Scott Adams, famous as the creator of the Dilbert cartoon strip, posted on X “Have you noticed the “system” protects itself by being so outrageously bad that by the time you understand what is happening it makes you look insane to people who haven’t begun the journey to awareness? I recently evolved into the “crazy zone,” in which I understand too much about how the world works to have a fruitful conversation with someone who thinks we live in a Republic, elections are designed to be fair, the news is real, and free speech still exists in the United States. Imagine a normie seeing what I just wrote.”

We don’t live in a republic, we live in a dictatorship. Elections are not fair. The news is not real. There is no free speech. Welcome to the Crazy Zone, Scott.

You can say to me, “Well, you just wrote all that and published it, isn’t that free speech?”. Yes I did, and my blog can be cancelled for doing so instantly, if anyone in charge wants to, and I can be arrested and imprisoned for “insurrection” or other false charges like the huge number of people who attended the demonstrations in DC on Jan. 6 have been, too.

This is not freedom. This is surviving. Government authority hasn’t attacked me yet because I don’t matter, I’m not stirring any pots, this blog is banned on the search engines, I have only one reader who isn’t even in the country and I’m not fulminating against the government and advocating it’s overthrow. All I do is talk about what it’s doing.

Even that would be bad enough except that so many others are doing it as well who do get attention in the media. No doubt they’re marked for future retaliation, too. Which makes me wonder….

…if our government isn’t now, or hasn’t already, built some nice gulags of our own. Alaska would be perfect for it, or even better, one of its Aleutian Islands. What a great place to ship all the dissidents. Near-frozen surrounding water all year around, no one swims away, no fences needed.

That’s something to think about before demonstrating against the government.


  1. True Bitter Conclusion…

    I just translated this text to Portuguese and sent to my Brazilian readers with the recommendation they COMPARE this situation in U.S.A to that one in Brazil — specially after some Brazilian Congressmen went to Washington to dennounce the SAME kind of Political Persecution by our Communist Government of President Lula da Silve and his Worker’s Party.

    1. Not a smart move by your Brazilian congressmen, to complain to anyone in our government about their own. But maybe now they have a better understanding of how things are.
      Nothing ever stays the same, Change is the only Constant in the universe. The rise and fall of civilizations means nothing to the planet they occur on, in it’s billions of years of existence, and this is how I view things, in that time sense. When you take a cosmic view, there’s no sense of importance about anything to bias your perception.
      I didn’t use to be like this, old age has had a way of expanding everything else while diminishing me, in a sense.

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