When I called our local medical clinic to make an appointment, I was offered a date two months away. So I asked if there was any way to get in sooner and was offered a Phone Call, one month away. I took that option in the hope that the doctor will take what I say on faith and issue me the necessary drug prescription.

And then I started wondering why it suddenly takes so long now to get a doctor’s appointment and did a little Google search. The reasons given are that doctors and nurses are growing old and retiring, “more than 330,000 healthcare providers left the workforce in 2021 alone, with physicians representing the lion’s share”. Another reason given was that “Americans as a whole are getting sicker. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 60% of Americans have a chronic illness and 40% have two or more.”

Okay, RETIRING, MY ASS. All of our medical/Health Care people in this country were REQUIRED to get the Covid19 Injections, falsely called “vaccinations”, and THAT is why they’re disappearing. They’re getting SICK and DYING along with that other 60% of Americans. That’s the reason it’s getting harder and takes longer to see a doctor, it’s not because there’s no NEW doctors being graduated from colleges or emigrating here.

It’s also why, in the face of the sudden loss of so many health professionals, that our major hospitals are adding 1000’s upon 1000’s of new beds. Why would they do that when there’s no doctors and nurses unless they expect another wave of dying people, that they can make fortunes off of? Until finally most of us are dead, of course. So get ready for another pandemic of something that will be a lot worse than Covid19, this time around.

This is about getting rid of most of us. Take nothing for granted and guard your health, it’s become your most precious possession.

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