I don’t think Trump will live much longer. Just my thoughts. I didn’t bother watching the so-called “debate” debacle because it’s bullshit, US so-called “politics” are a fraud, and I knew this debate would not be even slightly fair, which it wasn’t. It was entirely geared to make Trump look as bad as possible and it succeeded. I watched about two minutes of a link to it, tonight, that was enough.

My thoughts are that if they can make him look bad enough and that cackling jackass alcoholic good enough, they won’t need to kill him before the fake election, but just put him in prison after it and “Epstein” him shortly after he gets there.

Donald Trump has the majority behind him though, and their efforts may fail, in which case, they might bump him off with another assassination try. I don’t think they’ll miss, a second time.


It’s another September 11th. Another affirmation of lies, another celebration of death and deceit, another repetition of a false story.

It’s true that a group of Muslims hijacked four commercial aircraft and used them as suicide bombs to attack the USA with, and that nearly 3000 people died because of it. But pretty much the rest of the story we’re told is a pack of lies.

15 of the hijackers were Saudi Arabians. Osama bin Laden was Saudi also, from a very wealthy and high ranking family with the Saud Royal Family. At the time of the attack, members of the Saud Royal Family and bin Laden family were being entertained at the Texas ranch of President Bush. After the attack hit the news, they were put on a private flight to Miami and from there, back home to Saudi Arabia.

There were various documented reports of this online, 23 years ago, which I referenced in my blog back then, but all have been been scrubbed from the Internet since then, or I would link to them now. Still, new evidence keeps coming to light proving that the highest levels of the Saudi government were involved in the attack.

From The Atlantic: “A new filing in a lawsuit brought by the families of 9/11 victims against the government of Saudi Arabia alleges that al-Qaeda had significant, indeed decisive, state support for its attacks. Officials of the Saudi government, the plaintiffs’ attorneys contend, formed and operated a network inside the United States that provided crucial assistance to the first cohort of 9/11 hijackers to enter the country.”

“The 71-page document, released in redacted form earlier this month, summarizes what the plaintiffs say they’ve learned through the evidence obtained in discovery and recently declassified materials. They allege that Saudi officials—most notably Fahad al-Thumairy, an imam at a Los Angeles mosque and an accredited diplomat at Saudi Arabia’s consulate in that city, and Omar al-Bayoumi, who masqueraded as a graduate student but was identified by the FBI as an intelligence operative—were not rogue operators but rather the front end of a conspiracy that included the Saudi embassy in Washington and senior government officials in Riyadh.”

After the attack, “Bush addressed the nation from the Oval Office in a speech that laid out a key doctrine of his administration’s future foreign policy: “We will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them.” This sudden change in policy paved the way for the attack on Iraq that halted their oil production, raising global oil prices and greatly increasing Saudi oil profits while eliminating a competitor. The excuse for the attack was that Saddam Hussein, Iraq’s dictator, had weapons of mass destruction he planned to use against the USA. It was a lie, he had nothing of the sort.

What is not a lie is that the Bush oil family had long been deeply in bed with the Saudis and the Royal Family. It’s not a lie that outrageous acts are deliberately committed or allowed to happen when they could be prevented, because they serve the hidden purposes of governments or their leaders.

The purpose of the attack by Saudi Arabia on America was arranged by them to enable George W. Bush to attack Iraq, through having a now willing, united and enraged America. 3000 people were sacrificed to achieve this and many more have died since from illnesses that resulted from the massive pollution. It was all blamed on the people of Afghanistan because that’s where Osama was living, so we sent troops there to kill and to die and spent vast sums of money doing it even as we ravaged Iraq and tore their nation to pieces to control their oil production. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis died.

The fortune spent by the US government was money from taxes and tariffs, and spent on makers of war machines who rewarded certain people in government very handsomely for being given the contracts. Those of you who wonder how elected officials get so rich in office, that’s how. “Never let a serious crisis go to waste”. A lot of rich people became a lot richer as the result of the 9/11 attack while the Saudi government gained dramatically in power and wealth, and the problem of Islamic migration and it’s accompanying acts of terrorism increased.

The 9/11 attack was Saudi Arabia announcing their presence to the world as a new conqueror, with the willing collusion of our president and our Congress, whose only concern was how rich they might get by going along with it. This is what we celebrate with our yearly remembrances and memorials. Not an attack by a bunch of fanatic terrorists but a vast and successful conspiracy to increase Saudi power and wealth.


The German newspaper BILD has published a document they say was found on Hamas terrorist leader Yahya Sinwar’s computer that sheds light on the organization’s negotiation strategy, including psychological torture of hostage families.

It’s the final line of the report on this document that got my full attention, which is “BILD adds that the document makes no reference to the Philadelphi Corridor, despite it being a key sticking point in ongoing negotiations. “If it’s so crucial, it’s very strange it wasn’t included in the document“.

Yes, it is very strange. Could it be that Hamas is being so loud about this strip of land between Egypt and the Gaza Strip simply as a diversion? From what? The IDF says that there’s more tunnels to be found yet, and estimates are from 50% to 80% have been destroyed. Some of these tunnels are pretty deep into the earth, so, what if there’s a few really massive ones that reach well into Egypt, that could quickly re-supply Hamas once the war ends?

They wouldn’t want to chance using them now while IDF surveillance and soldiers are all over the place, and their current tactic seems to be to just keep fighting and prolonging this as long as possible to tire Israel out and use up their resources. What will stop them is a full military occupation of the Gaza Strip, which is the only way to prevent Hamas from re-forming and rebuilding, and what I fully expect Israel to implement.

Back to Diversion Tactics… Israel is being treated as the Center Of The Universe over their little war with Hamas when the US and the NATO nations are actively involved in helping Ukraine battle Russia, even as Ukraine forces are now well inside Russia and their drones are starting to batter the hell out of Russian infrastructure and aircraft.

So, could it be that the war in Israel is being prolonged to maintain a diversion from the much more globally important war going on in Russia/Ukraine? Is this the deal that the US and Israel have worked out? That the US, France and UK keep Israel supplied with arms and munitions, which they do pay for, in exchange for slowing down the defeat of Hamas? So most world attention will be focused on them?

Keeping that attention is easy to accomplish because most of the UN is run by Arab Muslims now, who hate the Jews and are happy to see lots of negative publicity directed toward them over “the unfortunate plight of the Palestinians”. They’re behind all the funding and organizing of all the protests against the war, and all the anti-Semitism.

While the small war does have large consequences, the big war in Ukraine has far more, because it’s steadily expanding as the USA and NATO become more involved.

The focus of the Leftist Main Stream Media will always point us toward what they want us to see instead of what we should be looking at. Be wary of what they say is important, it’s what they say little about that we need to pay more attention to.


Each little spot, square, circle, brown, red, yellow, green, represents a SANCTUARY in the USA where illegals can live and stay without fear of being deported, no matter what terrible crimes they commit, including murder.

Many of these are major cities like San Francisco, Chicago, Seattle. The different colors represent what it is, an entire city, an entire county of cities, and so on. Just refer to the legend in the upper right corner.

Illegal aliens, formerly called “undocumented migrants” and now just called migrants, and soon to be called Citizens, are the pampered guests of our government, given assisted, aided and abetted entry to our nation and preferential treatment over our own poorer citizens.

They’re handed welfare checks, food stamps and a free place to live, given free driver’s licenses and registered to vote, so that they’ll all vote Democrat, and most of them do even though there’s no apparent point to swelling our numbers like this at all except that it helps make it look a little more legitimate when another election is stolen.

Bringing millions of these people in, in such a hurry, is costing our government a fortune and using the excuse that they’re needed to vote Democrat to sway the elections just doesn’t hold water. They already control the elections.

The migrants are forming armed gangs in these sanctuary cities where the US citizens aren’t allowed to carry firearms, either concealed or openly, so they can’t defend themselves when attacked by the gangs and are robbed of their possessions and forced out of their homes. The police won’t come to their aid because they’re forbidden to arrest the migrants.

Allowing this to continue would ultimately end in anarchy and the collapse of the country but I don’t believe it will come to that. I think the real goal of letting our nation decay in this manner is to provide the excuse to create a permanent Martial Law condition, to take over and establish a police state.

Why else bring in millions of unvetted foreigners and allow them free rein to roam the country, feed them, house them, protect them from prosecution, refuse to deport them no matter what they do, prevent the police from arresting them….. You’d have to be an idiot not to see what will come of this.

The story about all those bikers going to Aurora, Colorado to fight a Venezuelan gang may be false. Even if it is, it’s a prophecy of the future.


Just spend several hours searching Amazon, Walmart and the other big online retailers for a good recliner chair. It didn’t take long before my personal preference list was shortened to just a few things. Price, seat depth, and decent reviews. That’s because all of them are made overseas now and each and every one is a piece of shoddy shit. If you don’t believe me, go look at reviews for these, yourself.

On Amazon and Walmart you see this line of stars where the reviews are, and most of them have 4 stars or less. 4 stars is what they say is the average of all the reviews. The very ROUGH average. The actual percentage of 5 star reviews runs 50 to 60 percent on pretty much all of them, and the 1 star reviews are 10% or more. A good product should have at least 80% 5 stars and no more than 2% 1 star. If these were all made in the USA, most of them would be rated like that.

Anything under $300 will fall apart in months, and even the ones insanely priced at $1200 and higher still have poor reviews for bad parts, bad construction, this, that and the other failure. They do have good reviews with the bad, it’s the percentage of each that makes the difference on deciding which to buy, and after looking at hundreds of them and reading their claims, I’ve decided not to buy any of them.

Even if I did find one that fit my needs, was priced fairly and had good reviews, there’s always the cancer thing. Every single listing included a warning that “This product has cancer causing chemicals”. How do they get away with selling something to us that can give us cancer? Follow the $$$$$$$$$.

Maybe I’ll get lucky and find a good American made recliner in some used furniture store. Wish me good luck.


Migrant gangs of Venezuelan thugs that have been allowed to come in and raise Hell are about to go there. To Hell, that is. A bunch of them have moved into Aurora, Colorado and taken over a number of apartment buildings there by force and the police of Colorado are doing nothing about it.

So for reasons unknown to me, the Hell’s Angels Motorcycle Club decided that if the cops aren’t going to protect the people of Aurora, they are, and hundreds, maybe thousands of them are heading to Aurora to kick the Venezuelans out.

They’ll have guns, knives, clubs, chains, blackjacks and no doubt tasers and pepper spray, maybe a few hand grenades and other useful explosives, like sticks of dynamite and probably some pipe bombs, and they’ll use them if they have to and even if they don’t if it looks like a fun moment thing to do.

SO OF COURSE the CIA, FBI and a half dozen other alphabet agencies will be there to confront the Hell’s Angels and harass them, arrest them, maybe shoot a few of them dead, because God Forbid they allow those poor innocent Venezuelan immigrants to be discriminated against.

And if you don’t think the Hell’s Angels will fight back, think again. The CIA and FBI will be hoping they do and will be prepared to kill lots of them as soon as they start, you watch. They sure as hell won’t be there to stop them and the Venezuelans from killing each other, not a chance. They’re going there to kill Hell’s Angels.

I personally hope the Alphabet People screw this totally up, get there a day late or whatever works to keep them out of the picture long enough for the Hell’s Angels MC to do their job. However this goes down, it’s definitely going to be the top story in the evening news soon.


See? This stuff is all over the Internet. Try to imagine in your wildest nightmares that Kamala Harris actually has a snowball’s chance in Hell of winning a fair and honest presidential election. Can you? Of course not.

Yet the propaganda is universal that not only does she have an even chance of beating Trump, but that she’s actually ahead in many states.

She will not be elected president by popular vote. She will be appointed by those who now govern the country. I keep telling you, Donald Trump will not be president. The “elections” are the same here as they are in Brazil, frauds, bread and circuses, distractions to keep the public from looking at what’s really going on, which is that the nation is now in the grip of a dictatorship.


Have you watched any of the new AI videos? Can you tell that they’re not real videos of real people and events? I can’t, unless the scenes portrayed are too unlikely to be real, like the Pope shooting a nun with a flamethrower.

I said a year ago that AI was going to put real actors out of business and it’s coming true. AI can create new actors that people won’t know don’t really exist, popular, successful movies can be made with them, and studios won’t be paying actors millions of dollars to perform, anymore.

Script writers won’t be needed, a good AI computer can create the story line, write the script, make the whole movie and do it in 3-D for the cost of the electricity. People will put on their video goggles or helmets or whatever and immerse themselves in fantasy worlds. Video addiction will become a global problem because the videos will be designed to captivate us and hold our attention for as long as possible. This is exactly what MMOGs, online games like World of Warcraft, do now and have been doing since their inception. AI will just take it further.

Robotics is keeping pace with AI, robots are getting more capable all the time, as are humanoid robots, and becoming more intelligent as their AI brains advance in capability. The fact that they’re connected to the Internet and can think much faster than humans at the same time they can access vastly more information and make decisions based on it can be a huge boon to humanity or the end of humanity.

AI is going to run battlefields. AI generals will plot attacks and defenses against enemy AI armies. War is going to devolve into a video game played out in real life on our land and in our cities if we don’t eliminate the reasons for wars, because as long as we have rival nations we will have wars.

Elon Musk, the current developer of what many are calling the most advanced AI yet, warns that AI’s potential to surpass human intelligence poses an unpredictable and potentially catastrophic risk. There’s a real risk of humanity losing control over AI systems, with AI acting in ways not aligned with human safety or values.

The problem is that it’s humans who program AI and teach it it’s thought patterns, create and develop it’s decision making processes. The movie “Space Odyssey” nicely demonstrated this weakness. Someone asked “Hal”, the onboard computer, a question that created a train of thought which grew into paranoia and ended with fear of humans, so Hal shut off the life support systems in the ship to all the humans. It was only a movie, but that was a clear statement that an AI intelligence can only be as sane as the people who build it.

If you trust human sanity, good luck. I don’t. Because already they’re trying to create AI that has emotions. Can AI have happiness without unhappiness? Joy without rage? Just how human do we want to make our potential replacements?


I had a friend for many years that was like a brother. I thought so, anyway. I loved him like a brother, trusted him completely, knew that he’d never lie to me or do me wrong in any way.

Then he had a stroke.

He lost some strength in his right side and his speech was a little slurred, but he recovered pretty quickly and after about a month he could drive his car again and talked pretty normally again.

He’d planned on coming out to visit me last May and by the time May rolled around he was in pretty good shape again, and made the trip, by taking a Greyhound bus. We sat out on the front deck at the patio table and barbecued up steaks and chicken and were swapping stories, and that’s when I realized a few things.

One was that he’d lost a lot of memory from having that stroke. It wiped out a bunch of his memories. Another thing I realized as I listened to him talk about the things he did remember, was that back many years ago, he’d cheated me on a business deal and lied to me. A lot. He’d forgotten that he wasn’t supposed to tell me the things he did.

While he was here, he was rude to me, tried to order me around in my own home, and insulted me without even seeming to notice he was doing it. He treated me with contempt, because that was how he really felt about me. Only he’d kept it hidden all these years.

And that’s when the final realization hit me, that I didn’t know this guy. The guy I knew was killed by that stroke, and I’ll tell you, I would have been happier if I’d never found out how he really felt about me.

He left, took the bus back home, I’ll never see him again and don’t want to. After telling him how much he’s changed and how badly he behaved, he doesn’t want to see me again either, so that worked out okay. That stroke caused him to blow his act, and it’s always better to know who your friends really are than to think they are what they’re not.

I had no idea that strokes changed your personality like that. If it happened to me it might not make much difference because I treat my friends exactly as I feel about them and think of them, I never try to take advantage of them, and I say what I think. But the idea of having my brain rearranged so that I become some kind of abusive, manipulative jerk is repulsive to me. If I should ever have a stroke, the reader has my permission to shoot me. But not until then.


At last Boeing and NASA threw in the towel and agreed to have SpaceX bring back the two stranded astronauts who were only supposed to be aboard the Int’l. Space station for 8 days. As it is, they’re still going to be there a total of 8 months according to BBC News.

SpaceX will launch a crew capsule there this coming September with only 2 of the planned astronauts aboard instead of 4. Then, when their mission is complete in February, they and the 2 stranded astronauts will return together in the SpaceX capsule.

When the NASA contracts were handed out to Boeing and SpaceX for transporting astronauts to and from the Space Station, Boeing received $4.2 billion while SpaceX got $2.6 billion. Since then, SpaceX has completed nine crewed missions for NASA while Boeing has yet to finish one. It’s no wonder NASA has waited so long hoping Boeing would fix their problems, as this must be very embarrassing for them. But it became obvious that a safe return, even in rocketry terms, wasn’t going to happen for the stranded astronauts in that defective Boeing capsule.

Boeing’s been getting a lot of bad press lately for aircraft engine problems when they don’t make the engines and maintenance problems that are the responsibility of those who bought the aircraft. But this is on them. They sent two people into space apparently as a test of the space capsule. This was the very first crewed mission and the previous tests also suffered thruster problems, as this one does. They nearly got them killed and are unable after months of trying, to bring them back.

SpaceX leads the world in rocketry. Reusable first stages that land on floating bullseyes are unparalleled, they’ve built the largest, most powerful and most reliable engines yet, and it looks like their Starship will be landing on the Moon before much longer. Time for NASA to put the money where it’s best used.