I keep waiting for China to attack Taiwan. I’ve been waiting for at least 20 years. They scream and shout and shoot missiles into the ocean and make threats and nothing happens.

I’m still waiting since Putin invaded Ukraine for Ukraine to launch some sort of devastating attack or for Russia to have some sort of big victory. It’s been a year now. Still waiting.

I’ve been waiting since 1953 when they had us hiding under our desks at school so we supposedly wouldn’t be hurt when an atomic bomb went off and blew in all the glass windows next to us at supersonic speed, as if the desks would actually protect us. It’s 69 years later and I’m still waiting for a nuclear war.

Meanwhile I see major corporations sinking $billions into long term projects. Why would they do that if a nuclear war was likely, or a war with China, or a war with Russia? THEY WOULDN’T, and that makes me think that this waiting game is a pile of pure bullshit to keep us afraid and obedient.

The “great food shortage” is an artificial crisis. The jacked up fuel prices is another. So is the “pandemic”. These are practice runs designed to “reset” the attitudes of the populace and distract us with the problems and worry they create while our government sets about it’s real business, which is increasing its surveillance and control over us, getting us used to taking orders, to submitting.

This is why so many Muslims were welcomed in. Islam, the word, means “submission” in Arabic.