Some pundits are predicting a Black Swan event that will provide a reason for Joe Biden to be falsely “elected” Puppet President again, since the reality is that none of the public wants him to be and our Junta, our Ruling Committee, doesn’t want to have to deal with Donald Trump as President again. Ripping off the vote a second time might bring a messy public reaction they’d rather avoid. says that “A black swan event is a rare and unpredictable occurrence that has a major impact and is rationalized after the fact.” Or in other words, something that shouldn’t happen, happens anyway and changes everything, and excuses for it come afterward.

It could be something that prevents Trump from running, or the USA gets invaded, a possibility I recently mentioned, or we declare war against another nation.

Nothing may happen at all, but the fact that informed people are suggesting that this could happen, is interesting. I’ve had similar thoughts. We’ll see.

4 thoughts on “BLACK SWANS”


    A.F. Branco Cartoon — In with the new and out with the old. The Trump people have taken over the RNC with Lara Trump at the helm, so apparent changes are in store, such as removing the RINOs and guiding the party more closely aligned with the conservative base voter as opposed to the elites.

    Lara Trump, the newly appointed co-chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC), declared on Wednesday that the GOP had experienced its “largest digital fundraising weekend since 2020.” The announcement was made via a post on X, where she expressed her pride in the achievement and hinted at more to come, stating, “we are just getting started!”

    1. I still see just a Uniparty and if Trump should be allowed to be Pres. again, it will still be a Uniparty. Political promises are just hot breath that quickly gets cold.
      If Trump is going to become Pres. again, then why hasn’t the Supreme Court jumped all over the blatantly Unconstitutional acts against him by New York? They won’t hear his appeal. Why not? Ernesto, we have been taken over by a cabal. This is just a fact. We do not have two parties. There is no Democrats, there is no Republicans, they’re all on the same team, they just play a game to make it look like everything is still okay.

        1. Who’s “we”? Ernesto, no one is going to change a single thing except to increase our subjugation. If you want to change things, gather up about 20 or 30 million well armed men who think as you do, and go to it.

          It’s like a deaf elephant standing on your foot. All you can do is yell at it to move, but the elephant can’t hear you and doesn’t understand your words anyway. You reach a point of understanding pretty quickly that your words are worthless and your pain doesn’t mean shit to the elephant.

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