You can buy a tee shirt, hoodie or ball cap with just about any political slogan or statement, online. A new one I see promoted is a tee shirt with “Sorry No Vacancy, Deport them all” printed on it, referring to the invasion being permitted of illegal aliens. Speaking of that, how illegal are they if they’re allowed in like that by our government?

The problem with wearing your political beliefs on your chest is that some people really hate those beliefs of yours and may react very violently to you for displaying your opinion in front of them. It doesn’t matter what your beliefs are, some people will hate them and act out on you.

Politics used to be like religion. Both subjects were never discussed in polite conversation. It was considered rude. Now people shove both in each other’s faces. I think it’s because we’re getting so jammed together that many of us have lost our sense of individuality, so we turn ourselves into walking declarations of our beliefs to get attention.

There’s also the odd human fact that our groups of friends are usually 8 at most and with all the disruption, disease, fear, crime and so many strangers around us, many of us are down to only a few friends. Our groups of friends have shrunk to almost none and it leaves us feeling alone. So we do things to get attention, wear tee shirts with signs, block highways with Stop Fossil Fuels banners or demonstrate in front of embassies.

If you’ve wondered why people are doing this silly crap, now you know.


The number of Syphilis Disease cases in the USA has SOARED with the increased entry and lack of testing of millions of Illegal Alien migrants, according to this LegalInsurrection.com article. “CDC reports 445 out of every 100,000 tested immigrants come up positive for syphilis.” That’s a lot. That’s .45 out of 100, or 1 out of every 210 immigrants, including the illegal aliens who DON’T get tested.

When you consider that Syphilis is a contagious disease that causes insanity and death and often doesn’t doesn’t show itself until it’s too late to treat, and nearly one in every 200 of these people have it, this is an extremely serious matter.

So is Whooping Cough, Untreatable Tuberculosis, German Measles and all the other diseases that we’d wiped out in this country that are back now, because of the utter lack of medical testing for diseases in this horde of low-grade humanity now allowed to swarm in at will.

How many of them have just one other nasty disease? 1 out of 200? Or MORE? Probably. In fact, very likely. How many are CARRIERS of diseases that they themselves don’t suffer from? Like Typhoid Mary, an infamous carrier of the typhoid disease, who worked in a hospital and caused the deaths of a lot of people

It’s not very likely that those coming in with Syphilis also have Untreatable Tuberculosis or Measles or Whooping Cough. The diseases are spread out among the general population. What is likely is that about 1 in 50 have a contagious disease that they’re spreading to the rest of us.

Welcome to America, you disgusting, filthy, flea and lice ridden carriers of horrible diseases, intestinal parasites, fungi and bacteria.