Google’s motto in it’s early days was “Do no evil”, and that’s because a massive search engine would obviously have the ability to do much evil by blocking certain websites and content while promoting others. Which is exactly what Google does now.

But wait, there’s more… Google’s new Gemini artificial intelligence app is totally Woke and Racist, as people have found out when trying to get it to generate a picture of a white person. They get back messages telling them how racist and harmful it is to specify a specific race, but only if they specify a White race. If they ask for a picture of a Negro family, they get pictures of Negros, and if they ask for pictures of “happy families” or “successful people” or “a group of dancers” or WHATEVER, they get, wait for it, here it comes, yes, they get NEGROES. Same with Hispanics, ask for Hispanic and no problem, you get Hispanic. Only Whites are not allowed.

The only way to get a picture of a White person is to ask for one by their name. A Hollywood star or famous politician or whoever, then they get someone with a white face.

White people built this world, built modern society for whatever that’s worth, and created most of civilization. The brown people and black people mostly stayed in forests and jungles and some built civilizations, but TECHNOLOGY, that which has advanced civilization, came almost entirely from White people. That’s not racist, it’s historic fact and the effort now to get rid of White people is not going to help advance humanity a bit. It’s doing the opposite, it’s bringing us all down as a species.