Before there were nuclear weapons and over 8 billion people sucking the planet dry of resources, we all lived in our separate nations, we were all instilled with patriotic fervor for our particular nation and we all stayed separate as a race of beings. One result of this is that we fought huge wars once in a while to try to dominate the world.

Even if one nation had finally succeeded in doing this, and many have tried over the last 5000 years or so, we would not have destroyed the planet and most of the life on it. But now things are different. We can do that now with our nuclear weapons and who knows what our steadily advancing technology will be able to do to us all in the near future?

The time has come for the human race to unite. It’s time to erase all the national borders and become one race of people, called “humans”, have one government and population control, before we have another huge war that will undoubtedly be a nuclear one, that will wipe out pretty much everything and everybody.

Global government is our only choice if we’re to survive as a species. The Globalists know this and are using harsh methods to achieve it. The harsh reality, though, is that harsh methods are necessary if we’re to save ourselves.

So fake pandemics, poison “vaccines” that destroy immune systems, sperm counts and cause stillbirths , food and fertilizer plant destruction, the spread of animal diseases to destroy herds and flocks, forced monetary inflation to accelerate poverty and the resulting starvation, general economic collapse, it’s all designed to reduce our population.

At the same time, the war between Russia and Ukraine that’s draining Russia dry militarily and economically will finally bring an end to the Russian threats of nuclear war and it will come as no surprise to me if, once the Putin government collapses, that a team of Globalists are waiting and ready to take over.

If India then comes over on the side of Globalism, China will be stuck. In practical terms, the rest of the world will then be Globalist and the Chinese Communists will have no choice but to either become part of a global government or be starved into submission.

I may live to see this. All this could possibly happen in the next 5 years or even less. The full establishment of a Global government will no doubt take longer, there will be holdouts, kings, princes and dictators who don’t want to lose their power, but Global government is our only future path if we’re to continue as a species.

5 thoughts on “I’M FOR GLOBALISM”

  1. https://nworeport.me/2023/02/05/86-house-democrats-vote-against-a-resolution-condemning-horrors-of-socialism/

    86 House Democrats vote against a resolution condemning ‘horrors of socialism’

    Reps. Ilhan Omar and Betty McCollum were among those who voted against the resolution

    (The Daily Signal) — The U.S. House of Representatives passed a resolution condemning socialism on Thursday, with nearly all Republicans and half of the Democrats supporting it.

    H. Con. Res. 9, a resolution “denouncing the horrors of socialism,” passed 328 to 86, with 14 Democrats voting present, and six members (three Republicans and three Democrats) not voting.

    “This was a win for democracy,” Rep. María Elvira Salazar, R-Fla., the daughter of Cuban exiles who represents Miami-Dade County and who sponsored the resolution, told The Daily Signal in a statement Thursday.

    “As the representative of the city of Miami, and daughter of Cuban exiles, I say that this resolution hits close to home for us all,” she added. “We know that socialism only brings misery, oppression, and exile, wherever it is tried.”

  2. https://grrrgraphics.com/biden-sotu-speech-just-hot-air/


    “I’ve hurt you, and I wish to go on hurting you.”— Khan, from ‘Star Trek II, The Wrath of Kahn”

    Khan’s statement could have been uttered by Joe Biden. After all, he’s done a lot of hurting and damage thus far during his first term and now he wants to go on hurting the country. His Covid policies were a disaster. Instead of a uniter he became a divider. He crashed the oil industry in order to advance his damaging ‘green energy’ policy. He continues to leave the border wide open to millions of invaders and dangerous drugs such as fentanyl. He did nothing to stop a communist Chinese spy balloon until it was over the Atlantic Ocean.

    His reckless spending sparked dangerous inflation. Joe will accept no blame for any of the problems he created and he’ll likely create more as his stolen presidency continues.

    A lot of people refused to watch Joe’s speech, but I am forced to watch such things because it’s part of my duty as an editorial cartoonist. What stood out for me? Joe’s odd flash of anger when he was yelling about tyrants and President Xi. Non sequitur! He did mention Xi’s balloon indirectly and took credit for shooting it down by saying, “We protected our country from China!”

    Sure Joe, after you let it spy on us for eight days.We all know Joe is a dedicated liar who is also suffering from impaired thinking. For some reason I remained calm while watching his blather. I didn’t yell at him once. Maybe it’s due to Biden fatigue. Maybe it’s because I already knew what to expect.

    One of our followers in Florida certainly knows what to expect from Joe.

    He wasn’t about to watch the address, but he summed up Biden’s speech and its results:

    1. Can or will the United States ever secure its southern border under a Biden administration now or in the future?

    2. Will solar panels, wind turbines, and electric cars adequately replace the need for cheaper fossil fuels under a Biden administration this term or next?


    3. Will Joe ever require NATO to pay their share of collective expense, 2% as promised and expected, now or later as Trump sought to do?

    4. Will Biden ever significantly lower the national debt now at over $30 trillion? Will he ever put an end to reckless spending?

    5. Will Joe Biden ever stop lying, making gaffes, going off-script into unintelligible anger-aced tirades, and continually blaming others for his shortcomings and senile confusion?

    6. Will inflation return to pre-Biden pricing?

    7. Will Joe demand a stern response to China to stop balloon incursions, violations of our airspace, a monopoly on antibiotics, hacking, theft of intellectual property, the threat associated with Tik Tok, gain of function disease research, trade imbalance and self sufficiency, stopping the purchase of farmland by China to influence our food supply, importing of subpar and dangerous products like the drywall, contaminated dog food, lead paint in toys, and flooding our country with fentanyl?

    8. Will Joe stop transporting illegal aliens all over the country in the dead of night using airlines and U.S. based and funded aircraft?

    9. Will Joe ever stop spending American taxpayer dollars on Ukraine unless forced to? Is he pushing for settlement?

    10. Will Covid ever really be over? Will variants ever stop promoting government control and mandates?

    11. Will Joe ever stop commenting on things like Border Patrol horsemen whipping black asylum seekers before he knows the facts? Will he ever issue an apology?

    12. Will Joe change? Can he change? Will his obvious senility and cognitive impairment improve in time for a second term?

    Our friend in Florida is correct. Joe is not going to change. Especially at his age. If the election is rigged and he’s once again reelected, Joe will continue to do what he does best: Hurt America.

    — Ben Garrison

    1. Ben Garrison draws great cartoons but he doesn’t know what’s really going on in the world. He keeps blaming Joe Biden for stuff when Biden isn’t in charge and is only a front. He doesn’t understand what the Globalists are doing even when they say so plainly and repeatedly. He thinks that Globalism is Socialism. It’s not. The Globalists have NO INTENTION of becoming a Socialist government. They use socialists now to help achieve their goals but they also use the RINOs and Democrats in Congress, the Fascists, the Communists, the LGBTQ jackasses, the Liberals, any useful idiot that helps further their cause.

      1. hmmmmmm…..

        NOW I can see clearer.

        there is a DIVERSITY of mindsets and strategies in different Domination Plans.

        thank you for put a light on this spot.

        1. Your comment on “86 House Democrats vote against a resolution condemning ‘horrors of socialism’” is actually a hidden message.
          What they’re really saying is that since they now think that socialism is so awful, that they should put an end to America’s social programs.
          One of them could be Social Security, which is a retirement fund that all American workers pay into and can start drawing from at age 65.
          By shutting down the old programs that were paid for over lifetimes, these hypocrites could use that money to fund the illegal aliens, aka “immigrants”, who will then be more than happy to keep voting them back into office.
          Maybe not, but these people don’t give a damn about democracy or us and I’m always very suspicious of anything they do that they say is good.

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