It’s been apparent for several years now that the only thing still standing in the way of the Globalist Cabal in America is the Supreme Court. They’ve take over everything else, from the CIA, FBI and the other alphabetical-acronym institutions to the city, county and state district attorney’s offices and most of the Circuit Court judges.

They’ve taken over the school districts and schools, they’ve take over the doctors and hospitals, the online social platforms and the Main Stream Media.

They’ve taken over the voting system and instituted China-made ballot counting machines that are programmed to call the votes any way they want, they count the ballots in secret in violation of our Constitution and no one does anything at all about it.

They even create a fake pandemic and force everyone to wear face masks and stay home, do “social distancing” and shut down churches and restaurants.

The only thing left with any power that still stands in their way is our Supreme Court, and this was just made obvious by it’s unanimous decision that Donald Trump can not be kept off state’s ballots in the coming election because of claims that he violated the Insurrection Clause of the Constitution. Only Congress can do this.

The Left has been wanting to either abolish the Supreme Court or pack it with lots of Leftist extra judges for a few years now. A few more decisions that stymie the Globalists agenda and that might be the end of it. They have the power now to do it, so don’t be surprised when it happens.


  1. https://grrrgraphics.com/cry-me-a-river/


    Cartoon published 03/05/2024

    The Supreme Court unanimously ruled that States have no authority to remove Donald Trump from the 2024 presidential ballot. Democrats in charge of ballots in blue states wanted to delete Trump with the thin claim that he was disqualified due to his role in the January 6 Capitol ‘insurrection.’

    There was no insurrection just as there was no Trump/Russia collusion. The Democrats are desperate to keep Trump from his rightful place as president and will pull any dirty trick to keep Biden in office. When the Democrats media personalities heard of the unanimous, 9-0 ruling in Trump’s favor, they went off the rails. We were surprised they didn’t accuse the Supreme Court as being compromised by Putin, but they almost went that far.

    Keith Olbermann in particular was especially triggered. He called for the Supreme Court to be “dissolved.” When someone on ‘X,’ told him to ‘cry more, 9-0′. Olbermann replied, “They aren’t tears, fascist. They’re urine. I’m sure you enjoy being bathed in it.” Keith crys pee from his eyeballs? Well, okay.

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