Comparative religions is a college course that studies the different religions and the differences between them.

So let’s talk about Islam and Judaism.

Islam produces 99.99% of all the world’s terrorists and promotes the raping of children and goats and the practice of slavery.

Judaism promotes human advancement, peace, and prosperity. “For generations, remarkable Jewish leaders have propelled humankind forward by discovering cures for diseases, developing new technologies, composing musical masterpieces, advancing causes of freedom and human rights, and serving as trailblazers in countless other fields.”

On Wikipedia: Of the 965 individual recipients of the Nobel Prize and the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences between 1901 and 2023,[1] at least 214 have been Jews or people with at least one Jewish parent, representing 22% of all recipients. Jews comprise only 0.2% of the world’s population, meaning their share of winners is 110 times their proportion of the world’s population.

Which is why I prefer Jews to Muslims when it comes to a matter of choice. Muslims are the scum of the Earth, the very worst of us. Jews are the best of humanity. This pisses all the stupid people off, they hate the Jews for being so much smarter than they are, so much more capable. Poor people hate the rich and stupid people hate the intellectuals. No wonder the Globalists want to pare humanity down, and I bet it’s not the stupid ones they hope to end up with.