The plan is working. If you don’t believe it, you haven’t been watching France burn.

This isn’t a mistake, this isn’t a misguided effort gone wrong. This is the deliberate destruction of Western society. Not the civilization, but the society, the social standards, the mores and morals of Western civilization, the values, the ethics, the rules of conduct.

When you take millions of coal-black African Muslims with IQ’s mostly below 70, from backwards nations and insert them into technologically advanced White Christian society, they are unable to adapt and assimilate. Their religion forbids it and the total alien-ness of Western civilization prohibits it. They seldom ever bathe or shower or brush their teeth, they’re bound by their tribal affiliations and mutual conflicts, they eat different foods and have different habits. They simply don’t belong.

They look at all the fine things Europeans have and the fine homes they live in and know they’ll never have those things themselves, and they become envious and jealous and start to hate. So finally, they rise up and start destroying what the Whites have, and loot, and burn.

A lot of us thought that this was the take-down of France. I did. But no, this looks like an organized distraction, instead. The young black hoodlum who was shot dead by a French policeman wasn’t planned, probably, but the riots were allowed to happen and expand to major proportions before the French police were finally allowed to step in and stop them.

Will there now be, logically, a major deportation of these dangerous people? That’s the only sensible move, isn’t it?

No, there will not. The millions of angry immigrant misfits will be kept simmering for the next time they’re needed to frighten the real Europeans and provide a political distraction, and meantime they’re still successfully wrecking European society. Think Global.