One thing Negroes do extremely well at, worldwide, is murder. They have no problem and apparently no compunction against killing each other.

The average IQ of African Negroes is 70. This is a continent-wide average, with one small nation, Equatorial Guinea having an average IQ of only 58 and 19 others at 69 or less.

In the early days of modern African exploration, when Europeans were risking the diseases and many dangers of venturing far into the African jungles and discovering mineral wealth, some European leaders saw the chance of creating little empires for themselves and their nations, and sent in troops to simply take over areas they marked off on maps, call them Colonies, and start building towns that grew into cities while they busily converted the jungle natives into farmers and soldiers.

Belgium was one such nation. The Belgians took over an area that had been two separate areas, one held by the larger Hutu tribe and the other by the smaller Tutsi tribe. The two peoples were separated by more than name, the Hutus were short, heavy set and darker skinned than the Tutsis, who were tall and slender.

The Belgians forced these two tribes to live under one banner, the Belgian flag, and one nationality, which they named Rwanda, when they were separate peoples and basically enemies. To make things worse, the Belgians liked the minority Tutsis better and gave them most of the leadership positions.

After Belgian Colonialism came to an end there and Rwanda became independent, the Hutus decided to get rid of their Tutsi leaders and take over, and they did this simply by getting out their machetes and whatever guns and ammo they had and set about killing all the Tutsis. It wasn’t hard to tell a Tutsi from a Hutu considering the physical differences, and by the time the killing spree ended, somewhere between 800,000 and a million people had been hacked and shot to death, most of them Tutsis. Estimates vary, of course, because records were destroyed and the witnesses who would talk were among the dead.

One of the biggest reasons given for this genocide of blacks against blacks is their low average I.Q., but no one wants to mention the other and much bigger reason they slaughter each other.

Negroes are violent. They lived in jungles. They had to fight off lions and other predators all their lives and fight each other for food and territory. Killing is part of their nature. This is why, even today, in modern cities, they kill each other so casually. They’re stupid to begin with and they don’t think before they act, and acting to kill is instinctual.

Native Americans lived similar lifestyles. They were brutal and violent people, the primary difference between them and Negroes is their higher level of intelligence. That’s not the reason they aren’t violent today like the Negroes still are, though. We killed off most of the Native American population during the years when we took over the land, and the ones we killed were mostly the ones who fought us. The survivors are the ones who went meekly to the reservations. We simply wiped out the violent strains.

Now I look at Globalism, it’s goals, and Africa and the stupidity and violence of the Negro inhabitants, and I wonder how the Globalists plan to get rid of them all. For surely they must be planning it.

One thing about Africa, it’s always good for yet another horrible disease to spring up out of nowhere that kills everyone who gets it.


I take a statin drug to keep my cholesterol levels down. My normally high cholesterol is hereditary and the pills keep my arteries from clogging up, so I have to maintain a prescription for it. That means going to the local health clinic once a year so they can check me for this and that and charge my insurance for doing so and make lots of money, before they will give me the prescription.

A year has passed and tomorrow I have to go in again for the same old procedure I’ve been doing with them for years before they’ll renew my prescription and there’s a problem because they still want to spread the fear by demanding that everyone wear a mask.

I refuse to, so they insist that I wear a face shield, one of those plastic things you wear like a welders shield only you can see through it. I need the prescription so I’ll put up with this bullshit, but it’s still bullshit and it got me thinking about the bullshit, which is why I’m writing this.

The worst influenza, or flu, epidemic in modern history started in 1918 and lasted a year, and in that time one third of the world’s population caught it and one tenth of that third died from it. The fatality rate was ten percent, in other words.

When Covid19 started spreading, the Chinese were showing lots of videos of people suddenly just dropping dead in the streets while they were walking along. This caused a global panic. Then they showed portable crematoriums being set up in cities all over China for burning the tens of thousands of bodies they said were piling up.

How strange that no one over here dropped dead in the street while walking. How strange that we didn’t need portable body burners. And how VERY strange that there didn’t seem to be any need for flu shots that year, that there were no flu deaths announced for a flu season that never happened and to this day, we still haven’t had a flu season that always kills at least 40,000 people in this country, or more, every year.

How strange that Covid19 and Influenza are both Corona viruses.

In the still somewhat free West, we have broken free of the forced lockdowns, masks and social distancing fear tactics that were employed to keep us controlled. It became obvious that this disease, whatever you called it, was not nearly as bad as we were being told and public resistance, outcry and demonstrations overcame the government controls. In China they’re still locking down whole cities.

Meanwhile, over 5.6 billion people worldwide, 70% of Earth’s population, have been injected with something that is not a vaccine to prevent Covid19. What it is probably varies according to the nation, the batch, who made it and other factors I’m not sure I care to speculate on, but at least some of it kills people and is designed to. The “Vaxx” has now very likely killed more people than the pandemic, and will continue to do so.

What truly impresses me about this particular pandemic is the level of global cooperation in creating it. It took governments around the planet working together to foist this fraud upon the world so successfully that they were able to virtually lock down the population of the entire planet.

That’s because this bug was designed to have low mortality but very high contagiousness, which makes sense because if it had high mortality too, too many of those behind the pandemic would die with the rest of us. No, the purpose of this is to scare the shit out of us and teach us to be compliant to government dictates. For those of us who still think we have rights it taught us to give up those rights quickly. It taught us to stop going to restaurants, churches, family gatherings, concerts, shops and markets, and to stay home and cower in fear of a dread disease.

Now let’s discuss the NEXT pandemic. Now that they know how to create an extremely contagious disease, the next step is being able to control who dies from it and who doesn’t, and I think that’s where the Vaxx comes in. It’s plain that the Vaxx does NOT give any sort of immunity to anything. It does the opposite, actually, it harms the immune system.

So just pretend that another virus is being planned that is also highly contagious and kills those who have Covid19 spike protein bits throughout their bodies that their cells generated from the Mrna instructions of the Vaxx. You couldn’t just release this disease at any time, it would have to be done at the right time, when the economic chaos created by all the death could be controlled, to prevent wars from breaking out, mostly. That may be the reason for the Russia-Ukraine conflict, to weaken Russia enough, maybe to get rid of Putin.

It’s all just theories, who knows what the real plans are to rid the Earth of most of humanity? I think using diseases is the most likely method, along with starvation. Dictators have used starvation to kill off millions of unwanted people before, Stalin did it, Chairman Mao did it and the Kim dynasty of N. Korea does it. It wouldn’t be a first. Anyway, we’ll see how it all unfolds when it does, and for now it’s something to write a speculative article about.


Lots of pundits and media talking heads are warning us that we’re flirting very dangerously with nuclear war. Certainly Vlad Putin isn’t doing anything to discourage that, with all his threats of using “tactical” nukes. Today a “tactical nuke” is pretty much the same as the ones dropped on Japan. The really serious nukes are a 100 times worse.

We either idolize leaders as Great Men or vilify them as Evil Tyrants and never see the reality that our leaders are all sociopaths who use their power for both good and bad because everyone is corruptible.

Putin was extolled by many for preventing the sort of “woke” LGBT madness that our government embraced, and he was seen by most conservatives as a strongman but basically an okay guy. That changed with his invasion of Ukraine followed by his threats of nuclear war. Even if he isn’t truly serious, “I’m not bluffing”, about using nuclear weapons, making the threat is over the top. By doing so he puts the rest of us on high alert and preparedness and we ready our own nuclear weapons to strike Russia with.

So now, many conservatives see him as insane, which only increases the danger and our willingness to strike first. Insanity is contagious after all.

This is the problem with leaders. They’re human and they fought their way up to their positions of power because they want that power, they lust for power, and those who want power are by their very nature the last people on Earth who should have it because they ALWAYS abuse it.

Humans do a very poor job of governing themselves because we’re predators. We evolved in a eat or be eaten world, and we instinctively either cluster behind some strong leader in our fear, or we are that strong leader who is prepared to kill anything in his way. It’s just our nature.

Most of us just want to be left alone and be protected by our leaders, and the way that works out is that our leaders see us as the weak little sheep that we are, sneer at us, use us and abuse us because they can. This is why our nation has failed, not because democracy “is a failed experiment” as many say but because all nations fail and all for the same reason. We let others lead us.

A lot of science fiction stories have been written that have us ruled by computers instead of people. Some pretty famous ones have it that there’s Laws programmed into the computers, or robots, that prevent them from doing harm, but I’ll believe that when I see it. More likely, a ruling Artificial Intelligence would be more like Sky Net, in the Terminator movie, that sees Man as a parasite to be destroyed.

I see Smart Phones as the first strong step toward AI rule. People have their faces in those things constantly, they conduct all their business on them, communicate with all their friends on them, make all their purchases with them, often without ever entering an actual store. They play games on them, watch TV and movies on them, use them as alarm clocks in the morning, to manage appointments for them, order food with them, run their homes and security systems with them. I don’t own one and wouldn’t have the best one ever made if it was up Joe Biden’s ass. Sideways.

Smart Phones are the way our government keeps track of us now, of our wages, our taxes owed, our bank accounts, what we buy, what we sell, our medical history, everything is digitized and on computers. It’s not a big step for all that to be managed by an Artificial Intelligence and for our next Wonderful Leader to be a computer bank.


Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. I don’t know where the other names originated from but Fall is obvious. It’s the time of year when the leaves fall. October, November and December.

My favorite season used to be summer but that was before I moved to the desert. Now my TWO favorite seasons are Spring and Fall because there’s so much Hawaii-like weather. In summer you just sit there and cook. All the little crtters are hiding in holes they dug underneath rocks. Big rocks, that shield them from the heat.

Winter gets pretty cold. It doesn’t usually snow because this is desert, after all, and deserts aren’t known for having a lot of rain. But a bucket of water set outside will freeze up solid on a really cold night and there’s plenty of cold nights. Nights that you want to remember to turn on a tap and let the water run a little so your pipes don’t freeze up solid and burst.

Not glorious shades of reds and golds in our trees in Fall, which are mostly coniferous pines and gnarly oaks. You need lots of maple trees for that. Most of the oaks are live oaks, anyway. They don’t lose their leaves. The pine trees lose their needles and shed their cones though, and the cones end up rolling down the street and getting under car tires and causing punctures, while the needles have to be raked up the same as you would leaves because they’re really flammable and are a big fire hazard. Pine needles are full of resin and burn like torches.

Ahh but the first Spring day when you can be comfortable outside in a tee shirt is always memorable, and the first day in Fall when it’s cool enough to barbecue some ribs and kick back at the patio table with an iced drink and enjoy an evening outdoors again. Do they make the long winter and long hot summer worthwhile? Hell no, they don’t. They just give you something to look forward to in the meantime.


There is no “Make America great again”. It’s done, it’s over, and pretending that all the marbles can be put back into the box again just the way it was is total bullshit.

Why Donald Trump keeps doing this charade, holding rallies and making people think that he’s going to be President again, I don’t know unless he’s really just as crazy as the rest of them. Unless he just can’t let go of the fact that his election was stolen from him and he just can’t stop himself from trying to get that stolen election back.

Some people live only for recognition. They have to be adored, admired, applauded, and Donald Trump is one of these people. He’s a narcissist. We all know he’s a narcissist and we knew it when we elected him because he said all the right things about what was happening to our country and what he would do to fix it, and he was right, and by God he did what he said he’d do. Most of it anyway.

He never has renounced the Killer Covid Vaxx, you know. He should have, but to do so would be embarrassing for him politically and personally. He’d have to admit he was wrong, and sociopathic types just have a really bad time doing that. It just kills them to apologize or ever say they were wrong. Trump is definitely a sociopathic type. But then, most great leaders are.

It doesn’t matter. There’s not a chance in Hell that he’ll ever be President again anyway, half the Republican Congressmen are Communists now and the vote is controlled. The only people to be “elected” to high office will be those appointed by the Globalist Cabal.

There will be no MAGA. What there will be, will be children injected with drugs that sterilize them and make them sexually aberrant, homosexuality promoted and endorsed by not just schools but the heads of governments, masses of people dying from heart problems and other causes, mass starvation in Africa, plagues in Europe and so on, all with the aim of radically reducing our global population.

That’s what this is about and make no mistake about it. Nationalism isn’t dead yet but the executioners of it are on the march because national pride stands in the way of population reduction. Like it or not, this is something that needs to happen.


This looks more and more like we did it, blew up the Nordstream gas pipes. When I remember that the Biden Bunch shut down the Keystone XL pipeline last year, which drove gasoline prices up, I thought that was the purpose of it, to increase inflation, and that probably was part of it.

Now I think that it was mostly to help increase global fuel shortages. Much the same way that food production facilities keep getting burned down. The Putin War has shut down the production of a lot of the world’s fertilizer plants and that means less food next year.

Natural gas is used in the production of fertilizer so shutting down the pipes shuts down those who use the gas to make fertilizer.

The explosions were only part of an ongoing program to shut down the processes for feeding humanity. Natural gas runs power plants that make electricity that powers production, operates businesses, cooks food. The price of gas in Germany is instantly increased by 10 times now. This makes everything less affordable as businesses shut down that can’t afford the gas, making things less available, and so on.

Civilization runs on energy. Take away the energy and you end the civilization.


Greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere do cause the Earth to warm up and we might really be looking at global warming for real because

OUR GOVERNMENT JUST BLEW UP THE NORDSTREAM PIPELINES. These huge pipes supply Western Europe with natural gas from Russia. Russia has shut off the flow to those nations in retaliation for the help they’ve been giving Ukraine. Joe Biden had promised that if Russia invaded Ukraine that we would shut off the Nordstream pipes, he just didn’t say how, and since Russia stopped supplying W. Europe, and since an ALTERNATE natural gas pipe is being laid that will bring them gas from Norway.

This has so many facets. Blowing up Russia’s gas pipes brings an end to their energy bullying and extortion and at the same time takes away a primary source of income to Russia. Now Russia will no longer be able to force their policies on W. Europe.

Joe Biden’s open statement of stopping those gas pipes is a declaration that the United States is behind this. That puts us on a direct war footing with Russia now and they can respond in a lot of ways including destroying the Transatlantic Internet Cable.

Until Russia shuts off the gas flow at their end, it will continue to pour out of the ruptured pipes, creating a massive bio-hazard and possibly affecting our climate as well. Most of that gas is methane.

Europe gets energy from a variety of sources now, and they’re bringing back online others that had been shut down because of “green” mandates.

It’s going to be a rough winter ahead in Europe with that gas shut completely off to them now, even with increased shipments from all other sources. This is going to do a lot of damage to an already damaged economy, and that’s going to bring China’s economy down more as well since theirs depends on trade with Europe and us.

Putin will retaliate against us, I have no doubt at all, and he’ll find a way to do us more harm than we did him, if it’s at all possible. I’m sure that he’ll try to get the Chinese to stop selling us rare earths, but the Chinese need all the trade they can get, so that one’s iffy. If he gives the order to use some nukes I think his own generals would depose him rather than see Russia start glowing in the dark.

One thing he could do, would be to blow up Ukraine’s big Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, which is the largest one in Europe if I’ve read that correctly. If the winds are right and the damage was rigged to cause a nuclear meltdown and subsequent nuclear blast, it would wreck a lot of Ukraine and spread radioactive poison across Europe. Putin is crazy enough to do this, thinking that if he doesn’t actually use a Russian nuclear weapon, he could get away with it and declare it an accident or sabotage by someone else.

You see how bad this is and how far it can go. Blowing up the Nordstream pipes is a BIG DEAL. This act is going to have a major effect on our entire planet and will affect each and every person on it.

So stand by. Shit is hitting the fan.


Noticed a news article with a headline whining how some pro-life activist was being targeted by our corrupt Department of Justice.

Pro-life activists are people who insist that women have no right to cancel their pregnancies, that they absolutely must bear some unwanted child because they became pregnant while enjoying sex. Pro-life activists all claim to be Christians and this is a religious issue for them, the same way that Muslims insist that women wear head scarves or worse, those burqa tents with face grilles.

Ignored by both of these fascist cults is the fact that these rules don’t apply to men. Just to women. Men are not punished for causing unwanted pregnancies and they’re not required to wear head scarves.

Women are presidents and prime ministers of prominent nations, and heads of big corporations. This is not a third-world planet any more. All that said, I’m not a feminist, I just don’t like Christian arrogance any more than I like Islamic insanity. Religions should keep to themselves if they have to exist at all, with their worship of dead people and imaginary beings, their superstitious practices and ridiculous beliefs. If you must insist on having some crazy set of impossible beliefs, go ahead, but show respect for others besides yourselves and leave the rest of us the fuck alone or else admit that your religion is a pack of lies.


Pandora’s Box is out of Greek mythology, a tale of a young lady named Pandora who had a box in her care that she was forbidden to open, but being foolish and wilful, she did anyway and what was in the box got out.

In the box were all the world’s troubles and woes, so when she opened it, wars, diseases and starvation were inflicted on humanity.

People have been trying to put all that stuff back into a box ever since that story was first written in the ancient Greek alphabet thousands of years ago, without much success, and now the box has been fully opened, this time not out of curiosity but deliberately.

The news media can’t give us, or won’t, a full picture of what’s happening all over our planet, so I’m going to make an effort here to at least give SOME idea, some sort of overall view, of the state that global humanity is now in and where we’re heading.

To do this I need to point out various events, and then try to show what they mean when viewed all together.

Food processing plants are still being burned down and in France the world’s largest market for meat and produce of all sorts was in flames a few days ago. The grain shipments from Ukraine that were supposed to feed Africa were diverted to European nations.

The war between Russia and Ukraine is about to expand as Russia calls up the Draft and threatens nuclear weapons, while the USA and NATO allies pour in steadily more advanced weaponry to confront the Russians. If Putin isn’t deposed or doesn’t back down, the war may go nuclear.

New pandemics of new diseases are being “predicted” by the same people who “predicted” the ones that suddenly appeared right after the predictions, while a new vaccine called a “Bivalent Mrna Covid vaccine” is now being injected into people. Bivalent means Twice As Strong. Healthy people are dropping dead within minutes of the injections.

Human migration is rapidly increasing, the starving masses are pouring out of African and Middle Eastern nations into Europe and bringing their poverty, crime and diseases with them along with their huge societal differences in attitude and religion. This has been and now even more is creating increasing havoc in Europe, that is past saturated with these people now and has no means of dealing with more of them. This is bringing with it increased poverty for everyone, increased crime, increased food, water and energy shortages causing increased hardship for the non-wealthy.

New and extremely lethal drugs are circulating among the addicts of the world and killing them off by the tens of thousands. This can’t be an accident.

In Brief: The global distribution network that was thrown into chaos two years ago is still in chaos. Global food production is way down and global starvation is imminent. The global stock market is slowly crashing. The Crypto currencies have dropped to a quarter of their previous values, adding to global financial recession and gold has lost a full 20% of its value and is still dropping. Taxation and inflation are both increasing, causing increased poverty, hunger and starvation, which has a greater effect on the 70% of us who have been injected with a concoction that attacks our immune systems.

Wars wreck distribution systems, interfere with or prevent food production and spread diseases like cholera and influenza that kills millions of people weakened by hunger and damaged immune systems.

Little is told about Africa and South America, but both continents have major problems now with violence and food shortages. The world is becoming increasingly totalitarian and oppressive with freedom of speech being increasingly restricted. Opinions expressed against government policies are being met with imprisonment, beatings and death in not just tyrannies like Russia but also in Europe and Australia.

Disorder is steadily replacing order worldwide in a controlled and yes, orderly fashion, as this is deliberate and being controlled to keep it from exploding into massive destruction of the global infrastructure and real estate. That’s because the purpose of it all is to kill off most of the human race, not to wreck the planet, and it’s aimed at the least intelligent of us.

This is the world picture. Increasing poverty, increasing food shortages, increasing famines, increasing diseases, increasing deaths. For years ahead.