A bird with the Flu flew into a chicken yard and gave all the chickens the Flu, so instead of waiting to see if any chickens survived the Flu and developed a RESISTANCE to it, oh no, can’t do that, instead all the chickens were killed.

Every time bird Flu is detected at a chicken ranch, all the chickens are killed. This is STUPID.

The same thing happens with pigs and cattle, they get some contagious disease that can infect people and they’re all killed instead of letting them build immunity through individual survivors. Animals in the wild get these diseases too, that’s where they come from in the first place, and you don’t see all the wild pigs and birds going extinct. Sometimes a lot of them die but those that don’t have developed immunity that they pass on to their offspring.

3 days ago a man was found to have been cross-infected with “highly pathogenic” Bird Flu from a cow. Milk from cows is Pasteurized, heated to between 145 and 161 degrees F. depending on time length, to kill all the bacteria, and cows frequently get some type of the Flu, so at least they’re not killing all the cows, which normally survive being sick.

But the point is that the Flu is starting to infect everything and it mutates all the time, and sometimes the mutation is very deadly. Which is what “highly pathogenic” means.

We’ve been warned by the Pandemic Lock-Down people that they have another global disease planned for us. Maybe this is it. Just stay alert, is all.


Way back in the 1960’s, Playboy Magazine had a cartoon by a guy named Gahan Wilson, that showed a night scene of a bunch of robed people bowing down to a huge stone zero. In the back of the crowd, one robed man turns to another and asks, “Is Nothing sacred?”

Well, embassies aren’t anymore. They haven’t been for a long time. Back when Jimmy Carter was President, the Iranians stormed our embassy there and held those people prisoner for 400 days. The Muslims attacked our embassy in Benghazi, Libya and murdered the ambassador, our embassy was overrun in Vietnam, attacked in Baghdad, the list goes on.

So when Israel had the golden opportunity to kill one of the most sadistic Iranian generals and a bunch of other high-ranking Iranian officers meeting in their embassy in Damascus, Syria, they jumped on it. Now Iran is screaming revenge.

This may not be the start of revenge attacks on embassies, just that it could be, and if so, would be an excellent way to get a big Middle East War moving right along.


Today I tried to solve a problem that really isn’t mine, by getting a new email address. The problem is that a close friend can no longer receive emails from me. He can send them to me, and get them from everyone else, but not from me. I can send and receive to anyone I want, including him, he just never receives my messages and this has gone on for over a month now.

I have 5 email addresses linked to 5 domains all hosted on one domain host, and not one is able to get a message to him. All are able to receive from him.

ANYWAY….. I tried to get a new email address served by a different host than mine, just to see if that would work, and it did. I set up a new email account on proton.me as a trial, and sent him a couple messages that he was able to answer back to. But there’s a problem. I can only do this from the proton.me website. I can’t enable the new address in my computer email program because proton.me wants me to enter a code it sends to my cell phone, only my cell phone never gets the code, so proton.me will not validate the new email address. It will only function on their website and I’m not going to hang out on it all day every day waiting for an email.

Other email programs have similar problems but the one that really gets me right between the ribs is when they require that I give them my email address and my smartphone number.

What if I don’t own a smartphone? Fact is, I DON’T. I just have a flip phone, don’t want a goddam smartphone and never did. That’s one. The other is, what the hell do they think I’m trying to get? What if I don’t have an email address, that’s why I’m on their website, to GET an email address.

Then there’s the security tests that don’t work and all the really intrusive personal questions being asked that I won’t answer so they can target me with ads. I’m trying to sign up for PAID email, I’ll pay them, not asking for free, but it’s still a humongously massive asspain.

I finally gave up, called my friend and told him he’s just going to have to find a fix for this on his own. And you know, it all just made me think back, to not very long ago, when there were no cell phones and no satellite dishes and no Internet. Life was just so much better then, everything was so much simpler.

We have sacrificed simplicity for convenience and we got a raw deal.


This is why Earth’s human population needs to be drastically reduced: “Things get intense as man blocks squatters from trespassing.”

The video shows a bunch of human trash camped out on a dirt lot behind a fenced property. They cut a hole in the expensive hurricane link fence to gain access to it, and the owner is there at the hole blocking one of these people, a woman, from entering.

After he has to forcefully push her away from him, she comes back with a stick threatening him, demanding access to his property that she has no right to enter.

Personally, I would cheerfully kill every fucking one of them, men, women, children, babies in arms, I truly don’t give a shit, they’ve reduced themselves to the level of cockroaches, invading homes like the parasites they are, and they don’t deserve the gift of life.


Muddy water clears through stillness, so as long as there’s distraction and turmoil, we can’t see clearly into it. This is the practice of our “democratic” governments, to keep things roiled up, to keep us distracted so much that we can’t see into what’s really going on.

I’ve spoken of this here before. This is a lot like the fog of war, so much going on that seems so dire and immediate that we don’t see the monster moving below.

Now the water is clearing and thanks to the Australians I can finally see what the Globalists intend as their form of world government, which is the monster I refer to.

Australia already has a government website up where you can sign up for a Digital ID and the tentative date is July 1, 2024 for the full rollout of a national Digital ID system. It won’t be mandatory at first, but it will be required to access government services online, and since Australia is now dictatorially Socialist, most everything is either owned or controlled by the government. The new ID will make it much easier to navigate the system.

Of course, this also means that users will have Social Credit Scores, which the Chinese already use to control every moment of their subjects lives. Australians ability to buy food, to simply live, will depend on their Social Credit Score. Not right away, it will be gradual.

Now this: “As Australia’s biggest annual anti-capitalist gathering, the Marxism Conference is an essential opportunity for the socialist left to learn, discuss and organise.

Socialism is just a short step away from Communism and Australia is already Socialist to the point of turning full Communist, which it is now doing. This matters to the rest of us because Australia is being set up as the Western model of Global Government, and it’s beginning to look a lot like the Chinese model. Right now they’re telling the young people over there that this is Marxism, with all it’s high sounding ideals and slogans, but true Marxism is a failure, it collapses every time because the Utopia it promises always turns into poverty and despair. Anti-Capitalism doesn’t work, as the Chinese quickly found out and discarded.

It sounds so glorious to the students, fight back against corporate oppression, make the bosses pay more, give everyone an equal share. It never works. What these Marxism Conferences are for is to suck in the young leaders and turn them into Mao’s Red Guards, enforcers who will make sure everyone does what the government tells them to do. From what I’ve seen of their responses, they’re very enthusiastic about this, too.

When everyone has a Digital ID, this is when the Globalists can seriously reduce the number of people. I wondered how they planned to do it and obviously, this is how. Nothing could stop them. A poor Social Credit score will get you declared a Useless Eater, you can’t obtain food or any service and you die. There will be Euthanasia Centers where you can go and be put to death painlessly. They have them now in Socialist Canada. It will take years yet to force this onto the global population, but this is the goal.

Keep your eye on Australia if you want to see what the worldwide Global Government will be in actual practice. Because this is your future, coming to you.

*** UPDATE *** Canada and Great Britain are going Marxist as well. Italy is being overtaken by Islam and has a Communist history, as does Spain. Socialism is the norm for Europe generally now and it’s also spreading in South and Central America. It should also be noted that Israel, which calls itself a democracy, is Socialist while NONE of the Arab states are socialist. This will matter later on and it won’t be good for the Arabs. I stated earlier that the war there may be designed to spread and take down the Arab states. I may be wrong but, so far, it’s on track.

When the Global Government takes hold, life will get hard very suddenly for almost everyone, as everything, all food and services, will become very restricted and controlled. Everyone will have to have a smart phone and government ID in order to purchase anything. Cash will disappear as the banks take in banknotes and issue digital credits in their place and the government stops printing paper money.

The world is about to undergo a revolution, where all currency goes digital and everyone becomes a number on the Internet.


A new law goes into effect tomorrow, Monday April 1, which is also April Fool’s Day, very fitting, that raises the minimum wage for fast food workers to $2o an hour. This is going to result in the layoff of tens of thousands of employees in order to save costs, and in many cases will also result in the outright closure of some of these corporations that are already operating on a thin margin.

With prices up and wages down, many individual fast food franchise restaurants in low income areas have shut down over the past few years, and now many more will follow.

This does two things to the population. It takes jobs away and deepens the general poverty, and it makes food harder to come by.

Curiously,restaurants producing and selling bread as a stand-alone menu item are exempt from this law. So if you have a fast food restaurant associated with a large franchise and want to stay in business, put in a bread oven, just bake one certain kind and offer it as a separate item on the menu. Now, how weird is that?


For a long time now, many decades, there’s been a lot of concern about saving Africa’s wildlife from extinction. Of course, the only sure way to do that is to remove all the people who are still killing off all the critters for “bush meat” to eat.

Google searches tell me that the average IQ among the native people is 70 across the continent, which puts Africans at the bottom of human evolution and at the top of being Useless Eaters. Africans contribute zero to the progress of humanity so it’s not like they’d be missed much.

Computers and AI aren’t the only branches of technology that are making huge advances. So are the studies of medicine, bacteriology and genetics. Biology, generally. They can make new diseases now and tailor them to racial characteristics.

So to make this story short, yes, I fully expect Negroes to one day face a galloping plague that kills off pretty much all of them. They are the stupidest, most criminal and most violent of humans and should be the first to be eliminated when humanity is whittled down to that one-half billion goal of the Globalists.


Our government likes to warn us well in advance that there’s going to be some sort of catastrophe that will come as a complete surprise, like when they told us repeatedly, for two weeks in advance, that there would be anthrax attacks. Then AMAZINGLY, there were anthrax attacks and the person they blamed for them was totally innocent, the anthrax actually was traced back to a US Army laboratory and it was our own government that was behind it. Of course. This was just an exercise to make us afraid of shadows.

Then there were the repeated warnings before the destruction of the Twin Towers by Saudi Arabia, that were blamed on Weapons of Mass Destruction stockpiled by Saddam Hussein in Iraq, who actually had none, but it was the excuse to destroy Iraq in an attempt to take over the oil. 3000 people died at the Towers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis for this bullshit play.

Let’s not forget the “Pandemic” with all the mandated shutdowns and masking and Social Distancing, and the drive to inject the world with poisons that’s still going on. We’re still being told that another “Pandemic” is coming. They haven’t decided when to do it yet, I guess.

The US warned Americans to stay away from crowded venues in Russia because there was going to be a terror attack. They also warned Russia. Russia denies being warned. Why are they lying? They knew about it, did nothing to prevent it, and fingers of blame are being pointed in all directions.

The US says ISIS would be behind the attack. ISIS takes credit now. No one believes it including me.

Putin was just “elected” dictator again, the way Biden was “elected”, and right afterward, there’s this attack and the world is all freaked out and making lots of noise over it, when this really was a very small loss of life when it comes to this sort of thing. Millions are still dying from the Vax Jab.

This looks to me like a mini-version of the Twin Towers. It’s a diversion. The Russian people want to be rid of Putin and his dictatorship and the war in Ukraine that’s killing off all their men. They aren’t happy that he just signed himself up for another 6 years as Czar of Russia.

The Russian media is spinning this as “Oh, what a bad break for our wonderful President after just getting re-elected, he’s supposed to protect us and this awful thing happens and makes him look bad.” The whole point of this crap is to generate sympathy for this thug.

Putin, in denying that the US issued a warning, claims how there’s no longer any conversation between us, we’re just really bad enemies now, it’s too bad, Russia really tried for peace, blah blah blah, when everyone knows that we’re in constant communication.

My take is we collaborated with Russia in this phony terror attack, which was designed to get a lot of attention and change the anger toward Putin into sympathy while spreading fear and uncertainty among the population, so they killed a bunch of people and set a big fire.

Not completely sure how this relates to Ukraine, but watching that mess continue, I’m heavily reminded of Vietnam and Afghanistan. Don’t forget that Russia was in both Vietnam and Afghanistan, fighting on the other side. We have a history of using other people’s countries to fight wars that make tons of money for the Military-Industrial Complex and I bet Russia makes out pretty good, too.


Scott Adams, famous as the creator of the Dilbert cartoon strip, posted on X “Have you noticed the “system” protects itself by being so outrageously bad that by the time you understand what is happening it makes you look insane to people who haven’t begun the journey to awareness? I recently evolved into the “crazy zone,” in which I understand too much about how the world works to have a fruitful conversation with someone who thinks we live in a Republic, elections are designed to be fair, the news is real, and free speech still exists in the United States. Imagine a normie seeing what I just wrote.”

We don’t live in a republic, we live in a dictatorship. Elections are not fair. The news is not real. There is no free speech. Welcome to the Crazy Zone, Scott.

You can say to me, “Well, you just wrote all that and published it, isn’t that free speech?”. Yes I did, and my blog can be cancelled for doing so instantly, if anyone in charge wants to, and I can be arrested and imprisoned for “insurrection” or other false charges like the huge number of people who attended the demonstrations in DC on Jan. 6 have been, too.

This is not freedom. This is surviving. Government authority hasn’t attacked me yet because I don’t matter, I’m not stirring any pots, this blog is banned on the search engines, I have only one reader who isn’t even in the country and I’m not fulminating against the government and advocating it’s overthrow. All I do is talk about what it’s doing.

Even that would be bad enough except that so many others are doing it as well who do get attention in the media. No doubt they’re marked for future retaliation, too. Which makes me wonder….

…if our government isn’t now, or hasn’t already, built some nice gulags of our own. Alaska would be perfect for it, or even better, one of its Aleutian Islands. What a great place to ship all the dissidents. Near-frozen surrounding water all year around, no one swims away, no fences needed.

That’s something to think about before demonstrating against the government.


“‘Courage to Serve’ act for migrants”

” A new proposal by Hudson Valley Congressman Pat Ryan, called the ‘Courage to Serve Act’ would allow qualified and vetted migrants and expedited path to citizenship if they service in the military. Feb 9, 2024″. That’s an open invitation to become an American citizen to all those young men and they probably heard it was coming months ago, just not us.

All those military-age men swarming into the USA will become citizens if they join our military. They’re supposed to ask for it but there will be a little box on the induction form that they’ll be told to check when they sign up, and that little box will say “YES, I want US citizenship” under it. That’s how this always works in reality. No wonder they’re pouring in here. Their countries, as Trump put it, are Shitholes.

The only reason to make this offer and allow in all these millions of people is because our Great and Noble Leaders are expecting us to be involved in a major war, soon.

The word is out, there are US troops now stationed on a few of the outlying Taiwanese islands, supposedly just training Taiwan troops to use American weapons against the Chinese. I’ll buy that, since the Chinks could swarm the area pretty much any time they feel like invading and would quickly overwhelm our guys. My point in mentioning this is that war clouds are getting bigger and darker.

Stock up on survival foods now.