Later, you bet, just not today.

There’s an old Chinese saying that “When there’s food on the table, there’s plenty of problems but when there’s no food, there’s only one problem”. My last post was about oil. Globalists want to end oil production, which runs the machines and supplies fertilizers, plastics, medicines and countless industrial chemicals. Summarizing that post: as oil production decreases, so does food production. It’s a direct cause and effect.

Today it’s about “Global Warming”, the other attack on food production. This one is aimed at shutting down the farms themselves. Not just indirectly through limiting oil output but directly by attacking the farm animals, primarily cattle, and the means of food production.

Cattle emit a lot of methane, which is a greenhouse gas, as carbon dioxide is, so there’s a big Globalist effort going on to destroy all the cattle herds by getting Globalist leaders of nations to sign “Net Zero” agreements. Net Zero is a balance between the production of greenhouse gases and the absorption of them. Humans and animals produce them, vegetation absorbs them.

The claim is that the Earth is rapidly warming because of greenhouse gases. The reality is that Earth has warmed just over 1 degree since 1730, when accurate measurement was first possible. The real purpose of Net Zero is to reduce our population.

There are too many people using up too many non-replaceable resources. This is a fact. Since we are severely polluting the ocean and the soil, no doubt we’re doing the same to our atmosphere. We have accelerated the extinction of many animal species and the extinctions continue. We need less of us. Earth needs less of us. Our very numbers have made us our own worst enemy.

Earth’s human population recently passed 8 billion and what we face is the pending collapse of planetary ecology, not from the bogus claim that our CO2 generation will overheat the planet, but from the pollution we’re fouling the water and soil with along with the over-fishing of our ocean. We are killing the ocean, and it’s the ocean that recycles most of the carbon dioxide back into free carbon and free oxygen so everything can continue breathing. Kill the ocean and you kill the planet because the ocean is filled with life and when it dies, it decays, and decay sucks oxygen from the air. Huge amounts of it. Then everything dies.

This is why the Globalists want to kill off most of us first. Being human and therefore corrupt, the leaders all want to be in the top power spots when all the dust settles. Yet what is more important? The nature of global government or the survival of humanity and the planet?

30 or so years ago I listened to a radio broadcast concerning a group of Earth scientists who said that we can expect the weather to start cycling to greater extremes each year, colder winters, hotter summers. Eventually the cycle tips over into cold and staying cold and we enter another Ice Age. This isn’t due to CO2 but to changes in the upper and lower, Warm and Cold, ocean currents that determine Earth’s weather patterns. The normal state of Earth is Ice Age, generally 100,000 years of it, with intervening warm periods lasting 10,000 to 12,000 years each. We are now 12,000 years into our latest warm period.

The deep Cold Current has suddenly and dramatically slowed way down. This has been the hottest July for the entire planet ever recorded and droughts have forced many farmers to send their meat animals to market early because of lack of water and feed, and to plow under crops that died for lack of water. There will be less food this winter, for an expanding population, but Mother Nature may not be quick enough to whittle down our numbers so the Globalists will make certain of it.

All this takes time, but be assured, it’s all happening right now and big changes are upon us all.