The administration that just raided Donald Trump’s home for old nuclear information hired this person to oversee current nuclear information. This FREAK is Sam Brinton, who is totally into Extreme Kink, which means extreme sexual behavior, like Domination, Choking, ropes, handcuffs, you name it.

Sam Brinton announced he is officially serving as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy in the Department of Energy. Doesn’t that make you feel confident? BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE.

Here’s Sam with Richard Leland Levine, an American Navy Admiral who opted for genital mutilation and renamed himself Rachel, and who is now our Assistant Secretary for Health.

Let’s all be goddam thankful that these two are only assistants and not the ones actually in charge of anything important. Like nuclear energy and national health issues. They’ve been given their assistant positions strictly for the publicity, to bring all the queers and other sexually and mentally disturbed and perverted over to the side of our new despotic government.

The actual, real Health Secretary is Xavier Becerra, an actual male human. He’s totally unqualified for the job, knows nothing about medicine and was appointed because he’s a rabid Socialistic partisan, but he looks really normal and I’m happy to settle for that and he’s apparently not queer, being married to a woman doctor. Maybe he asks her for medical advice, who knows?

Jill Hruby is the Undersecretary of Energy, a woman, actually born female, with experiences in nuclear weapons systems and component design, nuclear non-proliferation, defense and homeland security technologies and systems, renewable energy, materials science, engineering sciences, and microsystems technology. She was the first woman to lead a national security lab and looks to be very highly qualified for this very important position. Since there’s NOTHING on the internet about any marriage or children or sexuality, I assume she’s a lesbian, which is scary because lesbians are nuttier than most male homosexuals.

Putting homosexuals and others who are mentally skewed sexually into positions of power in our government does not bode well for the future of our nation, but then, it’s already pretty fucked up anyway along with the rest of the world.

This is Change. We’re heading for a unified World Government and things are going to get a lot more chaotic than they are now before that New World Order you keep hearing bits and pieces about, finally comes into being.


With the Third World dictatorship style of attack on President Trump and his home in Florida, my conviction that the Globalists have irretrievably stolen the government of the United States is solidly confirmed.

More and more, so-called “Republicans” are proving to be RINOs working for the Uniparty. This has been going on for years but the RINOs refused to admit that they sided with the “Democrats”, aka Globalists. Now they’re almost leaping out of their closets, unafraid of losing the next election because the balloting is no longer secret or sacred and our votes no longer have the slightest value. They will put anyone into office they want to according to their count of the vote which they control.

All of our government agencies are now weaponized against the American people. The only one that isn’t that comes to mind is the Post Office and that’s being run by a private corporation now as it has been for several decades.

It looks like war with Russia will expand to include war with China as the only other option is to be run over by them and subjugated, and they and the Globalists are enemies. Either the Globalist nations succeed in destroying their economies and subjugating their governments as they’ve done here and in much of Europe, or it’s war. If there’s a third option I’ve yet to see it.

With America’s Middle Class clearly headed toward a reduced status and the mostly Lower Class headed toward serious deprivation, it makes sense to prepare for what’s coming as much as is possible according to each person’s individual capability.

That means, buy the things now that you either won’t be able to buy later or won’t be able to afford later. There’s plenty of “survivor” websites full of advice and information on all sorts of “aftermath survival”, so no need for me to contribute to the load. My advice is simple, get ready and stay ready, don’t slack off because of calming messages from our government because nothing they say can be trusted anymore. Trust yourself. You might not be the best decision maker but chances are good your decisions are better than the ones being made for you.


You have to see this video of people, young and old, suddenly dropping dead all over the place, doing anything from just standing or sitting quietly to being involved in some active sport.

We know why this is happening, don’t we. Can you say “Covid 19 Mrna fake vaccine injection”?

These are the lucky ones who were foolish enough to get The Jab at least once. Most of these sudden deaths are with those who kept going back for more, and I say “lucky ones” because they went so quickly they didn’t have time to suffer. The vast majority of poison recipients are having their immune systems slowly degraded, so they’ll become ill with a large variety of diseases and problems and suffer a lot before they die.


Yesterday night Pres. Trump’s Mar-A-Lago home in Florida was raided by FBI agents, backed by a search warrant from the Department of Justice. This is the first, the only time in our 250 year history as a nation that a search warrant was written and executed against an American President. This is the first and only time the home of one of our Presidents has been invaded by government agents.

This is exactly the sort of thing they do in Venezuela and other Third World countries, however.

This speaks of the fear of the Left over Trump running for President again in 2024 and their intense desire to stop him. They can only fear this because they feel sure he would win.

This raid is literally a national outrage, a move of such magnitude that they would never have done this in the hope of finding some sort of damning evidence against him. That can only mean that they’ve created another “Steele Dossier”, another Russia Russia Russia fraud, and that they’ll claim they found this spurious document or documents among the boxes of papers they took from his home.

They conducted this raid as a cover story for the fake evidence they intend to produce.

As I said in my last post, this just keeps getting more interesting.


Running a country or ruining a country, almost the same word, just a small spelling difference but a massive reality difference.

“Biden met with two Chinese energy executives in the East Wing”, brief news article today. Yes, no doubt to discuss selling them more of our Strategic Oil Reserve at bargain prices while blocking our oil producers from pumping out and refining more. This is merely one example of the many ways in which running our country has changed over to ruining our country.

It’s become so obvious now that the current regime intends to turn us into a Third World nation that even the Far Left MSM are saying so, and some of them are clearly unhappy about it. Why shouldn’t they be? Their idea of a Socialist government doesn’t include their own descent into poverty and chaos, just the rest of us, but when their own investments plunge in value and advertisers stop buying ad time because their companies are failing, suddenly the reality sinks in.

That’s when the party starts breaking up. That’s when the power groups start splitting off and the dissension begins. Why would our Congress vote to hire 87,000 new IRS agents and turn 70,000 of these new agents into an army by arming them? Why is Congress creating their own private army? Who are they arming up against? Could it be the CIA? Or the FBI, or the NSA? All of them? What’s happening here? Is a civil war going to break out in Washington D.C.?

Or there’s the other possibility, that Congress is creating an army of 70,000 armed thugs to enforce tax collections at the point of a gun, which would be necessary if they start confiscating private property, homes, cars, taking over businesses because of unpaid, unfair, excessive taxes. The same way the Mafia operates. The same way they do it in Venezuela.

This seems to me a lot more likely. Both are real possibilities as the power jockeying in Washington DC increases in scope.

Oh what fun, eh? It just keeps getting more interesting.


Not as really seriously hot as it has been the past 5 weeks, though it did peak out at just 100 F. this afternoon. Summer is starting to wind down again for another year.

The cheap(er) model of Canon printer-scanner I bought to replace my really good one that started messing up, decided to stop working without warning today. I don’t think I’ve printed 100 sheets of paper with it, but there it goes. Ah well, the other one will still print if I have patience with it, so I got a quick job done, printing a label to return something to Amazon.

But that’s a minor issue, just part of the day. The good part is that I won a very nice early crystal radio in virtually new condition to add to my collection, at a fair price. Other good news is that in spite of all the fear mongers trying to sell a news article or a book they wrote, we still aren’t at war with anyone, or at least not with anyone shooting nuclear ICBMs at us.

In spite of all the cries of looming horrible food shortages I was able to take advantage of the sale at my local supermarket yesterday and bring home 10 pounds of salmon filets and 6 pounds of snow crab leg clusters. All promptly repacked and frozen for future grand dinners. Besides the one I had last night, of course.

There’s yet another critter digging around in my garden. I found new turned earth yesterday morning. After shooting 2 rabbits in a row, I thought I was done. But as Jeff Goldblum said in Jurassic Park, “Mother Nature finds a way” although I think he actually said Life does, but close enough.

The sun is setting, the temp is back down to 88 F. outside. The nights cool off a little faster, the morning sunrise comes a little later and the Earth keeps turning. It’s a fine Sunday.


Read an article yesterday about a kid who was asked by his teacher what his pronouns were and he said “rock and banana”. The teacher totally stripped her gears trying to deal with that, especially when the kids agreed that was okay and any words can be gender pronouns.

So I thought I’d compile a short list of useful Gender Pronouns that anyone mentally fucked up enough to be into this jackass Gender fad would enjoy.

Ass; anime; anal; aghh; balls; blivit; blow; blunt; bleep; butt; cunt; cooter; coon; crack; crap; crazy; dick; doofus; dong; dim; egg; end; fart; fairy; fool; fudd; grunt; gas; gump, guppy; hump; hell; hiccup; hung; hairy; input; igloo; iffy; jam; jelly; juice; kick; knarled; knob; limp; loofa; lame; lost; mako; muff; nope; nasal; offal; off; or; ookie; penis; piss; puke; parp; pube; prick; queen; queer; quasi; quack; rimjob; rump; rub; scrotal; simp; sphincter; suck; snot; semen; tweek; twat; twit; uhh; umm; unh; vagina; vain; vug; wipe; wimp; weewee; yoni; zipper.

The sky’s the limit. Have fun and don’t forget, the fastest way to hammer a nail is when the sun sets, because it never melts when you’re dancing.


Here’s something interesting that you NEVER hear about in the news. Tuidang is a phrase in Chinese meaning “Quit the party”. It’s also the name of the movement urging Chinese citizens to quit the Communist Party, and according to this article I came upon, over 400 million of them have now done so.

The population of China is 1.4 billion people, so that’s .4 billion who no longer are members of the CCP.

All citizens are urged to join the CCP, though not all do so. The statistics quoted are, as of 2021, there were 110.4 million “Young Pioneers” 14 and younger, 73.7 million “Youth League” members between 14 and 28, and 96.7 million Party members. That’s 280.8 million and all must take an oath giving themselves to the party.

So it’s simple math, if 400 million have quit the party, then there were nearly 700 million members before Tuidang started up, which is almost half the population of China. I kind of doubt the veracity of that number. It just doesn’t feel right, but I’ve been wrong often enough.

In any case, the real point here is that the natives are restless. If even half that many have actually quit the CCP, a dangerous act of itself in China, that’s a big deal and when you look at the free fireworks show the CCP is putting on for the benefit of Taiwan and the US right now over Nasty Nancy’s visit, it’s pretty clear that the people they’re really trying to frighten and impress isn’t us, it’s their own citizens.

I take it as one more sign that the CCP is on it’s way out.


Because it was never called on. I knew the CCP would never attack Nasty Nancy’s aircraft, it would be immediate war and if China attacks Taiwan, that will result in the destruction of the CCP’s rule in China.

This Pelosi trip is all about bringing down Chairman Xi, who has very persistently and aggressively threatened the United States and Taiwan both and insisted that Taiwan will be part of China, one way or another. So it was arranged that Pelosi would tour the Far East, and her itinerary was published without the name of Taiwan on it.

Then it was “leaked” that she intended to visit Taiwan, the leakers knowing full well that the Chinese would totally erupt over this and start screaming dire threats of world war because this visit directly counters their insistence on their “One China” doctrine that they demand the whole world bow down to. Then after this supposed “leak”, fake president Biden announced that our military was against this trip, making us look weak in the face of China. Deliberately.

Xi and the CCP swallowed it hook, line and sinker and made lots of loud and horrible threats of attack and war, thinking that we’d back down and cancel the trip.

Now Xi is faced with the fact that the United States will not back down in spite of all his terrible threats and this makes him look like an ineffective idiot, not just to the CCP members but to all of China and the world.

It’s possible that this massive miscalculation on his part may force the CCP to replace him with someone less aggressive and warlike, which is exactly the goal of Pelosi’s Taiwan visit, to either force an invasion of Taiwan or cause the removal of Xi.

This is why my money is on the Globalists to achieve a One World Government. Pelosi is a Globalist and this latest move is one of theirs. China’s self-perceived strength is their ability to frighten other nations into submission with their great military strength and power, but it’s also their greatest weakness because fear creates hatred and the more they are feared, the more they are hated until finally the world rises up against them. The CCP is a long ways yet from being able to back up their threats against the might of a combined Globalist union, which is what the USA, Australia, Japan, Canada and the UK have become, with the probable inclusion of the EU nations as well.

We’re seeing the first major step in bringing down China. Keep watching because this is really going to get interesting.

UPDATE: At the same time Pelosi’s plane was flying to Taiwan, our government sanctioned 4 Chinese companies doing oil business with Iran. The CCP made more threats after Pelosi deplaned in Taiwan but there’s really little the CCP can do other than to stop selling us certain goods or levy big tariffs on them, and the less we buy from China, the more that impacts their already failing economy.

Not that China can’t do us economic harm, they can, but the worse shape our economy is in, the less we buy from them. I think we’re approaching a tipping point here. More to come.


A Swedish scientist has come up with the solution for the pending global food shortage. In a burst of amazing genius, “behavioral scientist and marketing strategist Magnus Söderlund from the Stockholm School of Economics proposed that in order to truly take on the effects of climate change, we must “awake the idea” that eating human flesh should be discussed as an option in the future.

Yes, Dear Reader, the day is coming when we will all be starving to death like the survivors of an airline crash on a remote, glaciated mountain peak. All those frozen bodies will start looking like popsicles once we get hungry enough. And the non-frozen ones. And the still-warm ones. And the ones that are still moving. And YOU, man, you look so yummy……..

I wouldn’t be buying stock in the Soylent Corporation if I were you, I don’t think they’ll last that long before they all get eaten, considering that we’re all going to die from Climate Change and Global Warming and Food Shortage and The Great Supply Chain Breakdown.

These are the same people who brought us Covid 19 and the fix for it, the Mrna poison stew jabs. Hey, I just looked at a picture of a newborn baby with his left arm amputated because of BLOOD CLOTS after his mother got the Clot Shots, “5-Year-Old Dies of Cardiac Arrest Caused by Myocarditis”, young school kids dropping dead of heart attacks in gym classes, all victims of Clot Shots.

So you know what, I don’t think any of these people telling us about all the terrible things in our future actually know what the fuck they’re talking about, I think they’re all part of a huge propaganda campaign to keep us all in a state of panic and we’d better stop listening to them for our own good.