events on past days of past years. People wonder what the runes carved into these stones meant. What about runes for Rain, Snow, Hail, Wind? They had to have record keeping because these circles were in use for at least 2000 years. I would guess that the records were marks on flat pieces of wood or parchment, which would explain why none exist now. At one time though, there must have been quite a few places across Europe where these records were stored.

The history of Man is not such a great mystery. Our scientists refuse to accept what they can’t prove and so, keep a dark shroud over our past as if it belonged to them, but what’s obvious is obvious and when you have enough facts, the rest can be assembled from inference simply because we humans aren’t space aliens, we’re us, and we always act in certain ways.


If the coming presidential election is stolen again and the US gets a Harris-Walz puppet administration, it will mean that the Globalist power struggle between opposing factions in the US will have been won by the more radical of the two. This is because Harris has openly sided strongly with Hamas and Hezbollah and against Israel.

That means that the support of Israel will be lessened, forcing Israel to ignore increasing US demands to let Iran’s proxies regain power within their country. Ultimately, all the surrounding Islamic states will join in attacking Israel and at that point, Israel will use her nuclear weapons to defend herself. There will be no other choice.

This is clear to me, so it must be clear to all those involved in planning the future, and the possibility occurred to me that this could be a factor in deciding who will be selected as the “winner” in the election. Maybe. Maybe not. But to think that Muslim leaders can be controlled and their actions predicted is foolish, just as it’s foolish to think that Israel will not do what it has to, to protect it’s existence.

Everyone agrees that nuclear war must not be allowed to happen, and the chance of it erupting is low, in my opinion. Eight more days and we’ll know which way the wind blows.