And I don’t mean just the weather, though it is. Spring is here, and along with it is an estimated 100 or more attack drones plus a bunch of ballistic missiles from Iran. Directly from Iran, at Israel.

While I type, they’re just now starting to arrive over there. Everybody kept saying that if Iran attacked Israel directly, Israel would attack Iran directly.

So now it’s put up or shut up time. If Israel starts bombing Iran, will the USA join in? And if they do, will they be airdropping food and supplies to the Iranians the way they did to Israels enemies inside Israel? How far will the US hypocrisy extend? Because you know goddam well they won’t do that. That trick is just to screw with the Jews.

I’m glad I’m way over here instead of way over there, and if the radioactive rain does start to fall, I’ve got my bottle of potassium iodide, a full water tank and a large supply of canned and dried foods to last me for years. Let ‘er rip.


We all know that Iran is working to build atomic bombs. If they managed to complete one, naturally the Ayatollah would want to see it, and want it brought to him to look at. I think so anyway, and who’s to say I’m wrong.

Since it would be their very first bomb, there’s bound to be a few small mistakes in construction, and it’s possible that some clumsy oaf could bump into it and BANG! Up goes a mushroom cloud in the middle of Tehran, wiping out all the leadership, all the generals and other poobahs, and ending their bomb program.

Their satellites in Lebanon and elsewhere are now leaderless and no longer have any financial backing and weaponry from Iran, and now civil war against Hezbollah will probably break out in Lebanon because the people are sick of them, and the other groups will probably just collapse.

One nuke, in Tehran, at ground level. It would have to be their own. Don’t you think?