As a Gypsy fortune teller might say, there’s clouds in the tea, the future is murky.

Globalism is the single biggest issue current in the world today, so my focus has mostly been on that. The problem I have, along with most everyone else, is gaining an accurate over-all view of Now in order to get some sense of the future. It’s like reading tea leaves, there’s not much science in it, it’s mostly guesswork, hunch and intuition.

Some things that keep butting up against the declared Globalist goal of a half-billion population are the ongoing commercial construction efforts to accommodate large numbers of people. It seems that all the really big corporations and biggest billionaires are planning on there being lots of people to provide goods and services to. So who’s right?

Is the Soros/Schwab/Gates crowd seriously expecting Earths population to sharply decrease soon? World industries don’t seem to think so.

I’m starting to wonder if they’re planning on a much smaller population reduction than they said they wanted. Certainly, a lot of large, very rich corporations want to keep making all that money and having all that power and they can’t do it with a lot less people. Maybe there’s a power play going on here over just how many of us must be eradicated.

Well, keep watching, maybe the tea will clear up and those leaves settle on the bottom in some sort of readable order. Time goes by.



    Republicans Introduce Bill To Ban Porn Books In Schools

    Republicans in the House have introduced legislation that would see a complete ban on pornographic or sexualized materials in schools, as it has become clear that the books have been placed in kids’ libraries all over the country.

    Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Cory Mills, and George Santos are co-sponsoring H.R. 863, an amendment to title 18 of the United States Code that would “prohibit a publishing house from knowingly furnishing sexually explicit material to a school or an educational agency.”

    The bill would also “prohibit Federal funds from being provided to a school that obtains or an educational agency that distributes sexually explicit material, and for other purposes.”

    Rep. Mills issued a statement noting “The battlefield for the future of our society is being fought within the classrooms of American schools. This bill targets the Left’s efforts to sexualize children in schools across the U.S.”

    “From school board meetings to new representation in local, state, and federal levels, Americans are waking up to the grim reality of woke indoctrination guise as a normal education. No more,” Mill adds.

    Many of the books in question have been categorized as LGBTQ+, prompting some to express surprise that Rep. Santos, who is gay, is co-sponsoring the bill. Yet Santos has previously expressed opposition to exposing sexual and gender identity material to children in schools.

    The introduction of the legislation comes on the heels of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ administration removing the pornographic books from school libraries there, flagging material that contains drawings of children engaged in sex acts.


    American Students — Dumber and More Woke

    Professors often complain about the current crop of students being less intellectually talented than when they began their careers decades back. Such griping is, of course, easy to dismiss — it has occurred for millennia.

    Unfortunately, this time around the grumbling may be true and not the usual nostalgia for “the good old days.

    The anecdotal evidence from textbook reading levels, shortened college syllabi, scrapbook-like research assignments, proliferating college remedial classes, grade inflation, and the popularity of “gut” college majors such as Gender Studies, is indisputable.

    We have also invested hundreds of millions in our schools yet test results such as the SAT are flat over the past half century.

    Add the countless stories of illiteracy among high school “graduates” despite falling class size and expensive reforms. Judged by the standards of evolution, Americans may be going backwards.

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