Yesterday night Pres. Trump’s Mar-A-Lago home in Florida was raided by FBI agents, backed by a search warrant from the Department of Justice. This is the first, the only time in our 250 year history as a nation that a search warrant was written and executed against an American President. This is the first and only time the home of one of our Presidents has been invaded by government agents.

This is exactly the sort of thing they do in Venezuela and other Third World countries, however.

This speaks of the fear of the Left over Trump running for President again in 2024 and their intense desire to stop him. They can only fear this because they feel sure he would win.

This raid is literally a national outrage, a move of such magnitude that they would never have done this in the hope of finding some sort of damning evidence against him. That can only mean that they’ve created another “Steele Dossier”, another Russia Russia Russia fraud, and that they’ll claim they found this spurious document or documents among the boxes of papers they took from his home.

They conducted this raid as a cover story for the fake evidence they intend to produce.

As I said in my last post, this just keeps getting more interesting.


Running a country or ruining a country, almost the same word, just a small spelling difference but a massive reality difference.

“Biden met with two Chinese energy executives in the East Wing”, brief news article today. Yes, no doubt to discuss selling them more of our Strategic Oil Reserve at bargain prices while blocking our oil producers from pumping out and refining more. This is merely one example of the many ways in which running our country has changed over to ruining our country.

It’s become so obvious now that the current regime intends to turn us into a Third World nation that even the Far Left MSM are saying so, and some of them are clearly unhappy about it. Why shouldn’t they be? Their idea of a Socialist government doesn’t include their own descent into poverty and chaos, just the rest of us, but when their own investments plunge in value and advertisers stop buying ad time because their companies are failing, suddenly the reality sinks in.

That’s when the party starts breaking up. That’s when the power groups start splitting off and the dissension begins. Why would our Congress vote to hire 87,000 new IRS agents and turn 70,000 of these new agents into an army by arming them? Why is Congress creating their own private army? Who are they arming up against? Could it be the CIA? Or the FBI, or the NSA? All of them? What’s happening here? Is a civil war going to break out in Washington D.C.?

Or there’s the other possibility, that Congress is creating an army of 70,000 armed thugs to enforce tax collections at the point of a gun, which would be necessary if they start confiscating private property, homes, cars, taking over businesses because of unpaid, unfair, excessive taxes. The same way the Mafia operates. The same way they do it in Venezuela.

This seems to me a lot more likely. Both are real possibilities as the power jockeying in Washington DC increases in scope.

Oh what fun, eh? It just keeps getting more interesting.