In spite of the Muslimes claiming that the explosion in their Gaza hospital PARKING LOT was an Israeli strike, there’s video and audio proof that it was one of their own rockets that misfired, that caused the damage.

Their claim that 500 people were killed in the blast seems just a tiny bit excessive, it may have been one or two, but if you’re going to blame the Jews for it, hey, might as well make it outrageous for the propaganda value.

It would be nice if 500 actually were killed, then there’d be 500 less of them, but we all know that’s a lie. It works on the Jew haters of the world, though, even if they know it’s a lie, because it gives them one more excuse to agitate and demonstrate. Of course, all the Leftwing media, (and is there any other kind?) run with this story, anything to make Israel look bad no matter how much in the right they are.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not lamenting the plight of the Jews, they’ve proven they can take care of themselves, I’m just disgusted with the way everyone kisses the asses of the Arab Muslimes because of the oil they’re sitting on. There aren’t that many of them, especially in Saudi Arabia and it wouldn’t be that hard to just take the place over.

We did it in Iraq and then walked away, because we supposedly made an oil deal that would be honored. By Muslimes. By Arab Muslimes. Yeah, right. Well, we did invade without cause, to steal the oil, so I guess we can’t really complain, huh?

I have hated our government since the 1960’s, but I don’t discriminate, I hate nearly all governments. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Humans are incapable of governing themselves humanely and we end up with global disorder and global wars. The problem isn’t the Arabs or Islam, it’s us.

Someday we will have a global government and it won’t be a benevolent one.


In sympathy with Hezbollah declaring a Day of Unprecedented Anger I would like to personally declare this to be a Day of Unmitigated, Unequivocal Flapdoodle! It just makes me want to jump up and down, open my mouth as wide as possible, and make really loud noises in a foreign language that sounds like rapid gibberish, I’m just so really very piqued at whatever I’m supposed to be upset about.

Being angry and shouting is so very scary and everyone should be really afraid.