Because I continue to live in spite of Covid pandemics, Woke idiocy and the existence of Islam, among many other mostly fallacious and baseless human debacles, I have developed cataracts.

I was informed of this upon visiting the local optometrist to get a prescription for eyeglasses. More specifically, for an eyeglass. My left eye is 20/20, it’s my right eye that’s gone nearsighted.

I knew something else was going wrong because at night when I go to bed, the room is dimly lighted and if I look at the ceiling I can see superimposed on that surface, a pair of black spots. A large one for my right eye, and a smaller one for my left eye, and I wondered what was causing that. Now I know, I’m seeing my cataracts.

I asked the optometrist if he was aware that you could see your own cataracts, he said “No”, so I told him the above. I think he thought I was full of crap, actually, and imagining things. But it’s true, they can be seen very clearly. I can see tendrils of black radiating out from the edges of these growing accumulations of undesired protein that are depositing themselves on the inner lenses of my eyes, when in dim light and looking at a white surface.

The reason for it is obvious if you think about it, the protein deposits block vision and so, brighter and brighter light is needed to see clearly as light has to pass through those protein accumulations we call cataracts. In dim light the blockages are much more apparent.

The optometrist kept stressing my age, when I asked him at what point I should consider cataract surgery, and it was clear that he didn’t think I would live long enough to need it. Since I have no workable plan for not living, I’m not sure what he was driving at. Possibly he thinks that he’ll quit someday and so, figures that everyone else will too, but that’s merely an opinion. Personally I expect to just keep right on living. I mean, why not?

4 thoughts on “BLACK SPOTS”

  1. Years ago I suddenly started seeing flashing lights at the edge of my eyes. Missus had to drive me to hospital. Fortunately cleared up in about a week. Forget what they said it was now. Maybe tiny alien space craft got in there.

    1. Yeah, I got that about a week ago, in my right eye, which is the bad one. But only for a bit, off and on over an hour or so. None since. Probably those damned aliens zapping me with their Phosmotonic Rays. You’ve heard of those, of course.

  2. Hope you can get that sorted. You do seem pretty helathy for your age. I know people a lot younger than you, like my bro in law and my old uni friend, who have had quite severe cataracts. I ain’t got there yet, fun yet to come!

    1. Thank you. Medicare will pay for 80% of the surgery if it gets bad enough. I’m kicking ass for my age, (84) actually. The optometrist made my age a point regarding the cataracts, he said it took me 84 years to get them to where they are, a lot longer than most people. I was blessed with good genes and a strong work ethic, they matter in old age.

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