Noticed a news article with a headline whining how some pro-life activist was being targeted by our corrupt Department of Justice.

Pro-life activists are people who insist that women have no right to cancel their pregnancies, that they absolutely must bear some unwanted child because they became pregnant while enjoying sex. Pro-life activists all claim to be Christians and this is a religious issue for them, the same way that Muslims insist that women wear head scarves or worse, those burqa tents with face grilles.

Ignored by both of these fascist cults is the fact that these rules don’t apply to men. Just to women. Men are not punished for causing unwanted pregnancies and they’re not required to wear head scarves.

Women are presidents and prime ministers of prominent nations, and heads of big corporations. This is not a third-world planet any more. All that said, I’m not a feminist, I just don’t like Christian arrogance any more than I like Islamic insanity. Religions should keep to themselves if they have to exist at all, with their worship of dead people and imaginary beings, their superstitious practices and ridiculous beliefs. If you must insist on having some crazy set of impossible beliefs, go ahead, but show respect for others besides yourselves and leave the rest of us the fuck alone or else admit that your religion is a pack of lies.