Read an article yesterday about a kid who was asked by his teacher what his pronouns were and he said “rock and banana”. The teacher totally stripped her gears trying to deal with that, especially when the kids agreed that was okay and any words can be gender pronouns.

So I thought I’d compile a short list of useful Gender Pronouns that anyone mentally fucked up enough to be into this jackass Gender fad would enjoy.

Ass; anime; anal; aghh; balls; blivit; blow; blunt; bleep; butt; cunt; cooter; coon; crack; crap; crazy; dick; doofus; dong; dim; egg; end; fart; fairy; fool; fudd; grunt; gas; gump, guppy; hump; hell; hiccup; hung; hairy; input; igloo; iffy; jam; jelly; juice; kick; knarled; knob; limp; loofa; lame; lost; mako; muff; nope; nasal; offal; off; or; ookie; penis; piss; puke; parp; pube; prick; queen; queer; quasi; quack; rimjob; rump; rub; scrotal; simp; sphincter; suck; snot; semen; tweek; twat; twit; uhh; umm; unh; vagina; vain; vug; wipe; wimp; weewee; yoni; zipper.

The sky’s the limit. Have fun and don’t forget, the fastest way to hammer a nail is when the sun sets, because it never melts when you’re dancing.


Here’s something interesting that you NEVER hear about in the news. Tuidang is a phrase in Chinese meaning “Quit the party”. It’s also the name of the movement urging Chinese citizens to quit the Communist Party, and according to this article I came upon, over 400 million of them have now done so.

The population of China is 1.4 billion people, so that’s .4 billion who no longer are members of the CCP.

All citizens are urged to join the CCP, though not all do so. The statistics quoted are, as of 2021, there were 110.4 million “Young Pioneers” 14 and younger, 73.7 million “Youth League” members between 14 and 28, and 96.7 million Party members. That’s 280.8 million and all must take an oath giving themselves to the party.

So it’s simple math, if 400 million have quit the party, then there were nearly 700 million members before Tuidang started up, which is almost half the population of China. I kind of doubt the veracity of that number. It just doesn’t feel right, but I’ve been wrong often enough.

In any case, the real point here is that the natives are restless. If even half that many have actually quit the CCP, a dangerous act of itself in China, that’s a big deal and when you look at the free fireworks show the CCP is putting on for the benefit of Taiwan and the US right now over Nasty Nancy’s visit, it’s pretty clear that the people they’re really trying to frighten and impress isn’t us, it’s their own citizens.

I take it as one more sign that the CCP is on it’s way out.