Measles is making a continuing comeback in America as migrants continue to be allowed to swarm in without any of the medical checks that are supposed to be required before entry. The CDC has reported that new cases of it are rapidly appearing.

Virulent tuberculosis, very contagious and nearly impossible to treat, has also come in with the migrants along with Whooping Cough.

When Europeans first came to North America they brought Smallpox with them. They had some level of immunity to it, enough that the death rate from it was low, but the indigenous population had no immunity at all and it wiped out entire tribes.

Many of these migrants are bush people who lived in small communities and shared immunities to the local diseases. We here in the States don’t have their immunities, and diseases constantly mutate. This new outbreak of measles could leave a lot of us made sterile, with brain damage or dead.

That’s just the “childhood disease” of measles. What other diseases are they bringing in that are unknown to us?

There’s a reason these people aren’t being checked for diseases before they’re allowed in. It wouldn’t take very long, they have waiting periods anyway before they get their free pass into America, and it wouldn’t cost nearly as much as the damage to our economy all the sickness causes.

When the next Pandemic is unleashed, it will be blamed on the migrants, even though it will probably be created in a lab in Ukraine and meanwhile, the spread of diseases as the weather warms will give them an excuse to demand we wear masks again and take more “vaccine” shots.

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