Muddy water clears through stillness, so as long as there’s distraction and turmoil, we can’t see clearly into it. This is the practice of our “democratic” governments, to keep things roiled up, to keep us distracted so much that we can’t see into what’s really going on.

I’ve spoken of this here before. This is a lot like the fog of war, so much going on that seems so dire and immediate that we don’t see the monster moving below.

Now the water is clearing and thanks to the Australians I can finally see what the Globalists intend as their form of world government, which is the monster I refer to.

Australia already has a government website up where you can sign up for a Digital ID and the tentative date is July 1, 2024 for the full rollout of a national Digital ID system. It won’t be mandatory at first, but it will be required to access government services online, and since Australia is now dictatorially Socialist, most everything is either owned or controlled by the government. The new ID will make it much easier to navigate the system.

Of course, this also means that users will have Social Credit Scores, which the Chinese already use to control every moment of their subjects lives. Australians ability to buy food, to simply live, will depend on their Social Credit Score. Not right away, it will be gradual.

Now this: “As Australia’s biggest annual anti-capitalist gathering, the Marxism Conference is an essential opportunity for the socialist left to learn, discuss and organise.

Socialism is just a short step away from Communism and Australia is already Socialist to the point of turning full Communist, which it is now doing. This matters to the rest of us because Australia is being set up as the Western model of Global Government, and it’s beginning to look a lot like the Chinese model. Right now they’re telling the young people over there that this is Marxism, with all it’s high sounding ideals and slogans, but true Marxism is a failure, it collapses every time because the Utopia it promises always turns into poverty and despair. Anti-Capitalism doesn’t work, as the Chinese quickly found out and discarded.

It sounds so glorious to the students, fight back against corporate oppression, make the bosses pay more, give everyone an equal share. It never works. What these Marxism Conferences are for is to suck in the young leaders and turn them into Mao’s Red Guards, enforcers who will make sure everyone does what the government tells them to do. From what I’ve seen of their responses, they’re very enthusiastic about this, too.

When everyone has a Digital ID, this is when the Globalists can seriously reduce the number of people. I wondered how they planned to do it and obviously, this is how. Nothing could stop them. A poor Social Credit score will get you declared a Useless Eater, you can’t obtain food or any service and you die. There will be Euthanasia Centers where you can go and be put to death painlessly. They have them now in Socialist Canada. It will take years yet to force this onto the global population, but this is the goal.

Keep your eye on Australia if you want to see what the worldwide Global Government will be in actual practice. Because this is your future, coming to you.

*** UPDATE *** Canada and Great Britain are going Marxist as well. Italy is being overtaken by Islam and has a Communist history, as does Spain. Socialism is the norm for Europe generally now and it’s also spreading in South and Central America. It should also be noted that Israel, which calls itself a democracy, is Socialist while NONE of the Arab states are socialist. This will matter later on and it won’t be good for the Arabs. I stated earlier that the war there may be designed to spread and take down the Arab states. I may be wrong but, so far, it’s on track.

When the Global Government takes hold, life will get hard very suddenly for almost everyone, as everything, all food and services, will become very restricted and controlled. Everyone will have to have a smart phone and government ID in order to purchase anything. Cash will disappear as the banks take in banknotes and issue digital credits in their place and the government stops printing paper money.

The world is about to undergo a revolution, where all currency goes digital and everyone becomes a number on the Internet.

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