This is a quote from the British “Daily Mail“:

“Transgender” (my quotation marks) children will be able to wear the school uniform of either sex under new Government guidance, it has been revealed.

The advice, which is set to be published in the next fortnight, will tell schools that children are allowed to ‘socially transition’ to whichever gender identity they want to if they have consent from their parents.

Children will be allowed to change their names and pronouns and wear whichever uniform they choose to, The Times reports.

Schools will also be told to ban pupils from using toilets and changing areas of the opposite sex.”

The only sane part of this mindfucking of pre-pubescent kiddies is not allowing them to use the private areas of the ACTUAL opposite sex. Otherwise, the UK is joining full-bore with the WEF strategy to stop children from reproducing before they even start.


Refugee camp in Syria…

This is a real refugee camp for people displaced by the endless civil war in Syria. Those are real tents, that’s real poverty, hunger and squalor.

Refugee camp in Somalia… This is also a real tent city full of refugees fleeing war.

This, below, is the Al Shati “Refugee Camp” in Gaza. Oh those poor people in those ragged tents, you can see how they must suffer. This photo is of an average “Palestinian Refugee camp”. Al Jazeera News and the MSM keep calling these cities in Gaza and the West Bank “Refugee Camps” so I just thought I’d point out what a total lie that is. After the 1948 Arab-Israeli war when the Muslims attacked Israel and the Israelis kicked their asses, the UNWRA, the corrupt United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, set up tent camps for the losers. That was 75 years ago and those tents are long gone.

Beach camp, Gaza Strip. © 2016 UNRWA Photo by Tamer Hamam

What you see below is the city of Shu’fat “Refugee Camp”. Shu’fat was set up in 1965 near Jerusalem to provide improved living conditions for 500 Muslim families who were living in crowded conditions in Old Jerusalem. But for propaganda purposes it’s called a Palestinian Refugee Camp. it’s a thriving city of Muslims now in Jerusalem, Israel and it’s still being called a refugee camp. Does it look like one?