Blacks commonly call each other “nigger”, while they get violently upset if anyone not black says “nigger”, and this is actually enforced in various ways by our government, in a land where we’re supposed to have Freedom of Speech. It’s true that “nigger” is a racial slur, which explains Negro’s attitude. But it doesn’t mean no one can use it as a slur, whether they should or not. We call each other all sorts of names. “Nigger” is just one of them.

Tomorrow, June 19, is a new, official, Federal holiday supposedly celebrating the day Negro slaves were emancipated at the end of the Civil War.

I call it Nigger Day, which of course is very racist, because that’s what it is, a very racist holiday that actually has nothing to do with the end of slavery in America. It’s official name is Juneteenth National INDEPENDENCE DAY.

Our INDEPENDENCE DAY IS JULY 4TH. This should have been called Juneteenth National EMANCIPATION Day and it should be on Dec. 6th. It was named a second Independence Day to make it comparable to us winning our battle against England in order to become a free nation. That’s right, those assholes dragged our most patriotic national holiday down to this level, the ending of slavery. It was right to end slavery. It’s not right to confuse it with our most treasured national holiday in order to pander to blacks. That’s just racist.

Pres. Abraham Lincoln made his Emancipation Declaration on Jan. 1st, 1863. Our Congress ratified the 13th Amendment to our Constitution, officially ending slavery as a matter of law, on Dec. 6, 1865. Notice that neither of these dates is remotely close to June 19th.

The date was chosen because it was June 19, 1865 that one General Granger led federal troops into Galveston, Texas and declared that the Civil War was over and all slaves were now free. Right. An obscure event that never made the history books, but someone somewhere in Washington D.C. dug it up and there you have it.

I guess our Great Leaders think that if they keep giving the blacks more holidays, that somehow this will cause these Average 75 IQ subhumans to start behaving themselves.

Good luck on that.


“God save the queen, man”, said Joe Biden after he finished reading his speech, then started to walk away, stopped, pointed both thumbs outward, then in at himself. Just then some heavyset man in a dark suit came quickly up and took him by the arm and they started walking forward, to go off stage.

Joe suddenly took a few rapid steps, then resumed a normal pace.

No one knows why he said “God save the queen”, including him. The British queen is dead, so there’s nothing there to save. That was just another non sequitur, having no point, just more disconnected babble that keeps coming out of the mouth of this senile man.

There’s no chance that he will be appointed Puppet President again, not with a year and a half yet to go and at the rate he’s falling apart. VP Kamala Harris is a cackling idiot, she’s an embarrassment too, which is why we see so little of her instead of her taking over more of his duties.

But someone has to. Yet the Cabal hasn’t put anyone forward and the next group of wanna-be’s has already formed up at the starting gate. What does that tell you? It tells me that the selection has already been made.

Remember that in American politics, it’s now a Uniparty pretending to be two separate parties, okay?. The Cabal’s next White House Puppet will obviously be a “Republican”.

Ron DeSantis looks like a good bet for the job, though they may have already worked out a deal with Donald Trump. We’ll see.

But let’s keep one thing in mind. It doesn’t matter who’s next.


Bill Gates just went to China and had a long conversation with China’s dictator, Xi Jin-ping-pong. What did they discuss? Bill says they talked about Public Health. (and maybe how they can destroy it.)

What does Bill do now for a living? He develops and sells vaccines.

Who does a lot of his research? A bio lab in Wuhan, China. Who was he funding before the Covid breakout? A bio lab in Wuhan, China (and a two-faced, lying, murderous bastard named Anthony Fauci).

What was the bio lab in Wuhan researching? Gain Of Function for various nasty diseases.

What was discovered about the new Covid disease? It was a form of the Flu, with Gain of Function added. Top virologists say so.

“OH NO, THE FLU IS DIFFERENT”, is what you get when you search Google or others for “is Covid the same as the flu?”. “No. The flu is caused by the influenza virus, while Covid is a Coronavirus”. Well guess what, kiddies? So is the flu. See below:

Macro view of isolated H1N1 SWINE FLU VIRUS. Clipping path included.

ALL varieties of influenza are corona viruses, and Covid19 does exactly what influenza does, same symptoms. ISN’T IT STRANGE that during that so-called epidemic, that no flu deaths were reported. Somehow, we never had a flu season that year. All the deaths were from Covid, so they say. You see that picture above? Does it remind you of anything you saw a lot of pics of during the “pandemic”?

Back to Gates and Jing-Ping-Pong, Old Bill was there in China in 2019, right before China sent all those infected holiday tourists out all over the world with their highly infectious, function-gained disease. Old Bill is the same swell guy who tests his vaccines out on the Negro kids in African poor nations, where hundreds of thousands of them have somehow died after getting their shots.

Now he’s back in China again. What’s the plan? I don’t know but I’ll bet a 2 pound chunk off my ass that we’re going to have another PLANdemic next year, if everything holds true to the last one.


The USA and other NATO nations are essentially at war with Russia now, considering that we’re supplying Ukraine with all the weapons of war in their battle against the Russian invasion of their country. The only thing that keeps Russia and us from directly attacking each other is that we don’t have our own troops there, fighting them. Or supposedly, since there are “advisors” who come along with the tanks and planes to teach the Ukrainians how to operate them.

Ukrainian President Zelensky said today that a loss to Russia could ultimately force the U.S. to choose between the “collapse of NATO” or going to war, according to Yahoo News, and he’s right. If Russia conquers Ukraine, they won’t stop there, their next assault will most likely be on Poland, which they had once enslaved into their “Soviet Union” and which Putin would dearly love to do again. Then, of course, attack and conquer the Baltic states, and just keep expanding outward.

Poland and most of the other states next to Russia are members of NATO, and an attack on one of them is considered an attack on all of them. The NATO allies are supporting Ukraine against Russia exactly because they don’t want the Russians to attack any NATO nation and force war upon them all, so they hope to defeat Russia in Ukraine and put an end to that threat.

But this war just keeps going on and Russia has more warm bodies to throw at Ukraine than Ukraine has to throw back. Eventually Ukraine will run out of soldiers to fight, and Russia will win. This is what Putin is now counting on and the only way to prevent this is for NATO forces to join the fray.

Zelensky is right, Russia cannot be allowed to win, and Putin has to be made to accept this fact without him going into desperation mode and launching waves of atomic bombs at the rest of the world. Personally, the best case scenario here is simply the assassination of Putin. Done and done, problem solved, war ended, peace resumes. It has always made more sense to kill the leaders than attack the soldiers under them. It’s how the Israelis manage to keep the Gaza Strip controlled. Every time new terrorist leaders pop up, Israel knocks them off in an endless, moronic game of Whack-A-Mole. This hasn’t stopped the Arabs from attacking but it’s really slowed them down to a crawl and made life a lot better for the Israelis. Now do it to Putin and put an end to all the suffering on both sides.


The ever-burgeoning California state bureaucracy was created solely to enrich and empower the politicians at the great expense of the people.

It has become so difficult to navigate in order to accomplish even minor tasks, and so burdened with high fees every step of the way, that only very experienced lawyers are now capable of, and required to, intercede on behalf of the citizens of this state.

The employees of these bureaus and departments are highly paid and poorly trained, and the self-help websites are archaic and loaded with unstated, hidden requirements to make them function properly, that can only be discovered by calling and asking after waiting on hold for awhile.

For example, I paid the fee to download a simple search result that would have been free anywhere else. But after paying, the download link took me on a circular path back to the download link. I called one of them, waited on hold for awhile, told the person what the problem was and was given an email address to write to, to tell them.

So I did that and after awhile received a response with the .pdf file I’d paid for and the message that “In the future, be sure to disable any popup blockers and clear your cache and cookies.” In order for their links to work, instead of being able to simply download the file without all that. Most reputable and reliable software sellers will automatically start a download and automatically send you an email, as well. Not California. With them it’s a snipe hunt undertaken in a nightmare.

When you clear cache and cookies you lose all the Auto-Fill information you’ve typed in to your most often visited websites, you wipe off all the passwords you’ve stored in your computer, and if you don’t have all of that information written down somewhere, it’s gone and you have to do all of it all over again. Some of those passwords will be irretrievable and for them, you’re screwed. So NO, California, that’s a NO.

I wish I’d never moved back here.


Environmental, Social and corporate Governance. ESG. This means a company engages in Woke practices, they push the phony Climate Change, Global Warming and CO2 stories, promote the insane Transgender madness and LGBTQXYZCRAP.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. DEI. This the Governance part of ESG. This means acceptance of any and all forms of sexual deviance (Diversity). Equity means that the most qualified have to step aside for the least qualified in colleges and elsewhere. Inclusion means that men wearing women’s clothes can use little girl’s bathrooms, that a four-star Navy admiral can be a man wearing makeup and women’s clothing and it’s okay for homosexual drag queens to talk to 5 and 6 year olds in pre-school about sex.

That’s what these high-sounding acronyms actually mean. Using positive sounding words to promote socially destructive practices, and it’s sweeping the corporate boardrooms of the world. ESG and DEI are literally taking over the planet.


This doesn’t just “smell fishy”, it reeks of it, the stench is overwhelming.

I’ve posted on this before, Trump can’t win a second term unless he’s allowed to, unless there’s an agreement with those now running our government. Donald Trump is a genius, he has a genius IQ , great wealth and the means to know all the “inside” information on what’s really going on.

His party, the Republican Party, does not back him. When the indictment against him was announced, not one of them rushed to his side. His popularity is with the people, not anyone in government or running for office.

Yet here he is, pressing on with his intention to gain re-election. Either this genius is amazingly stupid and is going to end up in prison, a political prisoner, shocking the world and a stark example of the new political state of America, or this is all a massive psyop.

The appearance of all this is that our government wants him out of the picture as a possible next president, one way or another. If he were actually sent to prison, this would have a crushing effect on Americans who support him and would very likely be followed up with the arrests and imprisonment of those in the media who’ve spoken up for him or against government.

He must know this, yet he persists. Why, knowing that this path will only accelerate our conversion to a One-Party state?

You see why this stinks of rotting fish. Is Donald Trump insane, or is he part of the whole plot? It can only be one or the other.

………….Later in the day………….. An offer has been extended to him via CNN’s Rachel Maddow (Raving Madcow) to have the prosecutions ended if he will withdraw from running. Up front, that’s a clear statement that this is purely political prosecution.

Well, we know they don’t want him running, but it’s not because they’re afraid he’ll win, because he can’t win unless they let him win. They want him to shut up and stop encouraging us to resist them. That’s what this is all about.

It’s possible that he just wants revenge on them for stealing his second term in office, that this is his way of getting it, and that his lawyers give him a good chance of defeating the prosecutions. That last would make it worthwhile to him to get some payback.

He’s not going to stop them, let alone reverse anything they’ve done to us, but he can make life just as difficult for them as they’re doing to him, simply by running against whoever they plan to install as “President”. They don’t want anyone rallying the people or speaking out against them, they hate dissent. They want complete control of us and complete agreement and they’re willing to throw a US President into prison to get it.

Which is why I personally think he’s crazy. Like a fox, maybe, but still crazy.


“Man suspected of stabbing at least six children at French playground apprehended.”

Another Muslime asshole, with a knife this time instead of a truck, in another cowardly attack against innocent non-Muslimes, little children as young as 3, this time, at a kindergarten in France.

The article states that three of these pre-schoolers are in critical condition. The police shot this cowardly piece of shit and arrested him. Too bad he didn’t die of his wound.

They stopped doing this stuff over here, probably because of the massive backlash against them and Islam that erupted over their attacks. We were burning mosques and attacking anyone who looked like a Muslime.

The “peaceful” religion of blood, hate, torture and death was welcomed into Europe, and this is the result. Diversity is bullshit, you can’t mix disparate cultures and ever expect a good outcome.


Deny all you like, but it’s over. They’re here. This should be the Story of the Century but of course we can’t be allowed to be informed of anything that matters. Instead we’re told that “White is bad”, boys can become girls and girls can become boys and that gender is fluid, when that’s an absolute impossibility and total insanity. But our gvernment says “Oh no, it’s TRUE”, while taking all the actually true things we should be being told and marking them “Classified” and hiding them away. Our government has literally billions of documents, reports of events and discoveries classified as Secret, hidden from the public in what was supposed to be a free society.

Knowledge is power and the less the public knows, the less power they have, and that’s exactly how it’s always worked, everywhere.

Okay, with that preamble, here’s the story:

“36-year-old David Charles Grusch is a decorated former combat officer in Afghanistan who went on to work at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO).”

Grusch is a highly-respected intelligence official and the highest-profile figure to ever speak out. He’s “given Congress and the Intelligence Community Inspector General extensive classified information about deeply covert programs that possess retrieved intact and partially intact craft of non-human origin”.

Even though the specific details of the information he released is, of course, Classified, at least it is now in the hands of Congress. That may not be a big improvement, but even Congress was previously denied any access to it and it won’t surprise me if at least one member of that body “leaks” it to the public.

However, he has gone on public record verifying the basics of what he informed our Congress of, that the recovery of fragments of crashed alien craft up to complete craft and alien bodies has been going on for “decades, by not just us but other governments”.

When current and former government officers keep speaking out that the UFOs or UAPs (unidentified aerial phenomena) are real and NOT OURS, showing us videos and photos and radar evidence, then you can either pretend that it’s all a massive fake and scam, or you can accept the obvious reality.

What their presence means for us is unknown. We do know that they don’t like us having nuclear weapons, because they have electronically, remotely, shut down and deactivated some of our missile silos. This is fact and you can look it up for yourselves if you’re not too lazy and it looks very much like they’re sending us a message, but not a demand.

But this post is not about speculating on why they’re here. Just that they are, and if at this point you still can’t accept that as a fact, then you likely wouldn’t if a spaceship landed on your garden, crushed your turnips and abducted your little poodle dog in front of your eyes.