It all depends on who is right and possibly we both are, those few like me who are certain that the Big Bang Theory remains only a theory and not a proven fact, and those who treat that theory as if it were True Fact.

The Big Bang Theory says that all matter in our universe came into being in one single instant, from one single point in space, and spread out, formed atoms, atoms formed stars, the stars formed galaxies, and yatta yatta.

Now some scientists have proven what I’ve said all along, and eminent scientists of 70 years ago have also proposed including the founder of Quantum Physics, which is that matter is created from nothing.

Our universe is steadily expanding, and at an increasingly faster rate as you get toward the outer edges of it. If it were created in a Big Bang some 13 billion years ago as the theory says, then the expansion should have been steadily slowing down after the initial explosion because of collisions and the central pull of gravity. But it’s not, it’s expanding faster, and one thing that could be causing that would the continuing creation of matter.

Why? Because when matter is created it comes as pairs of matter and antimatter particles and when these get together they explode, they release all their combined energy, creating an outward force, repelling other matter away. Why we end up with more matter than antimatter, I don’t know, not being a quantum physicist, but probably because this collision of the two unstable particles creates a new stable particle.

This would explain the expansion of the Universe as well as prove that it is self-creating, that it didn’t start 13 billion years ago but may have always existed.

It makes sense that matter is created from nothing because matter itself is composed of nothing. A basic atom is one proton and one neutron joined together with one electron revolving around it and resembles in actual terms of separation distance, the Earth and Moon. Atoms are almost entirely empty space. The particles themselves can be broken down into smaller particles that can be broken down and so on until you end up with nothing. Literally, all matter is composed of energy, and energy is Nothing, In Motion.


The Moo Slimes over in Lebanon, that call themselves Hezbollah, which means “Licks Camel Balls”, have decided that they should be given part of the big natural gas field the Israelis have discovered inside Israel’s exclusive economic zone and they’re going to attack Israel if they don’t cave in and give them a chunk.

My natural tendency would be to tell them to go ahead and attack, Israel would love an excuse to conquer Lebanon and annex the country as part of Israel the way they took the Golan Heights from Syria.

These terrorist fuckers are off to a bad start just being Muslims. They aren’t raised to have good sense or to know when to shut up, because they’re Muslims. They’re taught absolute shit from birth, so when Israel tells them to Suck It, they probably will attack. They’re that stupid. Muslims are so inbred and have so much sex with goats that it’s become hard to tell the goats from the Muslims.

Anyway, I hope they do start a war with the Jews, I’m tired of hearing about those assholes always making trouble and it’s time they were all given a lovely mass burial. Praise Allah, Piss Be Upon Him, or is that Mohammad the Pedo you say that about?

UPDATE: Armenia and Azerbaijan are in heavy fighting and this may become a full blown war between them pretty quick. Armenia is Christian, Azerbaijan is Muslime. Russia and Turkey may side with Armenia, Iran may side with Azerbaijan. Mickey Mouse may hit on Daisy Duck. What the fuck is going on?


In my school days the teachers used to talk a lot about the Learning Curve, which was a line on a chart that showed if students were falling behind or getting ahead.

In terms of learning how to live within the means of our planet, most of humanity fell behind, including most of the leaders of our planet, and did so for a long time.

That’s ended, at least for most of the “Elite”, the wealthier and much more privileged among us which includes most of the billionaires, Presidents and Prime Ministers of the world.

What prompted this little post was an article link “When people pay for food before they can pay for heat, the system is obviously failing”. Well, the system is failing on purpose, deliberately, and the reason is because if we wait for it to fail of its own weight, if we wait for it to collapse because we’ve bled the planet dry, then it will be too late for all of us including all those rich privileged people, and that’s the last thing they want.

So they’re making the system fail before the weight of excess humanity crushes it. That’s the part you don’t read about in the news and that’s why it’s failing. I’ve been banging away at this subject for years, warning people that there’s too many of us and excess population will bring disaster. Most people either ignored me or told me there was lots of room for billions more people. That only proves to me how stupid most people really are. You can’t keep shitting where you live and expect to stay clean and healthy. All the homeless camps, the tens of thousands of people living on the sidewalks of San Francisco and shitting in doorways and in the streets, as just one example, should have woken us all up a long time ago.

Well, it woke up the Elite and now they’re doing something about it. They’re getting rid of most of us, to save the planet and to save themselves. Who can blame them? It’s past time to get rid of the ghettos, filth and squalor and clean the place up.


As an American citizen I should have a reasonable expectation that the President of my country would behave with respect for the great office of President. I have a right to expect any President we elect to refrain from profanity and abusive language.

Which is why I was disgusted with Donald Trump’s behavior as President and why I’m still disgusted with his behavior. For instance, this headline:

“Donald Trump: “Weirdo” Mark Zuckerberg “Kissed My Ass” at White House Dinner”.

It wouldn’t surprise me if Zuckerberg did behave obsequiously to Trump, but there’s NO NEED TO SAY SO. It’s his constant sniping and insulting others that quickly became an embarrassment to our nation and while the theft of the election was criminal and the installation of Joe Biden is even more of an embarrassment and a national disaster as well, I do not miss Trump’s gaping mouth.


So many of the pieces to the global puzzle have been put in place and exposed to daylight now that it’s plain to see what is going on with our world.

The global economy is being steadily destroyed through the use of the scam pandemic with it’s lockdowns, the deliberate snarling of international shipping and resultant clogging of the world’s ports, the fighting going on in Ukraine that has conveniently disrupted the exporting of fertilizers, resulting in smaller crops this year and even smaller ones next year, which will result in less shipping, less food production, fewer jobs, increased poverty and severe starvation is some of the countries that are poor to begin with.

All this is being orchestrated like a complex work of music, and plays out like a grand global symphony. There are the side riffs, the trills of Trans-genderism, the Woke teachings to children, the Drag Days in Kindergarten classes, the nutty Gender Pronoun fad, all of which do their part to spread greater confusion and rip more holes in the social fabric of nations.

Add in the deep low rumbling tones of the Fear Campaign, another Disease Pandemic is waiting just around the corner, another New Disease, another New Vaccine, War is coming, Civil War is coming, Food Shortages are coming, Power Shortages are coming and Inflation IS SKYROCKETING. (Crashing cymbal crescendo).

The collapse of the Chinese economy is almost a symphony in itself, with all the parts that make up the whole cause of it. Africa is falling apart. Negroes there are of low intelligence generally, and very violent. It doesn’t take much for a government to fall apart there. The Chinese have invested very heavily in Africa, trying to own as much of the infrastructure and resources as they can steal, but all that will be a loss when Africa collapses in a massive orgy of tribal slaughter and the spreading of diseases. Africa has always been a great source of terrible diseases.

Then over all of this are the “vaccinations” of unknown substances that have been given to 70% of all Earth’s peoples and are designed to kill them all, according to the best opinions of Earth’s best doctors.

What sound would that make in our symphony? Since it’s the most enduring part of this long piece of music, I think it would be the theme, the recurring notes that tie the piece together.

This composition won’t finish with a drumroll or blare of clarinets. No, this performance will simply fade away, the notes falling away, trailing off, until there’s just silence.


“Users can pay for groceries or a pumpkin spice latte with just 25 percent down, and the remaining 75 percent split into four payments over the following six weeks,” writes Jarryd Jaeger for The Post Millennial.” These little quick-loans are supposed to be interest free but there’s FEES and CHARGES that will increase the cost dramatically the more you borrow and the longer you take to pay it all back.

The article quoted here says that twice as many Americans are taking out these grocery-counter quick loans to pay for their food as they did last year. This tells us a lot of things about the state of our economy.

First is that the people doing this are probably unemployed or are only working part time and at minimum wage jobs. Second is that this sort of thing always escalates. When you have to buy FOOD with a loan, that means you’re broke. Out of money. You can’t pay your utility bills, you can’t buy gas for your car. You’re broke. Because people will always pay for food before they pay for anything else.

People won’t do this just once. They don’t have to make the first payment for 10 days and meanwhile it’s like having another credit card to charge on, and over that ten days they’ll buy a lot more stuff, thinking that they don’t have to pay for it right away. But soon the payments are more money than they can pay, they miss payments or do partial payments and the credit line is shut off until they can pay it up. Then the grocery store giving them this credit will only accept cash from them.

The more people do this, the bigger a debt the American public carries generally and the bigger a loss businesses will take when this house of cards collapses because most of these people will have built up a much larger debt than they could pay.

If all the major grocery stores sell for 25% of value with the rest on credit and no one pays off the balances, the grocery stores will all go out of business. Then where will people buy food? Hmmm?

If some of the public can’t pay their food bills, what happens to them is that their credit is revoked and the only way they can get any food now is to either pay cash or to steal it. We may be seeing a lot of starving Americans, grocery store robberies, all sorts of other robberies, another reason for violent crime to increase, murders, riots…

Are you starting to see just how bad this really is? Buy now, pay later is not okay, it’s dangerous as hell. Now is not the time to start extending short term credit to the public at large, it’s the worst time. This sort of thing works when we’re all working, and prosperous. Not now when unemployment is high and we’re reeling under the influx of millions of illegals.


With the Chinese moon expeditions, flying over the side of the Moon we never see from Earth, taking lots of pictures, and their rover taking pictures, along with our own flyover photography of the Dark side, there’s been a lot of talk about anomalous objects over there. Like Moon bases. There’s a lot of evidence, or at least apparent evidence, that’s pretty hard to explain. Official photos that show obvious retouching and smudging out of portions, for instance. Others that show really odd structures.

Meanwhile our own government has admitted that UFOs are being seen literally everywhere now. The number of sightings has skyrocketed, there’s US military videos of them performing feats impossible with our technology, of them flying straight down into the ocean and so on.

So the idea of them having bases on the backside of our moon doesn’t seem as ridiculous as it once did.

And this brings me to the Globalists. They want to get rid of most of us, reduce our population to a 16th of what it is today. It occurs to me that this would make room for a lot of aliens.

Who are the Globalists, really? How is it that they’re suddenly able to promote a global pandemic and convince the majority of us to take a shot that is designed to kill us, and get world governments to go along with this? And why is this happening at the same time that our planet is being swarmed with UFOs?

I’m not that big on coincidences. I don’t believe that it’s possible for most of the world’s governments to buy into this pandemic at face value and then force their citizens to take an injection that hasn’t received any safety testing, unless all those national leaders were controlled. When Pres. Trump was on TV introducing Drs. Fauci and Birx, his body english was all wrong for the situation. It wasn’t anger or fear, it was much more like he was performing an act instead of being real. That has always bothered me. He was putting on a show that he didn’t want to put on, he was hiding things.

Another “coincidence” is that almost everyone has a smartphone now and China uses them to dominate the people through the use of Social Credits. No one can buy, sell, rent a home, travel or do much of anything without a Green light for Social Credit. Literally. If their rating turns Red, they’re likely to starve to death. European nations and the USA want to adopt this system.

Just think how handy that would be for an alien race that wanted to keep us controlled. This is conjecture, but not just conjecture. Records of alien visitation go back thousands of years, there’s even cave paintings of UFO’s and aliens.

Our government has spent a huge amount of money and put out a massive effort to convince us ever since the late 1940’s that UFO’s were nothing but “swamp gas”. Why are they working so hard to hide the truth? Why does the Covid “vaccine” change our DNA? Why are children being encouraged to make themselves sterile?


The truth about the so-called “vaccines” for Covid19 keeps coming out, a new report about the harm it does and the lies to cover that up just came out of Israel.

By now it’s plain to us all what the plan was. First, spread a disease worldwide and then claim that it’s killing everybody. Create a global panic. Then offer a vaccine for the new disease that will keep everyone safe.

Now we know the true reality of this plan is that the disease is actually very mild and the deaths attributed to it were caused by influenza and other causes and increased by using Remdesiver, a dangerous drug that harms the patient, and using intubation with ventilation machines, a very dangerous procedure that most die from.

Then inject everyone with a chemical stew that causes massive blood clots and a wide variety of serious medical problems including heart attacks and strokes, and slowly but inexorably destroys the immune system the way AIDS does, so that if a person doesn’t die of one of the other problems, they die of cancers and common diseases their bodies can no longer fight off.

About 70% of all humanity has now been injected with this poison and if some of our top virologists are to be believed, every single person who’s had just one injection will die of it. Those who have had more than one will die sooner, and they are.

For months now we’ve been told there’s a form of Covid19 called “Long Covid” because people have symptoms they can’t shake off. This name is a LIE. What it really is, is problems caused by the “vaccine” itself.

The push is on to get rid of humans any way possible short of global war and maybe that way too, and something that stick in my mind is one doctor’s claim that the Mrna in this stuff permanently changes our DNA, and that this change is passed on to our children. Within a few generations, everyone on Earth will have this DNA change. I would like to know, exactly what is this change?


Ignorance is the normal human condition. Most of what we think we know, we don’t know. We just believe things and convince ourselves they’re true because that’s just the easiest way and anyone can do it.

Pope Francis has called the College of Cardinals to the Vatican to work out the details of the new constitution for the Roman Curia, the government of the Vatican. The Pope is a Communist and the new constitution is going to change a lot of things, like what they’re supposed to believe, maybe. He is also supposed to be the very last Pope according to the predictions of St. Malachy, if you believe in predictions.

There are about 1.3 billion Catholic believers and about 2 billion Christians overall if you call Catholics Christians, which I don’t, personally. Christianity was a Jewish religious cult that was hijacked by the Romans and turned into the Pedophilic Priesthood that it is today. When Jesus said “suffer the young children to come unto me” I’m pretty sure he didn’t mean so they could be raped.

2 billion people is 25% of all of us and a lot of believers in the impossible, but it’s like a bridge club or a gardening society, people have a need to form groups that focus on a specific topic, and for popularity, the idea of rebirth in some Heaven after you die is pretty appealing to just about everyone.

Since the Globalists want to reduce humanity down to .5 billion from 8 billion, that means 7.5 billion must die and I wonder if getting rid of all the religious people might not be the first goal. There’s also about 1.5 billion or so Muslims and 1.2 billion Hindus. At a guess, another .5 billion for all the other faiths, totaling 5.2 billion True Believers.

The only way I can see, short of global war with A-Bombs, Nerve Gas and Germ Warfare, to get rid of so many people quickly is to starve them all to death. Nothing messes with the immune system more than starvation, it leaves you wide open to all sorts of ordinary diseases, and we keep getting new ones.

We keep hearing about food shortages. What I see in reality is rising prices. Those who will suffer from poor nutrition are the ones who can’t pay those prices, they’re the ones who will starve to death. It’s happening in Africa once again, as it ever does. Africa has 1.4 billion people. With all the diseases rampant on that continent, it would be easy to add a few new ones while starving them all, and wipe them all out.

With Africans starving to death by the millions as an example of a supposed food shortage, it would be easy to convince the rest of us that there really is a food shortage and justify huge price increases in groceries. We believe so easily. We have Faith and meanwhile a lot of people are working very hard to make sure that we really do have a food shortage. In the USA alone, over 100 food processing plants have mysteriously burned to the ground, along with fertilizer plants and chicken ranches including the biggest egg producers, while tens of millions of chickens and tens of thousands of cattle and pigs have been destroyed because of diseases and “Climate Change”, they tell us, and the global distribution network is still in serious disarray.

Without a sufficient supply of fertilizers, weed killers and “safe” insecticides, a lot of farmers aren’t planting next Spring, or that’s the story going around anyway. Those who plant without adequate fertilizers will have smaller crops. Next year could be the year we all run out of food.

Is this The Plan? Could be, I don’t know. But it would be easy to have faith in it.