“An imagined world or society in which people lead wretched, dehumanized, fearful lives There’s almost a flavor of science fiction to the scene.”

Only, this isn’t imaginary. This is REAL. Everyone is scared and no one wants to admit it. Yet they flock to social media looking for “likes” and “followers” to reassure themselves that they’re okay, that they have friends and people like them and everything is normal, while young people keep dying suddenly of heart attacks and the government keeps telling us to take more Covid injections to protect ourselves.

While a Russian madman continues to threaten nuclear war, a North Korean madman does the same, the Chinese are a constant threat, no one knows who’s really running the country, inflation has soared while wages have gone down, food prices have soared the most, the government is turning Communist, foreign immigrants are pouring into the country but there’s no jobs for them, crime is out of control and worsening.

Everyone has a smart phone and puts all their personal information on it including all their purchases, credit card numbers and bank passwords and every aspect of their lives is open to scrutiny by Homeland Security, our new Big Brother, an arm of the CIA.

More people are dying of drug overdoses than ever before in history. There is such a shortage of both housing and jobs that the camps of homeless people have spilled out from vacant lots and under overpasses into business districts and urban streets. No one trusts doctors and hospitals anymore.

We are constantly told that our planet is warming beyond control, that changing climate will kill us all and that CO2 and methane are to blame so we have to get rid of all the cattle because cow farts are methane and we have to stop burning fossil fuels because they produce CO2. Instead we will have to eat fake meat made of bugs or grown in a vat, and stay home as much as possible.

Major cities are being broken up into 15-minute cities, called that because citizens in them will not be allowed to walk more than 15 minutes away from their residence. Coming soon to Paris.

I know what a calm, peaceful and ordered society looks like because I grew up in one. When I put that one next to this one, this one is totally insane. It’s a world gone mad.