People don’t rise up against their governments. They used to, when the leaders became too despotic and oppressive, but those were the days of kings and emperors. Once all the kings had been pushed aside and either killed or reduced to ceremonial roles, politicians rose to power and changed the world.

Most politicians are lawyers, students of the laws of their nations, and to keep the people from rising up against their rule, they banished many of the king’s laws and proclaimed new ones that the people favored, and declared that their nations were now Democracies, or at least Democratic Republics.

The right to vote was given to the people, to participate in governing them. Not everyone got to vote necessarily, often the voting privilege was only for the rich, but just the fact that voting was instituted counted for a lot. Kings never allowed it at all.

Because of this general democratic movement, nations found agreement with each other and formed alliances that would not have been possible otherwise, and today the world of nations is almost completely aligned. Unfortunately they are aligned on two sides, neither of which wants to be governed by the other.

The desire to be King never left humanity in spite of the growth of democracy, and the democratic governments became steadily more oppressive and controlling until governments as a group have left the democratic concepts of freedom behind and become once again much like the individual kings of old.

This has happened almost entirely because we’re a selfish and lazy race of beings. We assume that the people who want to be elected to lead us are qualified to do so or they wouldn’t want to, so we vote for them, when the truth is that they all want to be kings over us. The only people who seek power are those who want power, and the only ones who should have it are those who don’t want it.

The rest of us, who don’t seek power, allow ourselves to be led by those who do, so we have no one to blame but ourselves when we are led to the slaughter like sheep.

Some of us, like me, don’t want anything to do with any of it. Don’t want to lead, don’t want to follow. Just want to live through our years without being forced into line and told what to do. I tried voting a few times and ended up being revolted and disgusted by the realization that the persons I voted for were terrible people, and it didn’t matter if I’d voted for the others instead because they were just as bad or worse.

Now the time has come when it doesn’t matter if we vote at all. The pretense is all but over with and the truth is that the selected persons will be given the positions regardless of who the people prefer. We all know now that this is so yet most of us will still go on, casting our ballots like pissing into the wind. All we do is foul ourselves with illusion.