Every day there’s more doom and gloom in the news and on various financial websites warning us that home prices are going to crash, that the rising interest rates are making it difficult to impossible for people of average means to buy a home because the mortgages, the monthly payments, are going up too high and it’s a big bubble that’s going to burst just like it did before and peoples home equities disappeared when the value of their homes took a monster crap.

When that happened we weren’t letting in hundreds of thousands of immigrants. Our population wasn’t exploding. Now it is thanks to the open borders. It doesn’t matter that wages may go down, or that inflation may increase. Have you ever seen how Hispanics live?

The first thing they do is get on welfare. Then once the government checks start coming in, one family will get together with two or three more and buy a nice new large home and pay for it with their welfare checks while they’re out working under the table for some construction company or whatever and everybody lives in the new home. They will probably have a couple of house trailers parked in back or in the driveway for the kids to live in.

This is HOG HEAVEN for these people. They came here from mud huts with no toilets or running water at all and maybe even no electricity. If you go into one of their homes you’ll see a wastebasket beside the toilet, full of used toilet paper, because those who did have the use of a toilet never threw the t.p. into it because it would clog the toilet. That’s normal conditions in third world countries.

What’s REALLY going to happen to home prices is they’re going to SKYROCKET as the demand increases due to all these new people wanting a place, anyplace, to live.

You watch. You think food and gas prices are too inflationary? Wait just a bit, it’s the housing prices that are going to really go nuts.