It all depends on who is right and possibly we both are, those few like me who are certain that the Big Bang Theory remains only a theory and not a proven fact, and those who treat that theory as if it were True Fact.

The Big Bang Theory says that all matter in our universe came into being in one single instant, from one single point in space, and spread out, formed atoms, atoms formed stars, the stars formed galaxies, and yatta yatta.

Now some scientists have proven what I’ve said all along, and eminent scientists of 70 years ago have also proposed including the founder of Quantum Physics, which is that matter is created from nothing.

Our universe is steadily expanding, and at an increasingly faster rate as you get toward the outer edges of it. If it were created in a Big Bang some 13 billion years ago as the theory says, then the expansion should have been steadily slowing down after the initial explosion because of collisions and the central pull of gravity. But it’s not, it’s expanding faster, and one thing that could be causing that would the continuing creation of matter.

Why? Because when matter is created it comes as pairs of matter and antimatter particles and when these get together they explode, they release all their combined energy, creating an outward force, repelling other matter away. Why we end up with more matter than antimatter, I don’t know, not being a quantum physicist, but probably because this collision of the two unstable particles creates a new stable particle.

This would explain the expansion of the Universe as well as prove that it is self-creating, that it didn’t start 13 billion years ago but may have always existed.

It makes sense that matter is created from nothing because matter itself is composed of nothing. A basic atom is one proton and one neutron joined together with one electron revolving around it and resembles in actual terms of separation distance, the Earth and Moon. Atoms are almost entirely empty space. The particles themselves can be broken down into smaller particles that can be broken down and so on until you end up with nothing. Literally, all matter is composed of energy, and energy is Nothing, In Motion.