From the Daily Mail: “An Israel expert claims the Biden administration asked them how Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu could be toppled from power.”

Note that it says “the Biden administration” and not “Pres. Biden”. No one in media is fooled and thinks it’s Biden calling the shots. It’s the Cabal.

They want Netanyahu to stop winning. They want to force Israel right back into another “Two State Solution” so terrorists can rule the Gaza Strip and murder Jews again. Why? Because as long as Israel is kept in a perpetual state of assault, it makes the Muslims happy and the Cabal is on the side of the OPEC nations. Which are all Muslim, of course.

Netanyahu is now faced with a terrible decision. He can do what the Cabal tells him to, not send troops into Rafah to finish the fight with Hamas, back off and accept a hostage trade that allows the terrorists to take over the Gaza Strip again.

Or he can tell the USA to shove it, and I believe he just did that because he’s announced that he too has a “red line”, which is allowing a return of Hamas. Now we wait to see what the Cabal does. It won’t be good. Biden made a crack about making Netanyahu have a “Come to Jesus moment”, meaning Biden expects him to be spanked like a schoolboy and given his orders “or else”.

There’s a lot the Cabal can do to harm Israel, like cut off the munitions and spare parts sales, sanction their exports and imports both, freeze bank accounts and so on. The question is how far would they go, since Israel is a big deal with Christians and a lot of our politicians are either Christians or make a show of being Christian and there would be some serious pushback if they felt the Cabal went too far.

Much depends on just how much pleasing the OPECs means to the Cabal.

Why this is a terrible decision to make is simple. If he is obedient to the Cabal, Israel is lost to the terrorists. If he isn’t, an Israel without a US military ally will be attacked from all sides and may be lost anyway. There is a third option, which is to destroy Iran with nuclear weapons and stop them from ever financing terrorists again.

If this were done, the other terrorist factions might back off rather than suffer the same fate, or they might attack from all sides and wipe Israel off the map, or Israel might get nuked by Russia, which is an ally of Iran. Who knows?

Personally, I trust Netanyahu to make the right decisions. His track record isn’t perfect, but Israel is strong today with him guiding the nation. It’s all the other guys I don’t trust.


  1. Thank You, Sir. Another clear and deep wise Geo Political Analysis about the Big Picture on World Power Game. Like Chess. But way more complex.

    I posted 3 new comments yesterday. All of them is copy / paste of Ben Garrison Cartoons Texts about U.S. Politics / Presidential Race.

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