When it comes to choosing sides between the Muslim Arabs and the Jews over there in the Middle East, I’ll always stand with the Jews because they take no shit from those goat fuckers.

Netanyahu has been re-elected as Israels Prime Minister once again and this time he’s forming the most Right Wing government the country has ever had. This may be the end of the West Bank bullshit.

The West Bank was one of those jackass land-for-peace giveaways many years ago that should never have been done (the Gaza Strip is the other one), only the “Palestinians” didn’t keep the peace, so the Israelis moved back in and have been building settlements there ever since. It’s still “Palestinian” land under international law but it’s clear that Israel intends to keep taking it back piece by piece until it’s all theirs again, if they don’t just go ahead and annex it first.

The US government Libtards keep telling Israel that “No no, no more settlements” and that’s worked at times, but not this time. The person in charge of this issue in the new Israeli government is totally for new settlements and probably will speed them up. I think it’s funny as hell and I hope those Arab terrorist fucks don’t like it.

The Arabs, mostly the Saudis, used to be the main supporters of the Arabs in the Palestine area and paid them to keep harassing the Jews. Only now they rely on the military might of the Jews to keep Iran off their backs because Iran is trying to build nukes and Israel already has them.

One of these days Israel is going to have to wage all-out war with Iran and it may come soon. If it does, you couldn’t ask for a better government than Israel has right now to deal with it.


Yep, this is another one of my dire predictions. Donald Trump needs to get out of the country, go buy a nice private island somewhere or something, because otherwise he’s going to be sent to some nasty prison.

Look, his enemies, which is almost every politician in Washington DC along with far too many Federal judges, are preparing to indict him on at least one Felony charge, and they WILL indict him, and they WILL convict him because they can pick the judge he goes before and every single member of the jury and it’s a flat guarantee that all of them will be Far Left because our Federal Department of Justice is Far Left.

Once indicted, he doesn’t stand a snowball’s chance in Hell of being found Not Guilty.

The Uniparty owns the CIA, FBI and all the other acronym-named Federal agencies along with virtually ALL of the media, both television and online, with the sole exception of Twitter, which is the only place you’ll see anyone saying anything positive about Donald Trump.

He brags about his intelligence and he is a brilliant man in most regards, but where he displays utter stupidity is in not ever knowing when to keep his mouth shut. That and always bragging about how smart he is and how much everyone loves him. That shit gets old.

It’s too bad. He really was a wonderful President, otherwise, and when the election was stolen from him he should have just said so, expressed his hopes that things can be put right, and thanked the American people for letting him lead the country for 4 years. And then SHUT THE HELL UP.

But no, he kept on and kept on in spite of reality, that the America we knew was gone and he would never be allowed to lead the country again. His ego is just too big for his common sense to see past, and I hate to see what’s coming.


The Internet started coming into common use in 1994 when the first Windows operating system was created and joined with the first Hard Drive computers that were economically priced.

By the year 2000, personal computers, PCs, were almost as common as TV sets in homes, and global communication and exchange of goods and some services was available through Internet commerce.

At the same time, Cell Phone technology had advanced beyond the bulky and expensive bag phones, and little flip phones that could be carried in a pocket were becoming common.

These two inventions catapulted human society out of thinking in local terms and into thinking in global terms, and the result has been catastrophic for past social traditions and values. It’s out of this that Communism has grown so rapidly, and BLM, Antifa, riots, mass migrations, the Covid lockdowns and the destruction of democratic ways of life have all come about. Globalists became billionaires because of the Internet and used the money to buy up all the TV stations. With their ownership of the social media as well, they now control what people are told more than the governments can do.

Mass instant global communication has been a huge benefit to humanity but like everything else we do that brings change, we always manage to find ways to make everything worse at the same time. There are always those among us who seek more power for themselves at the expense of everyone else.

Of course, all this really proves is that one thing never changes, and that’s Human Nature. Even if people eventually stop celebrating Christmas as a religious holiday, the holiday itself will survive the ages because everyone loves getting gifts even if they don’t always like giving them. I’ve always loved Christmas, it’s the one day of the year, more than any other, when most of us are nice to each other.


Yep, instead of being a man I’ve decided that I am now Superman, a whole different kind of man, and since I can be any gender I want to be now, and no one can say I’m not, you have to recognize my gender or I’ll have you arrested for “misgendering” me. I’m Superman now and that’s it and I don’t give a fuck if you don’t like it. Call me Superman or I’ll have your ass thrown in jail

My pronouns are Bicycle, Snorkeling, Rotund and Verbose, and more will be added whenever I feel like it.

No, I’m not making an example of how stupid and ridiculous “transgenderism” might seem, I’m really serious here. There’s a good chance I might paint my hair red and green and blue and stuff and wear a cape. So watch out for me, I’m gonna move out of my mother’s basement apartment anytime now.


In ancient times up until 500 or so years ago, when two nations went to war, the king of the losing nation usually was killed by the winner but kings rule has mostly passed away now and the kingships still around are mostly just ceremonial positions where those nations revere their royalty and preserve those offices even though the holders of them no longer have any real power.

Most nations today are ruled by committee, a congress or parliament with an elected president or prime minister heading it up, and the rules of war have changed as well. Civilians are supposed to be protected, or at least not attacked. Only the actual fighters are supposed to be fair game and the leaders of both nations get to sit back and orchestrate the battles.

This needs to end. We need to return to the old rules about kings who wage wars and target them instead of bringing death and misery to everyone else.

Think how much better off the world would be if, every time some nation started getting aggressive with their neighbors, that nations leaders were bombed into oblivion by those neighbors instead of everyone sending their young men and women to die in battle against each other and both nations ending up in ruins filled with rotting corpses.

Instead, just kill off the few aggressors. Kill the warmongers and let the rest of the people live in peace. What do you think? I like it.

We could start by bombing the shit out of Washington D.C.’s halls of Congress and Moscow’s Kremlin. Kill the leaders who would send us all to war, no matter where they are. Make that the first priority of military preparedness. Certainly, stay prepared, but put prevention alongside preparedness.

In battles the officers are always the top targets as they’re the best strategists and they direct the battles. Well, who sent them there? The presidents and prime ministers sent them there. Why should they be exempt as targets?


This is not an advertisement for Brain Numbing Bullshit Pills. This is only a testimonial. You should buy this product to protect your family from Disinformation spread by Right Wing Activists. By the time you’ve finished only one bottle you will be happy to know that Joe Biden is Protecting Americans and Making Things Better at our Border With Mexico because we Need More Trained Workers to do all those jobs that Americans Don’t Want To Do.

Antifa and BLM never rioted, Leftist activists never blocked roads, highways and freeways in the name of any cause and tens of thousands of unvetted, disease ridden migrants are not being allowed to flood in across our Southern border. Elections are not being stolen in broad daylight and anyone can change their sex at any age. Homosexuality should always be encouraged, especially in schools and the younger, the better. Cross-dressing is fun for children and good for society.

Yes, buy the pills, swallow the bullshit, and wake up to a brand new world.


Russia is bombing the Ukraine power system into oblivion, and in the middle of winter, which means that none of the people in the cities will have lights, heat, emergency services, working phones and so on. Cell phones have to be charged, you can’t do that without power.

Finally, the US has given Ukraine permission to send bomb drones deep into Russia. The US can tell Ukraine what to do because the country would already be lost without our weapons and naturally, I’m wondering where those long-range drones are coming from. Us, of course, but nobody is saying so. Meanwhile it’s only another week or so before Patriot missile systems are deployed in Ukraine and manned by American military.

The Russians are very unhappy knowing that soon, they will be getting bombed too, and are making threats of nuclear destruction again. I have a much better idea, that would improve their general welfare and quality of life. Get the fuck out of Ukraine. Then, like MAGIC, no war, no death, no chance of them getting nuked into a lifeless, sterile, radioactive wasteland.

But until they figure that out, the war will continue to escalate and it could get really messy over there unless some of Putin’s generals are smarter than he is and they retire him before he starts sending nukes over here.

In other happy, cheerful Holiday Season news, Iran and Israel are steadily getting closer to all-out war, the latest word being that Israel believes Iran is smuggling weapons on civilian airliners into Lebanon for the Hezbollah and is threatening to bomb Beirut Airport if they have enough proof. The Hezbollah are a terrorist wing of Iran who threaten Israel from the north while Iran threatens them from the south.

Bombing the airport may not initiate a full-on war between them but it could, at the least it will certainly result in some nasty retaliation from Iran that Israel will not ignore in turn.

Why this matters is that such a war would raise holy hell with oil shipping, and disrupt global commerce much more than it already is. Besides, Iran wants a big war with lots of dead people because of their insane religious beliefs, and are certain to goad Israel as much as they can to use a nuclear weapon, and the obvious way to do that is to hit Israel with a big Dirty Bomb that spreads radiation everywhere and kills lots of people.

2023 may dawn brightly. Like, with big, bright flashes of light. Or it may not. But it sure is fun waiting to find out what all the Elite Assholes are going to do to the rest of us, isn’t it?


One thing about the Biden Cabal, or to put it more honestly and factually, the Globalist Cabal now running our country, is that they’re definitely out to cut China down to size. How they hope to do that by stuffing our military full of homosexuals and other freaks, I can’t guess, but they’re definitely raising hell with the Chinese economy.

The latest news is that US microchip makers are moving to countries like Vietnam, because of curbs our government has put on our chip exports to China. This hurts us economically, as usual, but it will benefit the Asian nations a lot. Of course, they’ll no doubt sell to China, sidestepping the Biden curbs, but at the same time this will spread the industry around more.

Vietnam, a Communist nation, was supported by the Communist Soviet Union back when we were getting 50,000 of our young men killed over there in the process of killing God knows how many of their young people. They were never fond of the Commie Chinese and still aren’t, and like the Philippines and other Asian nations, are constantly having to deal with Chinese predation into their territorial fishing grounds and takeovers of islands within their sovereign territories.

So of course these peoples welcome the influx of high-tech manufacturing, it helps their economies while harming China’s.

China’s chipmakers will still dominate the industry for a long time, but their near-monopoly is coming to an end and it won’t be long before iphones and other high-demand products are made in other countries besides China as well.


When Twitter first appeared on the Social Media scene, I laughed. People were actually expected to leave comments and call them tweets? Like little birds? Oh gee, how CUTE, if you’re a 5 year old, that is.

I thought the whole thing was stupid and childish. I still do. Yet presidents and dictators “tweet” on “Twitter” as if it were the grown-up thing to do, and international diplomacy is being conducted on this infantile forum.

A little-known fact, and it is a fact, is that as a rule, humans reach full emotional maturity by the age of 5. All our emotional responses are solidly set and will endure for the rest of our lives, by the age of 5 years. This should explain why we seem to act like a bunch of 5 year olds every time we get emotional.

So yeah, no wonder Twitter took off like a rocket, you can get all emotional on Twitter, and everyone does. It’s the world’s biggest virtual sandbox, where you can play nice or hit each other with your toys, steal their toys, throw sand at each other, have tantrums, demand attention, cry and whine and piss in the sand like a cat.


Not long after China and Russia claimed to have developed hypersonic missiles/hypersonic glide vehicles, we have come up with a successful test of one of our own.

The sole purpose of this technology is to deliver a sneak nuclear attack to the enemy, whichever that is. There is little or no current ability by any nation to detect these incoming missiles in time to launch any sort of counter response, if they can even be detected at all.

So of course, now that such technology is within reach because of other rocketry and space tech advances, every nation that can is working hard to develop hypersonic glide weapons of mass destruction. Soon, many nations will have them and those who don’t and can afford to, will buy them from those who do.

This way, huge sums of tax money extracted from the people of all these nations will be spent on weapons that will never be used, instead of taxing them less and letting them have and enjoy what they worked hard for.

Isn’t that wonderful?