To review, a 15 minute city is a town where everything is within 15 minutes walking distance of everything else. You can walk clear across it from one side to the other in 15 minutes. This is the new residential/business planning guide for new developments and the idea behind it is to limit the use of cars. At least, that’s what we’re told. But it’s not just that. This is going to severely limit the ability of people to travel. More on that on down below.

Cities previously were designed for horse-drawn carriage transportation, which was easily adapted to motor vehicles when they replaced the carriages. Now the plan is to end that and design smaller towns for foot traffic, that have all the necessities, shops, health and so on and any of them can be reached on foot in 15 minutes.

This idea is spreading, and the first applications of it are to convert large cities into a bunch of little 15 minute towns. According to Liberty Nation News, “a similar program known as the Complete Neighborhood concept is in place in Portland, OR.” along with Oxford, England, the European cities of Copenhagen, Amsterdam, and Oslo. Meanwhile, there’s plans for a 20-minute city in Detroit, MI.

15 minute towns will really only work if you have a lot less people. The real plan here is to, first, break up the cities into these 15 minute areas, and that can really only be done by shutting down the city areas encircling them and emptying them, and that can only be done by getting rid of the inhabitants of those areas.

If the the population of a large city can be reduced from 8 or 10 million down to a few 100 thousand, then the people can be re-distributed to the selected 15 minute areas.

In other words, this 15 minute city plan is part of the Globalist plan to reduce humanity to 500 million people. It won’t work well in large cities. The cities will have to be broken up.

Here’s one way that travel is going to be severely limited, according to Liberty Nation News: High tech license plate readers have been installed in Oxford and their purpose is to “fine drivers from outside the county of Oxfordshire who entered central areas during high-traffic periods,” according to Bloomberg, which also noted, “Oxford residents will be allowed fine-free peak-hour access for 100 days per year, with residents of the wider county able to apply for a 25-day fine-free access permit.”

County, but non-city, residents will only be able to do business or visit in Oxford for 25 days out of the year and a permit to do that is required or there’s fines. The actual residents of Oxford get 100 days a year to drive in town during “peak hours”, whatever those are, and that can mean any time span they want it to.

Now do this in all the other cities mentioned above, and do it in all the smaller cities and towns in Europe, the USA and Canada. Eventually the only traffic you’ll see on Interstate highways will be freight trucks and government vehicles.

I couldn’t see how the Globalists were going to make these 15 minute cities work, with all the people on the planet. But it will be easy once all those people are gone.

2 thoughts on “MORE ON 15 MINUTE CITIES”



    President Trump has returned and he’s determined to take out all the anti-American varmints, RINOs, Uni-Party city slickers, and green-new-deal-horns in the Republican Party.

    At CPAC 2023, Sheriff Trump gave a barn burner of a speech on Saturday night. The townsfolk at CPAC were riled up in a good way and cheered their MAGA Sheriff with thunderous applause.

    The Sheriff is back. Trump won the CPAC straw poll for President by 62%. Deputy DeSantis limped in at second place with only 20%—and the other varmints didn’t even place.

    With a steely glint in his eye, Sheriff Trump vowed to round up the corrupt RINO rustlers and election thieves. These vile criminals will face a long sentence or worse as the sheriff brings back law and order across the nation. If you listen hard enough, you can hear the hammering of justice. That’s the construction of gallows across the country. Hang ‘em high!

    It will be a rip-roaring good time as Sheriff Trump rounds up the lawless RINOs and jackasses in the criminal government and marches them off to face justice—real justice, not a two-tier justice system.

    As high noon 2024 approaches, Sheriff Trump is ready for his showdown with the evil and addled election-stealing crook, Yellow Stain Joe Biden. Old Joe may be mentally and physically dried up as a withered tumbleweed, but he knows when the clock strikes high noon—and he knows it means his days as an election-stealing crook are over. Sheriff Trump will run the Marxist Obama gang out of DC and put them straight into GITMO where they belong.

    America will be safe again once the Obama gang is rounded up and justice is served. The woke jokes will be run out of town and Lady G’s Drag Queen Cabaret will be closed forever. Little girls can be little girls again and little boys can go back to being little boys. American streets will be safe for decent folk once again as law and order under Sheriff Trump returns. Rope neckties will be back in style for drug dealers and pedofiles.

    America will be strong again. America will be prosperous again.

    1. The expression “Pipe Dream” comes from the 18th and 19th centuries when it was common to smoke opium and have wonderful dreams.
      The only way Trump could ever become President again would be if he went completely over to the Globalist side in return for being allowed to be President. The only purpose of elections in this country now is to keep the people believing they still have control of the government. Nothing is farther from the truth. Our elections are shams, those who are put into office are appointed by the Globalists and voting has nothing to do with it.

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