But toro means Bull and caga means Shit, so TORO CAGA to this: Sen. Lindsey Graham, aka RINO LIAR (R-S.C.) on Monday said he was prepared to introduce legislation to “set the stage” for U.S. military force in Mexico, saying it was time to “get tough” on the neighboring country after four Americans were kidnapped by armed men this week.

What a load of crap. They want to start a war with Mexico now? Using those kidnappings as an excuse? It’s Bullshit. Those Americans were kidnapped by mistake by a Drug Cartel. Where does the drug money come from? FROM US !

Why are the cartels making lots of money? Because our border with Mexico IS WIDE OPEN. Instead of going to war with Mexico and killing a bunch of cartel members and getting a bunch of American military killed, just CLOSE THE FUCKING BORDER.

If they really want to kill Mexican drug dealers, do it as they sneak across. We have the right and the laws are already on the books. Anyone caught smuggling drugs gets automatically executed on the spot and that’s that, and in no time at all, the American drug problem disappears, the drug cartels fall apart, Mexico becomes a much safer country and so does the USA.

The dickheads in our government know this, but they won’t do it because they’re making money off the drug trade, either directly or politically. So instead, let’s have fun sending troops into Mexico and shoot the place up, as if the Mexicans aren’t doing plenty of that themselves, already.

Listen, world, the USA gets a massive amount of fresh fruit and vegetables from Mexico every year. Without Mexico there’d be no tomatoes, lettuce and so forth in winter. It all comes from them. So great idea, let’s go to Mexico and destroy all the farmland by claiming they’re growing coca plants on it. Son of a bitch.