Just read two news stories about Saudi Arabia. One says that they’re cutting their oil production for a third time. The other says that they’re into a bunch of massive very futuristic building projects, a continuous city called The Line, an enormous city in one huge cubical structure, a floating city on the ocean, a ski resort in the middle of the desert….

How do you create these mega-$billion$ projects by selling less oil when that’s the only source of income? Why would you build new housing for people who aren’t there when the population is shrinking? Where is all the water coming from for these cities in a desert nation that has almost none?

We’re told that the “Oil supply is on the brink of collapse” and the gasoline price at the pump will soar, when the amount of production cuts is less than one percent of total global production.

This is why it’s nearly impossible to get a clear picture of the world’s economy. How is that done when everything contradicts everything else? Elon Musk recently expressed this same confusion, concluding that we “live in turbulent times”. I believe the reason for this is that there’s a lot of separate power bases that are now in competition with each other for future dominance instead of working together for mutual profit as they formerly did. Power has steadily become more concentrated into less groups and less people, who now own vast fortunes and control most of the industry.

Most of them agree on the principle of a global government, but not on the details of it or who should be in charge and the rest of us are caught in the middle of this shoving match. At least, that’s how I see it.


Don’t you love all these alphabetical acronyms? Every fucking one of them is BAD NEWS. This one stands for Central Bank Digital Currency. The following is taken directly off the Federal Reserve website: “While the Federal Reserve has made no decisions on whether to pursue or implement a central bank digital currency, or CBDC, we have been exploring the potential benefits and risks of CBDCs from a variety of angles, including through technological research and experimentation. Our key focus is on whether and how a CBDC could improve on an already safe and efficient U.S. domestic payments system”.

This is government New Speak for “We are planning on replacing physical money with digital money”.

When the dollar is replaced with a digital currency, and it will be, it will be completely controlled by the government. Then we will be given Social Credit Scores exactly the same as is being done in China right now, and our ability to purchase anything, food, fuel, medicine, can be blocked by the government.

Replacing the Dollar with a government controlled digital currency will enslave us. Grow as much of your own food as you can, encourage and patronize local farmers markets, join bartering groups or start one up, store and save vital hard goods like tools, nuts, bolts and nails, dig a well, generate your own electricity. Be as self-sufficient as you possibly can.


In the movie, Robin Williams, playing a military radio disc jockey in Vietnam, always started his show with “GOOD MORNING, VIETNAM”. He was responding to the insanity of the war going on there.

Poor Robin committed suicide, in real life, maybe he just couldn’t deal with all the insane shit going on. The plain truth is that most people are surviving it by shutting it out, ignoring it, pretending it just doesn’t exist.

Insane shit like men dressing up like women and competing in women’s sports, AND BEING ALLOWED TO. That’s insane. Men are taking away all the trophies, all the medals, ribbons and prize money from women athletes. Who the fuck wants to even watch that? Children, little children, 5 years old even, are being taught, ALL OVER, this is not just isolated incidents, this is happening EVERYWHERE, IN SCHOOLS, that they can be girls if they’re boys and boys if they’re girls, that gender is fluid, like changing a shirt, and GOVERNMENTS ARE ENFORCING THIS INSANE BULLSHIT WITH LAWS.

Cocaine and marijuana have recently been discovered in the White House, as thousands of military-age Chinese men are pouring in across our southern border, while our National Debt is soaring over $2 Trillion a year now and inflation is going nuts and our oil production has been deliberately cut to half, while Saudi Arabia and Russia are reducing production and raising prices, as the international shipping industry gets backlogged in ports, the trucking industry can’t find drivers, major food producing plants keep burning down, the high cost of animal feed along with extended drought that’s killed crops has forced the slaughter of most cattle herds, while “meat” grown from cancer cells has been approved for human consumption. Bon appetit.

The WEF (World Economic Forum) openly tells us all that they want to get rid of almost all of us, kill us off, they have the power and means to do it, and they’re doing it. China also wants to kill most of us off, except for Chinese, so lots of nation’s leaders jump at the opportunity to make money deals with them that end up totally fucking over their nations. Is this sane? They created a new disease and sent infected people all over the world to spread it as quickly as possible, our government immediately approved a “vaccine” that was untested and highly toxic, that was forced upon us. It killed millions and is still killing millions while the drug companies made $billion$ and the world was locked down in quarantine for over a year, and small businesses all over the Earth collapsed, failed, went bankrupt and unemployment soared upward, homeless camps exploded everywhere along with crime, and still are, while the migrations of people from everywhere to everywhere continue unabated and no one even suggests that China be punished for inflicting this horror and destruction on the world.

If you think all this shit along with all the rioting, looting and burning is happening by accident, you must be pretty fucking stupid. When all the world’s leaders are promoting this crap instead of doing their best to stop it, you’d do well to look to your own welfare. You’ll get no help from them.


Roy Rogers wasn’t his real name, that name was given to him by someone in a Hollywood studio. It doesn’t matter, that’s just for historical clarity. What matters is who he really was.

He started out by moving to California from the Midwest in the 1940s and put a band together called the Sons of the Pioneers. He sang and played guitar and the band became very popular, making a number of hit records. It wasn’t long before Hollywood gave him a tryout in a western movie and he was again a hit. He soon was a famous “cowboy” movie star and was cranking out the Oaters, which is what we called cowboy movies, because the horses were fed oats with their hay.

These movies were popular at theater matinees, movies that started at noon on Saturdays that were attended entirely by kids. Boys, mostly, who all saw Roy Rogers as their idol.

At the time, most of his movies were being made at ranches out in the Mohave Desert, and I lived in Palmdale at the time, right in the heart of that desert. One day the school got us kids all together and took us out to a ranch where Roy Rogers and his wife, Dale Evans, were making a movie, and we were brought up outside of the outdoor set, told to be quiet and watch.

We were quiet, we understood this was serious business, and we were all in awe because there right in front of us was our hero, Roy Rogers himself.

Well, Roy looked at us, turned to someone else there, and said loudly and clearly, “Get those kids out of here”. I saw the way his wife looked at us, too, very coldly. We were thus promptly herded out of the area and over to the buses and it wasn’t long before we were on our way back to the school and never got to watch him make his movie.

What a huge letdown for us all, and a lesson I never forgot, that what people seem to be on the movie screen is not what they’re really like. That was the end of my childhood hero worship of Roy Rogers and the last time I went to a movie matinee featuring one of his. We kids are what made him rich. Adults didn’t go see his movies, they were made for boys, not grown ups. It was our allowance money that paid his bills.

Roy Rogers was an asshole.


No more pussyfooting around, NATO has “absorbed” Ukraine into the organization officially, sort of, giving assurances that Ukraine will be backed until Russia is defeated.

Totally defeated. The real reason behind the Russia-Ukraine conflict is to defeat Russia, as I’ve been saying from the start. Putin was conned into this attack the same way Saddam Hussein was conned into attacking Kuwait. He was led to believe that it would be an easy victory. So was Saddam, when the real plan was to take over the oil.

The real plan for Russia is to dismantle their empire and reduce them to serf status. The only real impediment is their large stock of nukes but I assume there’s a plan in place there as well. Meanwhile, NATO’s military has just suddenly swollen from 40,000 ready combatants to 300,000 with a fresh call-up. They’re getting ready to finish this.

Opill. This is related news because it’s part of the same plan to unify the planet and reduce the population. Opill is a brand new, OVER THE COUNTER, NON-PRESCRIPTION Birth Control Pill and the very first ever that is Non-Prescription. It had to happen. With so many people being reduced to poverty, they can’t afford to see a doctor to get a prescription for birth control pills that they can’t afford to pay for, so they just keep having more babies. What do you want to bet that the Opill is dirt-cheap to free?

“See how each part fits the whole”. Lao Tsu


So many different titles for this post come to mind, that I can’t leave it at just one, but first you must know the story of this, The Final Countdown Duck.

Eleven years ago, in early Spring, I bought 14 baby chicks in a variety of breeds, and 3 ducklings and raised them indoors in a large box until they were big enough, and the weather was warm enough, for them to be transferred to their new home outside, in the pen and chicken coop I’d built for them.

In the first year of their lives, two chickens were lost to a neighbor’s dog he’d allowed to run loose, before I caught the dog, made sure it understood the need to stay out of my yard in the future, and chased it off.

Chickens don’t live as long as ducks do, and over the years they all died off but one. 3 were killed by marauding raccoons, which paid with their lives for that assault. Others succumbed to illnesses that chickens do get, until there was only one left, a red hen. By this time there was also only one duck left, since one had been killed by those same raccoons and another had gotten Stumblefoot, and died of the infection.

Stumblefoot is a foot infection that ducks can get from walking on hard ground. Duck’s feet are made for swimming and not walking on hard, rough soil, and are easily injured.

The Last Supper Duck also had Stumblefoot, but survived it. The infection caused her left foot and lower leg to fall off, but she healed at the knee joint and over the years grew such a large callous there that today Pegleg Pete Duck walks almost normally.

Several days ago, Hopalong Cassidy Duck began quacking incessantly at me so I went up to see what was up, and she ran under a thorn bush where she had a nest and continued to sound off, and back there in the morning dark was The Little Red Hen. She’d passed away during the night, sharing the nest with her only friend.

It has now been Three Days of the Condor Duck quacking mournfully, all alone, The Last of the Mohicans Flock having passed away. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Duck’s Nest. Oh, so many good titles, so few ducks.


The plan is working. If you don’t believe it, you haven’t been watching France burn.

This isn’t a mistake, this isn’t a misguided effort gone wrong. This is the deliberate destruction of Western society. Not the civilization, but the society, the social standards, the mores and morals of Western civilization, the values, the ethics, the rules of conduct.

When you take millions of coal-black African Muslims with IQ’s mostly below 70, from backwards nations and insert them into technologically advanced White Christian society, they are unable to adapt and assimilate. Their religion forbids it and the total alien-ness of Western civilization prohibits it. They seldom ever bathe or shower or brush their teeth, they’re bound by their tribal affiliations and mutual conflicts, they eat different foods and have different habits. They simply don’t belong.

They look at all the fine things Europeans have and the fine homes they live in and know they’ll never have those things themselves, and they become envious and jealous and start to hate. So finally, they rise up and start destroying what the Whites have, and loot, and burn.

A lot of us thought that this was the take-down of France. I did. But no, this looks like an organized distraction, instead. The young black hoodlum who was shot dead by a French policeman wasn’t planned, probably, but the riots were allowed to happen and expand to major proportions before the French police were finally allowed to step in and stop them.

Will there now be, logically, a major deportation of these dangerous people? That’s the only sensible move, isn’t it?

No, there will not. The millions of angry immigrant misfits will be kept simmering for the next time they’re needed to frighten the real Europeans and provide a political distraction, and meantime they’re still successfully wrecking European society. Think Global.


This is a quote from the British “Daily Mail“:

“Transgender” (my quotation marks) children will be able to wear the school uniform of either sex under new Government guidance, it has been revealed.

The advice, which is set to be published in the next fortnight, will tell schools that children are allowed to ‘socially transition’ to whichever gender identity they want to if they have consent from their parents.

Children will be allowed to change their names and pronouns and wear whichever uniform they choose to, The Times reports.

Schools will also be told to ban pupils from using toilets and changing areas of the opposite sex.”

The only sane part of this mindfucking of pre-pubescent kiddies is not allowing them to use the private areas of the ACTUAL opposite sex. Otherwise, the UK is joining full-bore with the WEF strategy to stop children from reproducing before they even start.


Refugee camp in Syria…

This is a real refugee camp for people displaced by the endless civil war in Syria. Those are real tents, that’s real poverty, hunger and squalor.

Refugee camp in Somalia… This is also a real tent city full of refugees fleeing war.

This, below, is the Al Shati “Refugee Camp” in Gaza. Oh those poor people in those ragged tents, you can see how they must suffer. This photo is of an average “Palestinian Refugee camp”. Al Jazeera News and the MSM keep calling these cities in Gaza and the West Bank “Refugee Camps” so I just thought I’d point out what a total lie that is. After the 1948 Arab-Israeli war when the Muslims attacked Israel and the Israelis kicked their asses, the UNWRA, the corrupt United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, set up tent camps for the losers. That was 75 years ago and those tents are long gone.

Beach camp, Gaza Strip. © 2016 UNRWA Photo by Tamer Hamam

What you see below is the city of Shu’fat “Refugee Camp”. Shu’fat was set up in 1965 near Jerusalem to provide improved living conditions for 500 Muslim families who were living in crowded conditions in Old Jerusalem. But for propaganda purposes it’s called a Palestinian Refugee Camp. it’s a thriving city of Muslims now in Jerusalem, Israel and it’s still being called a refugee camp. Does it look like one?


Seriously, I did, I had this strange and wonderful dream last night where I was living in a small country community and we had no serious problems because we all got along well with each other.

It was normal for us all to spread happiness and joy to our friends and neighbors, we avoided anger, we didn’t get involved in negative behavior, bullying, harassing, stealing. We helped each other, were supportive of each other. When someone joined us who wouldn’t behave, and made trouble, they were pushed out. It was a wonderful community to live with.

Then, of course, I woke up.

So as usual, first thing I do after getting dressed and sitting down at my pc with a cup of coffee is read the news, and, avoiding the war news, I read that the IinC (Idiots in Charge) of Los Angeles are about to declare the city a Sanctuary City for illegal aliens. They already have the worst homeless people problem in the nation, with the sidewalks covered in tents and cardboard shacks, because they keep pouring money into support services for the homeless, which just attracts more and more of them to come there.

Now they’re going to do the same for illegal aliens, who actually make up a large percentage of these massive homeless camps anyway. It’s really just an excuse to provide even more tax money to help worsen things. Here’s a link to a Photo Gallery of Los Angeles homeless camps. See for yourself.

Our “leaders” are encouraging homelessness and illegal immigration, encouraging homosexuality and the “Trans” insanity and teaching children they can change their sex, promoting pedophilia, teaching Critical Race Theory in schools, which is hatred of white people, ramping up inflation and spreading poverty. The growing homeless tent camps are destroying business districts and spreading into urban areas, increasing crime such as theft, assaults and rape while trashing entire neighborhoods.

No wonder I have dreams like that.

The financial pages keep saying that employment is up, up, steadily up, while unemployment is down, way down, the stock market is up, everything is great, we’re all prospering. Really? Then why can’t I walk down a sidewalk in any major US city anymore without having to step off into the gutter to walk around all the tents? Why do all the cities stink of shit from people with no toilets? Why are so many big corporations shutting down thousands of retail outlets, fast food, mall stores, grocery stores, Walmarts?

Fortunately, I DO live in a small community and while it is in California, it’s at least 150 miles from Los Angeles, with no employment opportunities and no support services for lazy “homeless” drug addict/illegal alien human trash. I could have done better, but I didn’t do too bad. If I lived in L.A. I’d be having nightmares instead of happy dreams.