Out of all of us, the lust for power is strongest in politicians. Because of this, I predict that Ron Di Santis will throw Donald Trump under the bus to become the GOP candidate for President in 2024 and he will use the scurrilous New York D.A.’s indictment of Trump as his springboard.

Don’t forget what the GOP mascot looks like now, it’s half elephant and half donkey, and which half is the ass end depends on which of the two blind men you are, the one holding the trunk who says elephants are like snakes, or the one holding the tail who says they’re like ropes.

Trust me, it’s all the same chimera we call the Uniparty.

The only difference between the last time Trump ran and this time, if they let him do it, will be that there will be much less effort, if that’s even possible, to conceal the fraud next time, and if he won there will not be a single person in government who will back him up or help him in any way.

The only way I can see Donald Trump ever becoming President again is if he’s caved in to the Globalists and has become their total lackey. Otherwise, what would they need him for? They already own the White House and they already have all the lackeys they can use and more besides.

Our next “President” will be an articulate point man for the Globalist Cabal. This is just a fact that has yet to happen.