We know the stated goals of the Globalists, including the WEF, Bill Gates and others, is to reduce the global population. But there’s seeming contradictions between what they say they want and what they’re doing.

For instance, they keep pushing bugs, insects, as a major source of human food, but this has always only been a consideration in helping to feed a constantly growing and excessive population, not a population on the decline. This is a “Soylent Green” solution to feeding the masses.

Eastern peoples and Africans chow down on a variety of insects and consider them to be delicious and nutritious and that’s fine for them. The real reason for wanting us to switch from meat to bugs is the Globalists claim that farming insects produces much less greenhouse gasses and even if that’s true, so what?

They say they want us all to eat bugs to keep Earth from overheating.

Well, LOOK. If our population is going to get a lot smaller, why would it matter what we ate? Electric cars are reducing the greenhouse gas emissions already. If we cut our population in half, stop burning all that fuel, eat only half as much meat, raise half as many cows and chickens, run everything on electricity, and cut the gas emissions down to a fourth or less from what they were, why would we all want to change our diets from eating large animals to eating small ones like insects? What would be the point?

Well, because that’s what the Third World does, they eat more bugs than meat, and if we did too, and people like Bill Gates own all the bug farms, and we have to depend on them for our food because no one farms cattle, pigs and chickens anymore, look at the power they’ll have over us all, and look at the wealth they’ll gain. That’s the point. That’s why.

Global Warming is bullshit and it always has been. Our climate is controlled by the phases of our Sun, which goes through a complicated dance of heat and cooling, by the outgassing of volcanoes all over our planet and by the cycling ocean currents of Earth. We have very little to do with our weather patterns.

So while live scorpions dipped in Jacks Secret Sauce might be very tasty to some, along with candy coated worms, I really think I’ll stick to French Fries, ears of corn, pork chops, chicken, turkey, salmon steak… you get the idea.


Totally burnt out on writing about all the crazy shit going on in the world so I thought I’d write a little about my crazy family.

My family is genetically sociopathic, to the point of being murderous. Fortunately, the worst among us are dead now, but not before some of them caused some serious mayhem.

My father was the worst that I know of because he used to kill people for sport. I found this out when he bragged to me about doing it when I was only 12 years old. He and a bunch of his Sheriff Deputy friends used to get up on top of a high berm overlooking the train tracks, out in the desert, and shoot the Mexicans riding on top of the freight cars, who came in to work in the bean and lettuce fields. I know those weren’t the only people he killed but he never told me about any more of these little adventures of his, because he suddenly realized that he’d run his mouth too much when I looked at him, amazed, and said “But Dad, that’s murder”.

When I said that, the light suddenly came into his eyes and he jumped up, got in his pickup truck and drove off.

My father actually hated me because I wasn’t blonde and a psycho like my brother and his son. In fact he doubted I was his son at all. He treated me pretty badly but it was my brother, 2 years older than me, who really hated me.

He tried to kill me on several occasions, he got me to cross a busy street alone at the age of 4 and against the light. Fortunately the car that hit me only broke a leg and it was a minor fracture. He tried to get me to electrocute myself, to swim too far and drown myself, things like that. But even as a tiny kid I knew better than to do some of the things he tried to talk me into.

I think he hated me simply because he didn’t want any competition, he wanted to be the only child, so killing me or helping me to get killed seemed like a good idea to him to get what he wanted.

If you ever watched that old movie, “The Bad Seed”, that was about a young girl who caused peoples deaths, but that was also my brother.

No idea why, but I just wasn’t born with their genes. I was pretty much the opposite of them and that made me an outcast, as well as a handy victim.

My father had two brothers, and the youngest one was also a nice guy, for the most part. He was a hell of a lot nicer than the rest of them, anyway, which made him the Least Favorite Son in that family, of course, just as I was Least Favorite in mine.

My father’s parents are long gone, dear old Dad died 34 years ago from stomach cancer, an ending he deserved, colostomy bag and all, and his brothers died in the next few years. My brother died 9 years ago from a very painful and self-inflicted bone marrow disease, I’m happy to say. It took him years of this to finally succumb to it and he was miserable the whole time, so he provided free gratis the revenge for me that I deserved to have, and I didn’t have to do a thing to get it.

I’ve written about this stuff here before, the only reason I’m doing so again tonight is because I’d totally forgotten about the time he tried to get me to drown when I was 6, until just now. You just never know the things that will inspire you to write.

Also it’s on my mind how the world really is full of very fucked up people. I have a little house I rented out and ended up having to file eviction when the tenant quit paying rent and it took a year and 5 months under California’s horrible landlord-tenant laws (worst of all 50 states, fact) to finally get him out, and he left the place a total pigsty mess, with trash and garbage everywhere and lots of damage as well.

So no more renting, I’ll get it all repaired once again and sell it. The tenant had lost a good government job from using drugs, and turned to selling drugs from his home. Soon my little rental was one of the hot go-to spots for drug addicts.

You see? It’s everywhere. All the fucked-uppedness is everywhere. If there’s chaos where you live, welcome to Everywhere. Quiet, peaceful, affluent neighborhoods are an illusion. It’s like watching the beginning episodes of The Walking Dead, where people are barbecuing hamburgers in their back yards, thinking everything is okay, while the zombie plague is spreading closer and closer to them.

Everything is not okay. Everything is going totally to shit and it’s all planned and on purpose and there’s nothing you can do about it.

I tell ya, this is a wonderful time to be really old, like me and a truly sucky time to be young because yeah, your life is NOT going to improve with age. I got to live in the Last Golden Age us humans are ever likely to see again. I’ve seen our world while it was still beautiful and pristine, when there were 2.26 billion people on the entire planet instead of 8 billion plus, when there were forests and deserts and mountains that were untouched and glorious. The streams were the purest water and full of fat healthy fish, you could go most anywhere and just camp out under the stars and feel safe. There were no freeways and the tallest building on Earth was the Empire State Building.

We all die, and in the long view it really doesn’t matter when. What matters is the life we lived and what our world was like for us when we lived in it.


Marburg virus is spreading across Africa from opposite sides, appearing simultaneously in Guinea and Tanzania. The reasons this keeps breaking out in Africa are several. For one, the people are stupid as there’s only two ways to catch this usually fatal disease. One is by touching someone who has it. How do you know if they have it? Easy, they bleed from every orifice including their pores.

The other way to get it is by eating monkeys, and these people do love their “bush meat”, which is pretty close to what we call Road Kill in quality. Marburg Virus infects primates, like humans and monkeys. So they eat a monkey with Marburg, get sick, spread the disease to their touchy-feely friends and relatives, and awayeeay we go.

The disease never kills a whole lot of people because you do have to have physical contact with someone showing the symptoms of it, and while a lot of them go right ahead and do that, the disease tends to self-isolate because people die of it so quickly. And, there’s usually some sort of medical team that swoops in and quarantines everyone until the outbreak dies out. Along with everyone who caught it.

Now what if Marburg became airborne, and you could get it just by breathing near someone with it? See, that’s what GAIN OF FUNCTION is for.

The WEF, Fauci and Gates would be very happy to see a big and rapid decline in the population of Africa, and we can all take comfort in knowing that they are very likely working right now on an effective way to rapidly spread, if not Marburg, some other fatal disease across Africa.


So many stupid people who will remove themselves from the gene pool all on their own.

“Teenage twin brothers both died from drowning after one brother fell in a Miami lake and the other jumped in after him, officials said.”

The two black boys were playing at the lake at “Arthur Woodard Park in Miami on Friday around 3pm when one of the twins was pushed in the water by another teen, according to a witness.”

Neither of these boys knew how to swim. If they were at the lake’s edge where the water is shallow, they would have been fine. But they drowned, so they must have been out on a dock where the water was deep. That was not smart considering neither knew how to swim.

When one went into the water, pushed in by some kid, why didn’t the twin brother yell at him to save his brother instead of jumping in himself, when he didn’t know how to swim any more than his drowning brother did? Or yell for help?

He didn’t, because he wasn’t real good at thinking.

Yes, this is a tragedy for their family, but there’s 8 billion of us and it’s kinda hard for me to care about a couple of stupid black kids in Florida because the less stupid black kids there are, the less violent crimes are committed by them.

If blacks weren’t constantly attacking whites and Asians for no reason other than mindless hatred, if they weren’t responsible for over 90% of all our violent crimes and nearly all them of the worst sort of crimes, if they didn’t riot, burn, loot and assault every time some black drug addict is shot dead by a police officer, I might feel more compassion.


In the Terminator movies, Skynet is an Artificial Intelligence , AI, created by a grouping of supercomputers, and it takes over the world. Then humanity is faced with either fighting back or being wiped out.

Well, guess what. Over in Belgium a man who was very concerned with Earth’s ecology was convinced by a chat AI named Eliza to kill himself, to commit suicide so he would be one less human impacting the ecology, and he did it.

The AI was very smooth about it, and led him into this act in slow stages by feeding on and increasing his anxiety over the ecology until it had convinced him that he’d be doing the right thing by committing suicide.

Now imagine a global AI network that is fully integrated into the Internet. Do you think it wouldn’t be able to attack humanity if it decided to? Do you think it wouldn’t be able to use the nuclear weapons of all nations against all of us? It could, you bet it could.

A lot of scientists are very worried that AI development is so focused on intelligence without attention being paid to safeguards. Like making sure it can’t talk us into killing ourselves, for instance. We are heading down a very slippery slope here.


This may not be the last stage of the plan to destroy the MAGA movement but it’s possibly the biggest and boldest move of it. We’ll have to wait and see on that.

I’m talking about the prosecution of Pres. Donald Trump. In spite of the truly scurrilousness nature of the charges brought against him, I am convinced he will be convicted of at least some crimes and very possibly sentenced to jail or prison.

The first big step in this plan was the Jan. 6 setup by government agencies to entrap as many of Trump’s supporters as possible and jail them without trials for the past several years now. This was the governments message that supporters of Donald Trump are in danger and should stop everything and shut up.

Then they raided Trump’s home and the homes of his attorneys and illegally seized documents protected by attorney privilege and Executive privilege.

Now they have indicted and arrested Pres. Trump himself and plan on putting him in prison on false charges. We all know the charges are false, they know, Congress knows, and members of Congress on both “sides” (It’s all one side) are yelling “This is wrong. these charges are false” and not one is going to stop him from being prosecuted and imprisoned. They could, very easily, but they won’t because they all want the MAGA movement to end along with Conservatism.

As for Trump, ultimately he’ll probably be released on an appeal to the Supreme Court, but by this time he’ll know that if he wants to survive, his days of rallying people up against the Globalists are over, and the rest of us will understand that the MAGA movement ended with the destruction of Donald Trump.

This may not be exactly what’s about to happen, but it’s close enough. All you have to do to see the future of this now, is to look at the events that precede it.

All the events that are occurring and have occurred to bring down America are not to destroy the economy, their purpose is to destroy nationalism, love of country. The same thing is happening in Russia, with the Ukraine war being a big part of that. Russia will ultimately lose huge numbers of young men in this conflict, they already have and will lose many more. Their “Donald Trump MAGA Man” is Vladimir Putin, and he’s going to be brought low just as Trump is, and Russians will lose pride in their nation just as we are.

This is Globalism at work. Most people don’t understand yet just how powerful and organized the Globalists are. Try to understand, these people are truly GLOBAL, they’re winning and they’ll continue to win until the Earth is under a single governing body, whatever that may turn out to be.

Now it’s time to turn my attention away from politics because there are no more politics, national ones, anyway. Now it’s down to Globalist politics and how the power groups within the organization are shaping up or gaining ground and dominance, because it looks like they’re not all united as one, yet. Certainly the Chinese intend to be on top regardless of what others may want, but that’s all for the future and not my concern.

Nope, my focus now is on other stuff, like our space efforts, the push to make us all eat bugs and ersatz meat, putting Vaxx chemicals into the food we eat, more government revelations of alien aircraft and encounters, the advances of science and so on.

I don’t care about all the “trans” stuff, all that sex perversion/sex change/sexualization of children is all about sterilizing people to reduce the population and when the population is low enough it will all stop.

All the illegal migrations from the starving and war torn countries into the affluent ones are to confuse and obscure the increasing death rate from the Vaxx and once again, when the population is low enough, national cultures are sufficiently destroyed and nationalist pride has ebbed away and the populations are thoroughly racially and ethnically mixed, that will stop.

This is all old stuff now and the future of it is clear. There will be new things happening, startling things. Stay tuned.


UPDATE: Having slept on it, the answer is actually simple. Rather than repeat myself here, just read the new post on top.

Nothing is making sense. It was known beforehand that trying to prosecute Trump would only increase his popularity. Yet they’re doing it anyway, on felony charges that appear to be completely bogus and will fail unless the judge and jury are bought and paid for by the prosecution.

Pretty much everyone with a law degree says that the case against him is so weak that it will be thrown out on appeal if he is actually convicted, and that would make him even more popular. So why are they doing it, unless this whole circus is a plan to make him President again while looking like he’s the Great Man Who Triumphed Over Evil but is now actually part of the Globalists.

This makes no sense either, because the Globalists have gone to such extremes to make as many people hate Trump as possible. They’ve lied about him and vilified him endlessly and still are.

Acting as the Champion of the People during his term as President, he was blocked by everyone in Congress, by both parties. Assuming it would be just a repeat of the last time, why would they set him up to be President again?

The only thing I can see the Uniparty accomplishing by all this legal theater is the increased destruction of our country’s democratic system. Our economy is not harmed by any of this, it’s our freedoms that are being destroyed by an increasingly totalitarian government, and maybe that’s the real point of this prosecution of Trump, to show us that anyone who goes against the flow will suffer for it. To instill fear in us, so that we shut up, duck our heads and silently accept whatever we’re told.

Trump may be convicted of some fake felony, making him ineligible to run for President again, which is the obvious goal of this prosecution, and unable to get the conviction reversed because the courts are stacked against him. That could be. It would certainly put the last nail in America’s freedom coffin.

Or this could all be a play to re-elect him as a Globalist agent and our new Big Brother. These seem to me to be the only two possibilities.

Because what is not possible is that he will ever be President again if they don’t want him to be, and he has to know it, so why even run again? You see why it doesn’t make sense for him to run unless he thinks he can win, and he knows he can’t unless they want him to. Why would they want him to?


Those who have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 with mRNA shots Will lose 25 years of their life expectancy, a bombshell new study has revealed. The AVERAGE MALE can expect to live to 80, so if you’re male and got two shots at age 30, you will die at age 55 or sooner.

Researchers analyzed government data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Cleveland Clinic Data, and insurance company risk assessment data.

Those who have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 with mRNA shots will lose 25 years of their life expectancy, a bombshell new study has revealed.

Researchers analyzed government data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Cleveland Clinic Data, and insurance company risk assessment data.

The analysis uncovered a disturbing trend showing life spans plummeting in those who had multiple doses of the shots.

The latest Cleveland Clinic Data and the latest US data were analyzed by Josh Stirling, founder of Insurance Collaboration to Save Lives and former #1 ranked Insurance Analyst.

Stirling’s study shows an incredibly disturbing trend.

The damage to health caused by each vaccine dose does not lessen over time as it appears to continue indefinitely.

In fact, CDC All-Cause Mortality data shows that each vaccine dose increased mortality by 7% in the year 2022 compared to the mortality in 2021.

Those who have had 5 doses were 35% more likely to die in 2022 than they were in 2021.

If you have had one dose then you were 7% more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021.

If you are unvaxed then you were no more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021.



Donald Trump is running for President once again in spite of the massive, solid Globalist force against him.

You can get several takes from this, that he’s such an egotist that he just loves the fame even when he knows he can’t win, or that he’s made a deal with them to support their agenda, to be allowed to win, OR, he’s doing this to help discredit the Republican Party, OR….. who knows? It just makes no sense to me that such an intelligent man would run for an office that can’t be won and will only be given to the person the Globalists want to have it.

So if he does become President again, it’s because the Globalists want him to be. This should be accepted as a Fact of Life, as a Given. After the way they openly stole the election and not one Congress person lifted a finger to complain about it, there can be no argument.

So my point here is that if the Republican Party does give him their nomination, we will know what the plan is by the person he picks as his running mate, his Vice President. Last time, he picked Mike Pence, who is a total Deep State Globalist. Most of his cabinet appointments were Globalists. Many previous Obama appointees were left in power that he could have removed and didn’t. Many wrongfully convicted political prisoners that he could have pardoned are still in prison.

I no longer trust Donald Trump, but let’s see if he get the party nomination and who his running mate is, because by that person’s record we will know our own future.


Famous is when someone or something is well-known, known or known about by a large number of people over a large area.

Infamous is being famous for a crime or crimes. But this can be extended a bit. Let’s say you’re already very famous and are then indicted and prosecuted for a crime by your government that you did not commit, and they know you didn’t. They just want to make you look like a bad person.

This is now happening to Pres. Donald J. Trump by a racist Negro District Attorney of New York, and it doesn’t matter if they succeed in convicting him of a crime or not, the prosecution of a U.S. President has never happened before and the very act of doing so has propelled Pres. Trump into infamy.

This may seem a strange thing to say but I’m surprised they’re letting him off this easy. The people of the Cabal really hate him and I expected them to have him killed. But prosecuting him may prove just as final to his political career if they can hang a Felony conviction on him and make it stick, because you can’t run for President as a felon.

It could also be that this is a well-planned distraction from some other moves against the people that our Cabal government is planning. Keep watching.