The push is still on to take away our guns, by the Cabal government, and I see a new danger coming that could aid them in this effort.

The big reason that they want to disarm us is so we can’t fight back. The founders of this country wanted to make sure that we could if we had to, which is why they added the Second Amendment to our Constitution, that guarantees our right to own and carry firearms. Not that cities, states and the government haven’t been attacking this right in every conceivable way ever since, of course.

The main effort in passing restrictive laws has been based on incidents of crazy people shooting up crowds and committing mass murder. “This wouldn’t have happened if guns were outlawed”. Yeah, actually it would, there’s billions of guns in America and plenty of ammunition, and outlawing guns will only succeed in making outlaws of gun owners including me.

The reason we’re not all running around shooting each other is because all but a tiny fraction of us much prefer living in peace with our neighbors. But now we’re bringing in thousands upon thousands of present and future Drug Cartel Members who make it a point to slaughter people with firearms, then mutilate the bodies with machetes. When they want to kill someone in a crowd, they just spray the crowd with bullets until their target is dead. Of course, so are lots of other people, but that’s okay, there’s more where they came from, right?

If you don’t think that’s not going to give the Anti-Gun people ammunition to repeal the 2nd Amendment, then you don’t think at all.

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