UPDATE: I found a “backdoor” way into my Bluehost account and reset my Primary email back to what it was. It was sheer good luck. Bluehost is still shit.

I’ve been having a problem with emailing a friend in another state, he can send to me but I can’t send to him. I can send to anyone else I want to, just not him. This started happening about a month ago. I downloaded a new version of my email program but that didn’t fix it. So I went to my ISP account, which is Bluehost, and checked for filters and there are no filters. Nothing to block anyone from receiving my email.

I pay Bluehost a lot of money each year to host my domains and provide me with emails connected to them, but decided to try going outside of Bluehost services and getting an Outlook email, just to see if that would work, and it does.

A few days later I tried logging into Bluehost and they wanted me to enter a 6 digit code they sent to *****.com. No code was ever received. I called Support, was told my primary email address had been changed to an Outlook email address, without my knowledge or permission, and Support could not change it back, and it isn’t the Outlook address that I have.

Support finally sent me a form to fill out and send back online and include a copy of my photo ID and a current utility bill, so I scanned and copied and attached and sent it all back, and a message came back that my email would be reset in 2 days. 3 days later another message came that said ” Okay, NOW, scan this code with your smart phone”. I don’t have a smart phone. So I called support again and was told to email my problem to ownership@bluehost.com, so I did, and got an automatic message back that they would take care of this within 24 hours.

That was 3 days ago. This morning I checked the return address of that automatic reply and it came from REYKJAVIK, ICELAND.

So now I have to go back over my bank records and see when it was that I paid these fucking inconsiderate, incompetent, worthless asshole non-supportive sons of bitches so I’ll know how long I have before they start hitting me with more automatic charges, because before then I will have a new credit card number that they won’t have.

If this isn’t fixed soon I’ll have to abandon my domains and emails, sign up with a new ISP with a new domain name and a new email address and if that happens, that will be the end of Newsbleat. I can’t fix what I didn’t break and can’t reach.

Update, just checked, Bluehost has already hit me with all their charges until the beginning of next August, so I have until then to get this fixed or get a new ISP.


Sprummer is when it’s only Spring but feels like Summer, like TODAY. It hit 80 degrees F. today, a glorious day, went out and worked in the garden, digging out the clumps of weeds, installed one of the timers and did some repairs on the watering system. Felt really good to be out on a warm day again.

My cat even caught an incautious lizard and as usual, ran into the main bathroom to play with it, but I was able to rescue it before too much damage was done. She can kill the mice all she likes but the lizards eat the bugs that eat my garden, and I discourage it.

The greening of Spring, the new growth and warming and lengthening of the days always has special meaning to me, it’s like a sort of rebirth of the world. I know it isn’t, but that doesn’t matter, it’s a wonderful time of renewal as new life emerges and new energy flows.


“Shocking stat of the day: Inflation has not fallen in a single month since January 2021, according to Zerohedge. This means that overall prices are up a whopping 19% in less than 4 years.”

Oh yeah, so shocking. Isn’t it odd that about 7 or 8 months ago, when I was in a local hardware store, I watched as they raised all their prices about 40%. And that was just last year. The price of groceries has more than doubled, the price of gasoline has gone up to nearly double.

19% in 4 years? No, over 40% in one year, DOUBLE in the past 4 years, overall. Go suck it, Zerohedge.

You can’t trust one single thing you read in the media.


Just for starters, no nation sends in food and supplies to the civilian population of the country they’re fighting. That’s insane. You don’t feed the enemy.

Yet Israel has been forced to allow massive loads of supplies into Gaza that are immediately raided by Hamas fighters while the non-combatants get shot by them trying to get some for themselves, when they’re the ones it’s intended for.

The US even built a special pier for bringing in this aid by sea and they and a few other nations actually made airdrops of food and supplies, with Israel being forced by US pressure to allow them to fly over their country and do this.

The pressure is primarily the threat of withholding arms and financial aid, and that’s a big threat because the US is Israels largest supplier.

Now the US is talking about withholding all aid anyway unless Israel agrees to stop fighting and let Hamas regroup and take back Gaza. In other words, the US is telling Israel to lose the war. Israel says NO.

Suddenly, Germany is now selling arms and munitions to Israel and I read that they are supplying 30% of what Israel needs. I can’t even speculate right now what’s behind this other than a profit motive.

So that’s at least one source of war materials while everyone else is now backing away from Israel, but for me, this display of Arab ass-kissing isn’t the big issue. It’s the fact that if Israel is backed into a corner where they’re attacked from all sides and they run out of ways to defend themselves and keep from being annihilated, they still have nukes.

I really don’t want to see nuclear war erupt in the Middle East, no matter how much I’ve said that I’d love to see Mecca vaporized, because it probably wouldn’t end there. It could spread across the planet and while I do want to see humanity reduced to more manageable numbers, killing everything else in the process is not the way to do it.

So I hope that the people who are orchestrating all this mayhem over there are taking the time to look to the future and understand the consequences of certain actions. Because I don’t care if you have a massive bunker on Oahu or New Zealand, we will all be victims in such a war, including you.


The UK has passed a new law. All poultry and captive bird keepers will be required to register their birds from Oct 1, the Government has said. Under previous rules, only flocks of 50 or more birds would have to be registered with the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Now you have to register your backyard chickens even if you only have one or two.

This is because the UK has now decided that chickens are dangerous and need a close eye kept on them, because they might develop Bird Flu and spread the infection throughout the known Universe, or at least, Great Britain.

Considering the very short lives of most chickens, between going into the soup pot, being barbecued or eaten by a fox or other predator, this is going to keep the Office of The Registrar Of Chickens pretty busy.

Now, I have some Questions: First, do you count your chickens before they hatch or afterward? Will chickens be required to wear electronic ankle bracelets to keep track of their whereabouts? Since so many chickens look alike, how do you prevent Chicken Identity Theft? Won’t this enable an illegal trade in Unregistered Chickens? A Unregistered Chicken Black Market? A lot of people won’t want to register their chickens, for fear the government will confiscate all chickens regardless of caliber. Long chickens, hand-held chickens, semi-automatic chickens, once registered the government knows where they are, until they get eaten, of course. So how do you UN-register chickens that have passed away?

And when there’s a food shortage, and there will be because of all the farms being shut down and all the hungry migrants coming in, the government will know where all those backyard chickens are, and will confiscate them for the National Good.

The fucking Brits are geniuses at messing up their own lives and we aren’t far behind them with our own asinine rules and regulations.


Way back in Ancient Times, even before homosexuals had queer parades and rode unicycles while naked with their balls painted red, and parents had their little boys changed into little imitation girls, there was a place called America where everyone worshiped a Jewish god and called themselves Christians.

They were all a bunch of hypocrites, of course, but they did a pretty good job of maintaining order in the streets and keeping the economy going fairly smoothly, and they watched a television show called “Queen For A Day” where women would compete to be the “queen” and get a lot of money and nice things.

So I’ve decided to bring back something similar, something along those lines, and call it “God For A Day”. Each day people can compete to be God and dictate what happens all over the world. I think this will be very interesting to watch as I doubt the human race would survive a whole week of having a different omnipotent God ruling over it each day.

Imagine if a Sunni Muslim were God on one day and a Shiite the next? Not even a cockroach would survive.

I know not many would see the next sunrise if I were God For A Day because most people just piss me off and the first one to go would be that little unicycle-riding faggot who painted his balls red and rode naked in front of children and everybody in a queer parade in San Francisco. Then maybe Chuck Schumer and his buddies, every fucking Muslim on the planet, I’d wipe Africa clean of them and every negro and anyone else with an IQ under 110 on Earth and every one who ever harmed someone because of their race, of any color. I’d reset the human gene pool.

I’d ban religions and anyone who insisted on keeping theirs would vanish in a puff of brown smoke that smelled like the bottom of an outhouse, and I’d cause every so-called “holy” book and text to disappear forever. I’d set up insane asylums to house people who tried to start new religions.

All militaries would be disbanded, all weapons of war would fall into dust, all flags and national boundaries would be forgotten, no more patriotism or national elections, presidents or prime ministers. No nations, no political parties, just a unified, much depopulated world where people are cleaning up the mess and not making more.

They might not be happy about it at first but they’d get used to it.

I keep thinking about the Social Credit system in place in China now. Everyone has a Smart Phone. They have to. Everyone does all their business, buying, selling, banking and so on, with those phones and everything they do is recorded, everything they say is recorded, and a “Social Credit Score” is generated that determines their status as citizens. Their very lives depend on having a good Social Credit score, and the Central Committee, their government, is their god.

This system will only work as long as the governing body remains sane and stable and this is where AI comes in, because it won’t. Politics will eventually wreck everything. The answer, of course, is for AI to eventually take over the task of governing and become God, and somehow I just don’t have much faith in the benevolence of a god that was created by men. The Old Testament god is exactly that, and it’s a jealous, violent god that smites whole cities and turns people into pillars of salt.


A bird with the Flu flew into a chicken yard and gave all the chickens the Flu, so instead of waiting to see if any chickens survived the Flu and developed a RESISTANCE to it, oh no, can’t do that, instead all the chickens were killed.

Every time bird Flu is detected at a chicken ranch, all the chickens are killed. This is STUPID.

The same thing happens with pigs and cattle, they get some contagious disease that can infect people and they’re all killed instead of letting them build immunity through individual survivors. Animals in the wild get these diseases too, that’s where they come from in the first place, and you don’t see all the wild pigs and birds going extinct. Sometimes a lot of them die but those that don’t have developed immunity that they pass on to their offspring.

3 days ago a man was found to have been cross-infected with “highly pathogenic” Bird Flu from a cow. Milk from cows is Pasteurized, heated to between 145 and 161 degrees F. depending on time length, to kill all the bacteria, and cows frequently get some type of the Flu, so at least they’re not killing all the cows, which normally survive being sick.

But the point is that the Flu is starting to infect everything and it mutates all the time, and sometimes the mutation is very deadly. Which is what “highly pathogenic” means.

We’ve been warned by the Pandemic Lock-Down people that they have another global disease planned for us. Maybe this is it. Just stay alert, is all.


Way back in the 1960’s, Playboy Magazine had a cartoon by a guy named Gahan Wilson, that showed a night scene of a bunch of robed people bowing down to a huge stone zero. In the back of the crowd, one robed man turns to another and asks, “Is Nothing sacred?”

Well, embassies aren’t anymore. They haven’t been for a long time. Back when Jimmy Carter was President, the Iranians stormed our embassy there and held those people prisoner for 400 days. The Muslims attacked our embassy in Benghazi, Libya and murdered the ambassador, our embassy was overrun in Vietnam, attacked in Baghdad, the list goes on.

So when Israel had the golden opportunity to kill one of the most sadistic Iranian generals and a bunch of other high-ranking Iranian officers meeting in their embassy in Damascus, Syria, they jumped on it. Now Iran is screaming revenge.

This may not be the start of revenge attacks on embassies, just that it could be, and if so, would be an excellent way to get a big Middle East War moving right along.


Today I tried to solve a problem that really isn’t mine, by getting a new email address. The problem is that a close friend can no longer receive emails from me. He can send them to me, and get them from everyone else, but not from me. I can send and receive to anyone I want, including him, he just never receives my messages and this has gone on for over a month now.

I have 5 email addresses linked to 5 domains all hosted on one domain host, and not one is able to get a message to him. All are able to receive from him.

ANYWAY….. I tried to get a new email address served by a different host than mine, just to see if that would work, and it did. I set up a new email account on proton.me as a trial, and sent him a couple messages that he was able to answer back to. But there’s a problem. I can only do this from the proton.me website. I can’t enable the new address in my computer email program because proton.me wants me to enter a code it sends to my cell phone, only my cell phone never gets the code, so proton.me will not validate the new email address. It will only function on their website and I’m not going to hang out on it all day every day waiting for an email.

Other email programs have similar problems but the one that really gets me right between the ribs is when they require that I give them my email address and my smartphone number.

What if I don’t own a smartphone? Fact is, I DON’T. I just have a flip phone, don’t want a goddam smartphone and never did. That’s one. The other is, what the hell do they think I’m trying to get? What if I don’t have an email address, that’s why I’m on their website, to GET an email address.

Then there’s the security tests that don’t work and all the really intrusive personal questions being asked that I won’t answer so they can target me with ads. I’m trying to sign up for PAID email, I’ll pay them, not asking for free, but it’s still a humongously massive asspain.

I finally gave up, called my friend and told him he’s just going to have to find a fix for this on his own. And you know, it all just made me think back, to not very long ago, when there were no cell phones and no satellite dishes and no Internet. Life was just so much better then, everything was so much simpler.

We have sacrificed simplicity for convenience and we got a raw deal.


This is why Earth’s human population needs to be drastically reduced: “Things get intense as man blocks squatters from trespassing.”

The video shows a bunch of human trash camped out on a dirt lot behind a fenced property. They cut a hole in the expensive hurricane link fence to gain access to it, and the owner is there at the hole blocking one of these people, a woman, from entering.

After he has to forcefully push her away from him, she comes back with a stick threatening him, demanding access to his property that she has no right to enter.

Personally, I would cheerfully kill every fucking one of them, men, women, children, babies in arms, I truly don’t give a shit, they’ve reduced themselves to the level of cockroaches, invading homes like the parasites they are, and they don’t deserve the gift of life.