First, I want to wish all my British friends a Happy Independence Day. Not the last one Americans will celebrate, but we are headed to the end of an era, as nations are headed for the scrap heap.

This is normal evolution and not to be mourned. Not long ago, most nations were divided within themselves by tribal affiliations and some still are in the Mid-East and Africa. For most of the world, tribes merged to form nations with borders and boundaries, and tribal distinctions faded. They faded more with the influx of migrants, which is exactly why the migrations of today are happening. To fade the sense of nationality.

Tribes form cities, cities form states, states form alliances and the alliances form a world government. Either that or we wipe ourselves out with our ever more dangerous technology.

We celebrate Independence Day here because of our independence from the tyranny of the British king and the thuggery of British rule. What we don’t celebrate is humanity’s independence from war, because we still obey the dictates of greedy, insane rulers like Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping.

A Global, One-World government is unlikely to finally bring true freedom to humanity. At least I hope not, because few humans respect it enough to let other people alone. We always have to interfere and tell each other how to live, to the point where we fight and kill over our differences.

To me, true freedom for humanity will be when we all live under the same rules and are forced to respect those rules and each other whether we want to or not. Simple as that. Because, you know, this is how America used to be.


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