Go watch the movie “Died Suddenly” on Rumble. Here’s the link. Click Here.

People who have been Vaxxed, young, healthy and mostly Asian people, are suddenly standing up, looking skyward, turning in a circle and then dropping dead. There’s a lot of videos of this happening and more of them appearing on the Internet every day.

Right in the middle of conversations, at work, playing a game, anywhere, people are standing up, staring upward while turning in a circle, and then falling over dead. This has never been known to happen before, to anyone. It looks like some sort of seizure, but this doesn’t happen in seizures, not epilectic or any other type.

Here’s a news report showing a lot more of this and giving much more detail. Click Here.

Meanwhile average life expectancy in the USA has dropped about 3 years since 2020 while Native American life expectancy has dropped by over 6 years in the same time period according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), which also is a big promoter of these injections.

In 2021 about 3.5 million deaths were reported in the USA. That’s about 1% of the total population. More were born than died, which is why the population continues to climb, plus all the millions swarming in illegally. Even so, that’s still a 20% increase in the death rate itself over 2019.

Personally I doubt all the numbers being put out by the CDC and other, ANY other, government agency. We know that the injections are killing a lot of people and that they cause stillborn pregnancies and infertility as well. But this Death Spin is something new. I wonder what the liars are going to claim is causing this?


Last year I was reading the report of a virologist who was examining the blood of people who had been “vaccinated” with the Covid19 injection and who found nano particles that grew into what appeared to be crystalline or semi-crystalline structures, and he posted pictures of them online.

Now another virologist has come forward with more pictures and information, saying that these nano particles are building microchips. They’re building computers inside peoples bloodstreams.

Well, I’m no expert on this stuff. All I know is that people are dropping dead all over the place from sudden heart attacks and sudden illnesses, and now movies are being made about this, like “2000 Mules” and “Died Suddenly” (Watch the movie on Youtube). Today I was listening to a short preview of “Died Suddenly” and one person said that even unborn babies in the womb are dying of heart attacks. Maybe this is normal and I just never heard of it before, but death by heart attack is happening much more often lately and to healthy children.

In that preview of “Died Suddenly”, there was a short stream of videos taken on smart phones of people suddenly falling down dead. A couple of them were people waiting in subway stations that dropped dead and fell under the train tracks and were ground into hamburger, and I’ll tell you, that really dramatized the fact that this is happening a lot.

Coroners are still pulling long rubbery clots out of dead people, that they never saw before, and more all the time, which is why we call it the Clot Shot, but computers? If this is true fact and nano computers really are being assembled inside people with the Clot Shot, what are those computers doing? Here’s some backup for this claim: Liquid Computers, describing the development of this form of nanotechnology. It really does exist and has for some years now.

If I were to cause computers to grow inside people, why would I do that? The Clot Shot is designed to kill people, so how would these nano computers help to do that? Are they the cause of the rubbery blood clots? Those clots have been describes as having some sort of metallic nature. Or could they be short-circuiting brain cells, assuming they do exist – which I’m not assuming. I don’t know.

The Globalists notoriously dislike religion. They want to replace it with something called Trans-humanism, which they describe as humanity being remodeled into semi-robots with implants that can access the Internet and DNA changes that stop aging, and lots more. They want us to take over our own evolution instead of leaving it up to Nature and it looks like those Vaxx shots have a lot to do with this goal of theirs.

No doubt more will be revealed about these supposed “computers”, if they really do exist or not and what they do, if they exist. It just keeps getting stranger and stranger.


Today, November 24, is a traditional day in the USA where we gather our friends and family and enjoy a meal together in honor of the harvest feast of 1621, celebrated by the early pilgrims who traveled on the ship Mayflower to land at what is known now as Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts. They and the Native Americans they’d become friends with gathered together to feast and dance.

Two of my ancestors were on the Mayflower, Thomas Rogers and his oldest son Joseph, so Thanksgiving Day has an extra meaning for me, I wouldn’t be here today if they hadn’t braved that voyage.

A good friend is coming over to share my turkey dinner today. It’s a good day.

I wish everyone a very happy Thanksgiving day.


More signs that the supposed “vaccine” is doing what it’s makers intended is an increasing shortage of the medicines most often used to treat colds, pneumonia and other viral infections. “Very Serious Shortages Of Amoxicillin, Augmentin, Tamiflu, Albuterol And Tylenol Have Erupted All Over The United States.” “Hospitals are filling up all across America, and there are extremely alarming shortages of some of our most important medications. Health authorities are warning that RSV, the flu and COVID are combining to create a “tripledemic”, and there are simply not enough medications to go around.”

RSV (Respiratory syncytial (sin-SISH-uhl) virus, or RSV, is a common respiratory virus that usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms.) Except that when a person catches RSV along with the flu, it can turn deadly. In the quote above it says “the flu and Covid” but personally I think that what they keep calling Covid now is the flu and we’re long past the Covid epidemic, which actually was not nearly as bad as the flu anyway. There’s colds that are much worse. The death count for it was a pack of lies. People were deliberately killed with wrong medications and intubations and called Covid deaths.

Back to the subject here, the reason so many people are now catching more than one virus at a time is because, and this is recognized and admitted, people’s immune systems are weakened. But this is blamed on so many people having caught Covid before, which is a lie, it’s because so many people have had the Vaxx, the second Vaxx, and boosters, and now their immune systems are screwed and they’re catching every bug that comes along and suffering far more from them than they would if their immune systems were normal.

This is why there’s a shortage of medications. Because the demand for them has risen so much that it’s outstripping the supply. The article quoted here says this. It’s not that less are being made or that supplies have been lost or damaged or stuck in the supply chain, it’s simply that the stuff is being used up faster than it can be made now.

Because the immune systems of the 75% who are “vaccinated” are failing.


In the spirit of always trying to keep up with everything going on, let’s look at Globalism and China, and a few other things.

Klaus Schwab, the face of Globalism and Guru of its dogma, was very recently quoted as saying that the Chinese model of government is a good one for many nations to follow. He stopped short of saying that it’s the one we all should follow, instead hedging by saying that individual nations have to choose their own paths. It looks to me like he’s just keeping the CCP pacified. What he said wasn’t that great an endorsement of them. The Globalists want a unified global government, while the Chinese want a Chinese global government. There will be conflict.

Meanwhile, one of the world’s top economists is predicting a major global economic change, for the worse.

We shouldn’t need experts to tell us this. The global supply chain appears to be damaged beyond repair. Manufacturing is moving out of China and back to its home nations. Nations generally are backing away from doing trade with China. All this means that the global economic system that’s been built up on the basis of trade between China, the USA and the EU is coming undone, causing losses of income worldwide along with increasing unemployment and lower wages for those entering the job market.

Food production is down and will keep going down because our climate is oscillating. The Earth is neither warming nor cooling, on average, but the weather is becoming more extreme. Summers are hotter, winters are colder. This disrupts food production. Many areas that were good for farming certain crops have to grow different crops or even be abandoned.

There’s a direct and concerted effort in the USA and Europe to destroy food production by destroying fertilizer plants, food production and processing facilities, blocking the planting of crops and slaughtering millions of cattle and chickens.

Last, monetary inflation is increasing worldwide and people in the poorest countries are already starting to suffer starvation from being unable to afford the increased cost of food. This time around, no help will be coming from the affluent nations, where food shortages are either expected or are already occurring, so starvation will increase, first in Africa and then in South America and the other continents. Those with the worst overpopulation will suffer first and most.

As starvation spreads in these nations, so will diseases.

Don’t forget also that at least 75% of the world’s population has now been injected with a potion that causes steady damage to the human immune system, making all diseases more contagious to them.

The ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine only figures into all this as just more pressure on the global food supply, and isn’t really a major part of the overall equation of global change. It has an effect but it’s more for distraction.

Now let’s take all this and look to the future. With Earth’s changing climate, which it does all the time, helping along a deliberate food shortage, the global supply chain collapse, the rising costs of food, increasing unemployment caused by lower wages and less available jobs, and damaged immune systems.

It should be clear that we’re heading for a tipping point. It’s obvious that everything is collapsing at once regarding the human support systems that have been building up for centuries. This happened in the Great Depression that started in 1929 because the American stock market crashed. People were thrown out of jobs and there was worldwide suffering and starvation. From just the stock market. Then the Dust Bowl of the Midwest hit, wiping out the food production of the entire central United States.

The stock market hasn’t crashed and I don’t know if it will or not, but when you take away much of the food production and cause global starvation and the global spread of diseases, ON PURPOSE, you have to conclude that there’s going to be a reorganization of national boundaries, just for starters.

The time of nations hasn’t ended, but it’s on its way out. Clearly, getting rid of much of the population is necessary first before a nation can be dissolved and made part of a larger government. Wars are avoided this way, resistance is nullified.

This is the plan. This is how the Earth is going to become Globalized. There’s going to be a lot of different acts in the play, of course. There will probably be local wars, plagues will be spread to help along the genocide, crops will be set on fire, more “vaccination” programs will be enforced and so on. Pressure against survival will seem to come at people from every direction at once.

This whole process is going to take a long time. The Globalists talk about 2050 in vague terms, possibly they see it as a 30 year program. That actually sounds pretty reasonable, it will probably take about that long.

This is why I no longer care about politics. Politics are just noise, just a distraction, like the magician waving his wand in your face while his other hand is the one actually creating the illusion. Don’t be distracted. Get ready.


It’s going to be coming in a steady stream now, all the changes large and small to create global conformity and compliance to more and more restrictions on the Proletariat, of which I’m a member. For you who don’t know the word it means all of us common citizens as a group. Hence, Proles.

BlOWJOB iden just signed an international agreement requiring all travelers to foreign nations to have “Vaccine Passports” in order to go from one country to another. What do you want to bet that the next step is to require it from state to state?

A lot of states have border crossings where they inspect your car, truck or whatever and see what’s inside. Mostly this is about keeping harmful plants, insects and other animals, and anything else harmful to the environment out of the state, but what if we’re prevented from going from state to state without a vaxx passport? The thing about Federal laws is that all the states have to obey them and enforce them whether they want to or not.

Restricting the ability to travel is a big part of exerting more and more control over the populace, us Proles, and meanwhile “Establishing a global health tracing and vaccine passport system is important to prevent a future global socio-economic shutdown that could occur as a result of a future pandemic the world leaders say they anticipate.”

See? There’s more. There’s ALWAYS more. First they’re going to make us all get “up to date” shots according to what they say is up to date, before we can go to a different country, then they’re going to stage another fake “pandemic” to enforce those up-to-date shot passports with new laws and decrees. You watch.

All this BS does make me wonder about Mexico and Africa and all the migration going on. Does anyone really think that those people are going to be required to have Vaccine Passports to travel across nations? In a pig’s eye they will. This is just another way to control some people, in this case those with money and means, because they’re the ones who have some influence in society. Migrants only influence is to fuck things up for the countries they move to.

So wait and watch, there’s more, there’s steadily more and it’s not going to stop until you are 100% owned and controlled by Government.


There’s a new bill working it’s way through Congress called The Respect For Marriage Act. It’s purpose is to give Federal legal protection to homosexual marriages. What this will do is force all the states to allow queers to adopt children, force bakeries to bake wedding cakes for them regardless of religious objections, force ministers, rabbis and priests to perform weddings for them, and so on.

Personally I don’t give a tinkers shit about the religious aspects of this, it’s forcing people to accept that marriage, which for literally forever has been the conjugal pairing of a man and a woman, which has been made special and to be respected for the benefit and protection of any children that may issue from marriage, is no longer about all that.

The real purpose of this is to promote homosexuality, and lower the birth rate to decrease the population. But if this passes, as Federal Law, what’s next? Federal law requiring people to call some cross-dressing fag a woman when he’s a man? How far is this going to go?


Texas Governor Greg Abbot just announced that he’s going to deploy the Texas National Guard along Texas’ border with Mexico to repel the increasing invasion of migrants, terrorists, gang-bangers and drug smugglers. To do this he said that M113 armored personnel carrier vehicles will be deployed at 10 positions along the border. Additionally, the Texas National Guard will also increase “aircraft flights and security efforts.”

He said that gunboats would be deployed along the border with Mexico as well.

The Texas-Mexico border is 1251 miles long and is defined along it’s entire length by the Rio Grande River. That river is the border. 1251 miles long and he’s going to deploy 10 armored personnel carriers along a 1251 mile long border to stop this invasion. WHY AM I NOT IMPRESSED? Why doesn’t he put an army of 10,000 armed men and several hundred armored vehicles along the border with orders to fire on anyone coming across the river? He’s calling it an INVASION. What do you do if you’re being invaded? YOU START SHOOTING. But not him, he says anyone caught will be returned to Mexico.

He’s said this before, he’s called it an invasion before, he said he was going to stop it before. Now he says that more border wall is going to be built. He’s been governor a long time, why hasn’t he done this before? I’ll tell you why, he wants to run for Governor of Texas again. He wants to be re-elected and keep getting richer. He’s not going to do shit to stop all those disease-ridden people from coming in with their crime and their filth.

See? This is why I keep saying that all politicians are FULL OF SHIT. Not one of them is to be trusted, not one of them is working on behalf of American citizens, every single fucking one of them is on the take. They get elected to get rich and they do get rich, while stupid people keep voting for them as if it matters who gets the job.

Look at that hideous old witch Nancy Pelosi, she’s lived like Queen Elizabeth off the backs of poor people while amassing a fortune estimated between 200 and 400 million $$$ at the same time.

And the last part, why are all the politicians being so openly corrupt and so sloppy about it anymore? Doesn’t it make you wonder?

It’s because they don’t need to worry about us anymore. They know that whoever gets handed the gravy jobs, no one is going to jail. Look at all the crimes they keep committing. Do you see anyone except the protesters going to jail?

No. You don’t.


Almost all of what you read online that touches on politics does so from the perspective of a primarily two party system, whether in the USA or some other country. Certainly the MSM of Europe and the West all speak in terms of two parties and the importance of elections and they promote excitement over different candidates for public office.

The candidates always make promises that none of them ever keep, and it never matters which ones are elected anymore, the results are always the same. Nothing ever gets better for the people unless something gets worse, then maybe something else will get better to offset it.

When Donald Trump was elected, it was a fluke. Hillary Clinton was supposed to get the job but even with all the cheating to make sure she did, his popularity was greater than expected and he overrode the safeguards put in place to prevent it. So they made sure that next time they had far more control of the election process so this couldn’t happen again.

Even though Trump surprised them, they still made sure that he accomplished as little as possible. He was either forced or pushed to select a cabinet that worked against him, and everything he did was met with resistance or blocked. All Congress was against him. Both parties. So how can there be two parties? There can’t. It’s just for show. This is the point of this article.

If you see politics as being a real thing, try a different perspective. Try seeing that it’s not real. That it’s all for show, to keep people thinking that they have rights in a democratic system that allows them to choose who governs them. You don’t. It’s all for show to keep you pacified.

If it were suddenly announced that all the politicians are all on the same side, that there are no political parties, there’s just Government, do you think people would stay calm and not riot, demonstrate, attack government buildings and government officials? What if it didn’t matter which football team won a game? Would they cheer for their team? Or would they even go to watch?

Humans are opinionated, bullheaded and stupid, even the most intelligent among us. We insist that we’re right without facts or proof and that our political party is the best one just like our favorite football team is. We have a far better chance of being right about the football team.

Donald Trump represents a Sovereign American Nation, separate from other nations. He represents the Greatness of America to all those who want America to be the greatest nation on Earth, and while a lot of Americans are with him in wanting that, we saw when he was President that almost no one else in government shares that view. What they want is one big Corporate America that is part of one big Corporate Earth. Trump is one man. As popular as he may be, popularity no longer matters in government. When a wrinkled, drunken old woman, namely Nancy Pelosi, has more power as Speaker of the House than Trump did as President, it’s time to wake up and smell the coffee. Pelosi had more power because she had all of Congress backing her up. Trump only had public support and not all of that.

The major powers of Earth have been joining into cooperative alliances for decades now and this accelerated after WW2 with the United Nations and NATO. Meanwhile corporations have also grown and become global and control the Earth’s supply chains. In doing so, they have become governments of themselves and have much to say in how nations are run, and they want them run as corporations. In corporations the workers don’t elect the Board of Directors, the owners of the largest shares of the corporations do. The Elite.

Does it make sense for the Elite, the billionaires of Earth, to get together and decide to turn the Earth into one big corporation that benefits them and ensures their continued prosperity? It does to me. It does to them, too, which is why they’re doing it.


Some scientists have posted a Map of the Universe online that contains 200 million actual, mapped galaxies. This map is only a small slice of the whole Universe, which contains BILLIONS of galaxies.

The AVERAGE galaxy, such as our own Milky Way, contains somewhere between 100 billion and 400 billion stars. The average star has at least one planet revolving around it and most of them have many more.

So if you figure an average of only 200 billion stars in our Milky Way, and only 2 planets per star, then there must be 400 billion planets in our galaxy.

Put another way, that’s 400 thousand thousand thousand planets, or, 400,000,000,000 planets. That’s just in our galaxy, and there may be a lot more than that.

There are more stars in the Universe than there are grains of sand on all the beaches and in all the deserts on Earth.

For those who think that life is unique on our speck of rock and dirt, they need a new perspective. Earth is surrounded by at least 400,000,000,000 other planets and all the millions of them in our vicinity have been around just as long as Earth has. Many of them are in the “Goldilocks Zone”, so called, as being fit for the development of life.

Of course there’s life on other planets. Life on this one most likely came from one or more of the impacts of ice comets that gave us our oceans. We’re preparing to visit other planets. We’ve already been to our Moon and have sent robot explorers to Mars, and we’ll soon visit Mars in person.

A near-light-speed engine has been developed according to NASA that will be propelling probes to other star’s planets. We’re on our way to becoming an interstellar race. The chance of us being the first in the Galaxy to do this is zero, unless you deny the tens of millions of sightings and testimonies over the past few thousand years of those who’ve seen and interacted with alien beings who have come here.

I’ve lost patience with those who deny the existence of other intelligent races. I’ve lost patience with those who deny that our votes are meaningless now, and I’ve lost patience with those who insist that we still have two main political parties. We do not. We now have a Uniparty called “Globalist”.

Reality is reality. When something is right in your face and you continue to deny that it’s there, then you’re one of those people the Globalists are out to rid the planet of. You’re one of those people who keeps running out and getting another “Booster Shot”, and it’s good that the shot will end up killing you because it’s time we started weeding out all the stupid people to allow Humanity to finally evolve out of the ape stage.