Headline “Russia says US has questions to answer over Nordstream pipelines” US says Russia can go suck a big one for their answers. After all, the US is the main force behind Ukraine’s response to their invasion. Russia is finally learning how to whine instead of threaten all the time. It’s funny ha ha.

Bad news, Racquel Welch has died in her sleep at the age of 82. One of the greatest Hollywood sex bombs ever, she was the wet dream and bedroom wall poster of many an adolescent boy.

This morning’s list of “Died Suddenly” news headlines has grown considerably from last week, with the victims aged from their 50’s down to 6 years old, and all either directly or indirectly blamed on The Jab. Many doctors, and you can look this up if you have doubts, I just don’t want to get into listing all of them, have warned and are still warning that these supposed Covid19 injections will cause increasing deaths over time, that they cause ongoing, progressive damage that won’t stop until the victim is dead. Doubters might want to pay attention to those growing fatality lists.

South Park has done an absolutely hilarious shredding of Bonnie Prince Charley and his bride Meghan, and a totally deserved one. Watch it if you can.

ORLANDO, Fla.—Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro said he plans to return to Brazil in March to lead the political opposition to leftist President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Roughly half the people love Lula, and the other half hate him. Get ready for a revolutionary war in Brazil.

The Chinese are pushing their luck in the Philippines, yesterday they attacked a Filipino gunboat with a high powered laser, “temporarily” blinding the bridge crew, and the US immediately warned them that we would protect the Philippines from attack. China is getting bolder as Russia gets weaker and I expect them to get a little too bold one time too often, and we will see the SHTF.


Brazil’s new Communist president, (Copy/Paste from RAIR Foundation) “the former inmate, socialist Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, more commonly known simply as “Lula,” was recently installed as the President of Brazil with help from Joe Biden-style ballot antics.”

“Lula recently revised the country’s welfare regulations, requiring parents to have their children “vaccinated” with the experimental and dangerous Covid “vaccines.” If parents refuse to inject their children, they will no longer be able to receive any financial aid.” (My emphasis)

“Children six years old and over must have proof of vaccination; otherwise, the mother will lose all government subsidies, stated Lula.”

Brazil’s poverty rate is somewhere around 20%. You’re poor there if you make less than $5.50 a day, and the number of people in poverty is going to vary according to who’s doing the counting, because it’s a political issue. But if you look at the Favelas, the enormous slums surrounding the cities, it’s a lot of people. That 20%, or about 43 million people, get state aid and now they have to get their kids injected with poison if they want to keep getting it.

While there was considerable election fraud involved in making him president of Brazil again, Lula also had a lot of real support from Brazil’s poor, many of whom rely on state aid to survive. Now these same people who made him their dictator again are going to have their children slaughtered by The Jab if they want to keep being supported by the state.

All I can say to that is that those children would grow up to replace their parents as the slum dwellers anyway, so if their votes result in them wiping themselves out, it’s on them. I feel sorry for the children being born into such a life, and it’s not a long one as the average life expectancy in one of these slums is listed as about 48. This is mostly because not many live to see 21.


“X”, over in the UK, tells me he can do a Google search using a sentence from one of my posts and get that exact sentence, and a link to the article it’s in, on this site.

I cannot. Not using either one of my two computers, with different versions of Windows. All I can find on Google is my main page, newsbleat.com. They don’t like what I have to say. At least USSA.com does as they’ve been re-posting my articles and giving credit with a link. So thank you, USSA.com.

I used to be able to find all my posts on Google, but that stopped one day. Google has gone far left and a little research on other search engines revealed that they do in fact block a lot of conservative and right-wing websites.

When I search for my posts using just the title of the post on DuckDuckGo, the links to them appear on the very first page. Same experience with Bing. Just not with Google.

This is why it pays to not use Google as your only go-to. When Google started out their motto was “Do no evil” but it seems to me they do plenty of evil. Look at Twitter and all the evil they did. Look at the constant stream of outrageous lies and propaganda that gushed out of CNN and the other Far Left MSM and don’t think for a second that Google can’t twist and distort your search results to make sure that you only see what they want you to see, the same as all the other Far Left media.

Newsbleat.com is a Conservative website that is not beholden to any set of values or doctrines. Conservative on this site does not mean Christian or religious, it doesn’t mean politically partisan. It means open to all possibilities grounded in factual reality or at least backed by events evidenced over time.

Conspiracy theories may be offered but not declared as fact. Not all conspiracies are paranoid fantasies, people conspire constantly to do all sorts of things and some of those are worthy of our attention, even if not proven.

Last, I pay for this out of my pocket, that’s why there’s no ads and never have been.


Well, I had one, anyway, nothing like M. L. King’s, though. I dreamed last night that all our diplomats were ordered home from Russia, and I see today that American citizens in that country are being advised to leave “immediately”.

Yesterday they were advised to leave to avoid conscription into the Russian army, but the word “immediately” was missing. Today our government is saying they should leave because of the “unpredictable consequences” of Russia’s continued invasion of Ukraine.

While I grant that war is always unpredictable, the latest poll of Ukrainians say that almost 90% want to keep fighting even if Russia drops a nuclear bomb on a Ukraine city. That should give anyone pause. It sounds like they’re expecting it to happen. Could that be the reason for the Leave Immediately order?

Probably not, or I’d like to think so anyway. Ordering our diplomats home would change my mind though.


Insanity is the Rule Of The Day. Welcome to the real Hieronymous Bosch’s Hell, where fantasy meets reality. A train carrying highly toxic vinyl chloride, hydrogen chloride, and other hazardous materials wrecked in East Palestine, Ohio resulting in a massive spill of this stuff. The unfortunate name of that town may have been an omen, because our government idiots in charge of cleaning up these environmental disasters decided that the best way to do it, because it was the cheapest way, was to burn it, causing black low hanging clouds of incredibly toxic smoke to spread over a huge area and it’s killing the farm animals and making the people horribly ill.

So all of a sudden we have a Chinese balloon everyone’s looking at instead, quickly followed by a string of UFOs getting shot down but STRANGELY, SO VERY STRANGELY, there are no pictures of these things even though all our military aircraft are equipped with highly sophisticated cameras. Isn’t that STRANGE? Hey, you don’t think they might be LYING to us about this, do you? To distract us from THE INCREDIBLE FUCK-UP IN OHIO?


Graphene is in the Covid “vaccine” shots. Keep this in mind as you read.

Graphene is amazing scientists. It’s one atom thick layer of carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb pattern. It’s 200 times stronger than steel, is superconductive for both electricity and heat, forms molecules with other elements such as oxygen, and replicates itself in blood.

Any blood, yours, mine, lizards, insects. It is Cytotoxic, which means that it kills blood cells. Cyto = cell, toxic = poison. And it replicates. It makes more of itself, it spreads in blood like a virus, and it’s in the Jabs.

Specific forms of graphene compounds are doing amazing things. A brand new battery using no metals at all was just developed that is lighter and more efficient than regular batteries.

Another amazing thing it’s doing is combining with elements in blood to form complex electronic structures whose purpose is unknown at this time. It also appears to be involved in the process of creating the very long, stringy, rubbery and fibrous blood clots we’ve all been reading about, that start out as sub-microscopic tubular structures that clump together to block capillaries, our tiniest blood vessels, and eventually our arteries.

Capillaries feed blood and oxygen to every part of our body. When the tiniest cut or pinprick can produce some blood, that tells you how small they are and what a vast network they are in the body. Now imagine that they’re all blocked in your right hand. First your hand goes numb, then your fingers stop working, then the flesh of your hand starts dying.

Graphene is going to be used in packaging, boat making, plastics, batteries, motors, upholstery, blankets, clothing, building materials, cars, EVERYTHING. It will contaminate everything. Graphene particles can enter your body simply by touching it, and go anywhere in your body, to any part of your body.

According to one of the articles linked above, Graphene will be pretty much everywhere in two more years. Whether it’s in a form dangerous to life or not depends entirely on how careful and concerned the people making it into products are. If their main concern is profit, we’re in deep shit and guess what? It’s always about profit.


As a Gypsy fortune teller might say, there’s clouds in the tea, the future is murky.

Globalism is the single biggest issue current in the world today, so my focus has mostly been on that. The problem I have, along with most everyone else, is gaining an accurate over-all view of Now in order to get some sense of the future. It’s like reading tea leaves, there’s not much science in it, it’s mostly guesswork, hunch and intuition.

Some things that keep butting up against the declared Globalist goal of a half-billion population are the ongoing commercial construction efforts to accommodate large numbers of people. It seems that all the really big corporations and biggest billionaires are planning on there being lots of people to provide goods and services to. So who’s right?

Is the Soros/Schwab/Gates crowd seriously expecting Earths population to sharply decrease soon? World industries don’t seem to think so.

I’m starting to wonder if they’re planning on a much smaller population reduction than they said they wanted. Certainly, a lot of large, very rich corporations want to keep making all that money and having all that power and they can’t do it with a lot less people. Maybe there’s a power play going on here over just how many of us must be eradicated.

Well, keep watching, maybe the tea will clear up and those leaves settle on the bottom in some sort of readable order. Time goes by.


Before there were nuclear weapons and over 8 billion people sucking the planet dry of resources, we all lived in our separate nations, we were all instilled with patriotic fervor for our particular nation and we all stayed separate as a race of beings. One result of this is that we fought huge wars once in a while to try to dominate the world.

Even if one nation had finally succeeded in doing this, and many have tried over the last 5000 years or so, we would not have destroyed the planet and most of the life on it. But now things are different. We can do that now with our nuclear weapons and who knows what our steadily advancing technology will be able to do to us all in the near future?

The time has come for the human race to unite. It’s time to erase all the national borders and become one race of people, called “humans”, have one government and population control, before we have another huge war that will undoubtedly be a nuclear one, that will wipe out pretty much everything and everybody.

Global government is our only choice if we’re to survive as a species. The Globalists know this and are using harsh methods to achieve it. The harsh reality, though, is that harsh methods are necessary if we’re to save ourselves.

So fake pandemics, poison “vaccines” that destroy immune systems, sperm counts and cause stillbirths , food and fertilizer plant destruction, the spread of animal diseases to destroy herds and flocks, forced monetary inflation to accelerate poverty and the resulting starvation, general economic collapse, it’s all designed to reduce our population.

At the same time, the war between Russia and Ukraine that’s draining Russia dry militarily and economically will finally bring an end to the Russian threats of nuclear war and it will come as no surprise to me if, once the Putin government collapses, that a team of Globalists are waiting and ready to take over.

If India then comes over on the side of Globalism, China will be stuck. In practical terms, the rest of the world will then be Globalist and the Chinese Communists will have no choice but to either become part of a global government or be starved into submission.

I may live to see this. All this could possibly happen in the next 5 years or even less. The full establishment of a Global government will no doubt take longer, there will be holdouts, kings, princes and dictators who don’t want to lose their power, but Global government is our only future path if we’re to continue as a species.


“An imagined world or society in which people lead wretched, dehumanized, fearful lives There’s almost a flavor of science fiction to the scene.”

Only, this isn’t imaginary. This is REAL. Everyone is scared and no one wants to admit it. Yet they flock to social media looking for “likes” and “followers” to reassure themselves that they’re okay, that they have friends and people like them and everything is normal, while young people keep dying suddenly of heart attacks and the government keeps telling us to take more Covid injections to protect ourselves.

While a Russian madman continues to threaten nuclear war, a North Korean madman does the same, the Chinese are a constant threat, no one knows who’s really running the country, inflation has soared while wages have gone down, food prices have soared the most, the government is turning Communist, foreign immigrants are pouring into the country but there’s no jobs for them, crime is out of control and worsening.

Everyone has a smart phone and puts all their personal information on it including all their purchases, credit card numbers and bank passwords and every aspect of their lives is open to scrutiny by Homeland Security, our new Big Brother, an arm of the CIA.

More people are dying of drug overdoses than ever before in history. There is such a shortage of both housing and jobs that the camps of homeless people have spilled out from vacant lots and under overpasses into business districts and urban streets. No one trusts doctors and hospitals anymore.

We are constantly told that our planet is warming beyond control, that changing climate will kill us all and that CO2 and methane are to blame so we have to get rid of all the cattle because cow farts are methane and we have to stop burning fossil fuels because they produce CO2. Instead we will have to eat fake meat made of bugs or grown in a vat, and stay home as much as possible.

Major cities are being broken up into 15-minute cities, called that because citizens in them will not be allowed to walk more than 15 minutes away from their residence. Coming soon to Paris.

I know what a calm, peaceful and ordered society looks like because I grew up in one. When I put that one next to this one, this one is totally insane. It’s a world gone mad.


Everyone is blaming Joe Biden for allowing the Chinese spy balloon to cross over the USA and look at all our missile silos, and then saying that it was him that finally gave the order to shoot it down.

Let’s have a clear understanding here. Joe Biden is not running this country, he has no presidential authority, he does not give the orders. He has Alzheimer’s Disease and is getting the very best medical treatments available to keep him propped up and moderately conversant. Even so, it’s obvious that this is a losing battle as he is visibly getting worse each day.

Our government is now run by a complex cabal involving what is now a Uni-Party, the FBI and CIA, the Pentagon and leaders of the global industrial complex. Certainly, there must be just a few at the top who make the final decisions and no, I don’t know who they are. It’s just glaringly obvious that Joe Biden isn’t one of them.

The Balloon: Waiting to shoot it down until it was out to sea off the East coast served two purposes, the first to satisfy all the outraged Americans demanding it be shot down, thus making it look like we defended our sovereignty. Second, so that its instruments would be lost at the bottom of the ocean. That way, the Cabal can claim that all the information it gathered was lost with it. We won’t be told of the high resolution video cameras linked to the global GPS system that radioed back the precision locations of our nuclear deterrents, because the proof has been destroyed. By us.

Now the only question remaining is, why would the Cabal allow this to happen? Why would they let China freely map our nuclear missile silos?

The Cabal must have made a deal with them.

The Cabal admires the way China has taken control of the people and sees much of what they do as a model for a future global government. Even while being seen as an enemy, commerce with them continues. So my guess is that America is being set up, to be made more vulnerable, so as to be less of a power in the world. This may be all about a major shift in the global balance of power.

That’s my best guess right now, anyway.