Brazil’s new Communist president, (Copy/Paste from RAIR Foundation) “the former inmate, socialist Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, more commonly known simply as “Lula,” was recently installed as the President of Brazil with help from Joe Biden-style ballot antics.”

“Lula recently revised the country’s welfare regulations, requiring parents to have their children “vaccinated” with the experimental and dangerous Covid “vaccines.” If parents refuse to inject their children, they will no longer be able to receive any financial aid.” (My emphasis)

“Children six years old and over must have proof of vaccination; otherwise, the mother will lose all government subsidies, stated Lula.”

Brazil’s poverty rate is somewhere around 20%. You’re poor there if you make less than $5.50 a day, and the number of people in poverty is going to vary according to who’s doing the counting, because it’s a political issue. But if you look at the Favelas, the enormous slums surrounding the cities, it’s a lot of people. That 20%, or about 43 million people, get state aid and now they have to get their kids injected with poison if they want to keep getting it.

While there was considerable election fraud involved in making him president of Brazil again, Lula also had a lot of real support from Brazil’s poor, many of whom rely on state aid to survive. Now these same people who made him their dictator again are going to have their children slaughtered by The Jab if they want to keep being supported by the state.

All I can say to that is that those children would grow up to replace their parents as the slum dwellers anyway, so if their votes result in them wiping themselves out, it’s on them. I feel sorry for the children being born into such a life, and it’s not a long one as the average life expectancy in one of these slums is listed as about 48. This is mostly because not many live to see 21.