Nasty Nancy Pelosi, aka the original Lipstick On A Pig, is going to fly to Taiwan on her Asian tour regardless of the shrieking, wailing, threats, chest thumping and waving of rocket launchers by the CCP, demanding that she not go.

China swears up and down that if she goes, that will give them no choice but to attack Taiwan and I suppose that means us, too, though they haven’t really gotten specific about that. Just lots of jumping up and down while shrieking, mostly. Ever see howler monkeys carry on when they perceive a threat? Throwing their crap, pissing on people, or lions, or whatever? That’s China.

Looks like the CCP’s efforts at intimidation are falling flat. Personally I hope not, it would be great if this worked and China did launch an invasion of Taiwan because we would immediately supply Taiwan with massive amounts of explosive hardware and watch China do what Russia is doing right now, drain their economy and military strength.

If the Globalist Cabal succeeds in fomenting proxy wars with two of the world’s worst World Domination schemers, and gets them to crash their economies in their efforts to win, it won’t be the final hurdle they need to overcome but it will be the biggest one remaining that stands in their way of a global government.

Not to mention what an added plus it would be if they actually did kill Nancy Pelosi.


The Biden Gang has decided to finish up an important section of the Trump Border Wall because the many illegal aliens pouring through the gap is causing major problems for both the Feds and the state of Arizona.

It’s not a big section, apparently only a few hundred feet of wall being put up and detractors say that the aliens will just take a different route through the local Indian reservation and this is all just a political ploy before the coming Midterm Elections.

Maybe it is, but a few hundred more feet of wall is still a lot better than nothing and instead of sneering and jeering, wouldn’t it be a lot more productive to applaud that cabal and maybe urge them on to do even more, for more political credit?

I mean, who gives a damn why it’s getting done as long as it is? Grow some brains, you fools.


Deepmind is, near as I can nail down from online descriptions, an Artificial Intelligence (AI) center owned by Alphabet, which in turn is owned by Google. Recently their AI program, or one of them, discovered the 3-D construction of over 200 million different proteins covering all forms of life on Earth. This is a huge breakthrough which will enable tons of new technology. If you want to get detailed information on this, go Here. I’m just providing a very rough outline.

Google, through it’s subsidiaries Alphabet and Deepmind, is heavily involved in developing AI with the goal of creating artificial intelligence that far exceeds human intelligence.

The USA and Japan are building a nanochip factory to offset the one in Taiwan, which is currently the only one, because of China’s aggression there. Nanochips are the smallest and most advanced microchips in the world, and the fastest.
They’re the ones inside smartphones.

The American Congress is currently debating the passage of a $400 billion Climate Change bill primarily aimed at developing and improving energy technologies. That’s a lot of money with much of it going to technology research. Some advances are bound to come out of it, possibly major ones.

People are becoming unimportant except as pawns in power plays. When you have a small population, each member of it can have particular value, but when hundreds of millions of them serve only to take up space and cause problems, such as needing to be cleaned up after and fed without society getting any return, and dealing with their crimes and disruptions, they become obsolete. Unwanted and unusable. The predictions of imminent, severe food shortages may yet come true as a means of ridding humanity of the most useless of it’s population.

Nations are becoming obsolete. National identities and priorities, issues of sovereignty, power plays and competitions between nations are all interfering with the global supply network. When that breaks down, the world breaks down because we are now all deeply involved with trade with each other. No nation could exist if it were shut off from world trade and this means that Globalism is here, now. The European Union is a group of obsolete nations that have given up their sovereignty to the group leadership. NATO is similar but currently less successful, and the United Nations is another. The UN lately is becoming more cohesive, and all these nations are members of the UN, which may yet become the major united global force opposing China.

Religion is becoming obsolete. The spread of knowledge via the Internet has resulted in a global “compression” of people. We are steadily becoming of one mind in the sense of all being one humanity. At the same time, mass media continually hammers away at religion and religiosity. Religion breaks down as societies break down, and the mass immigrations from everywhere to everywhere have obsoleted most of the world’s ethnic practices. No one blows Alp Horns and dresses in folk costumes in Switzerland anymore, the Dutch don’t wear wooden shoes anymore, the Chinese don’t bind the feet of girls, African tribes don’t wear neck rings, nose plugs and tribal scars, and so on. All that is obsolete.

Political parties are becoming obsolete. Here in the USA we now see lots of “RINOs”, politicians who join one party but are actually aligned with another party, with the result being that one party has all the power while the other one is just a facade. The same thing is true for the UK, the EU and many other nations. The USA is and has been a mirror politically of Europe for decades now.

Change is the only Constant. World events have to be seen as a whole to understand the nature, flow and direction of Humanity’s future. Our Technological Age has really only just begun and won’t fully blossom until we stop chipping rocks into tools and weapons to attack neighboring tribes with and steal their women.



New York has recorded the most cases of the Monkeypox virus nationwide —  1,345 — followed by California with 799, according to Centers of Disease Control and Prevention data last updated Friday.

New York governor Kathy Hochul said that “More than one in four Monkeypox cases in this country are in New York State, and we need to utilize every tool in our arsenal as we respond,”.

We have 50 states in the United States, with California having the most homosexuals and most of them living in San Francisco. Or so I thought. But New York must be ass deep (yes, I’m being funny) with them if that state has nearly 30% of all the Monkey Pox cases in America.

Monkeypox is a queer disease, you get it by being fucked in the ass by someone who has it. Then you drill some other queer in the butt and he gets it, and so on. Considering how these people love to have sex with as many others as possible it’s no wonder that diseases spread among them like wildfire.

If one of these diseases comes along again that kills everyone who sucks a dick or gets buttfucked, like HIV/AIDS, New York is going to be in deep shit, and that’s not a pun.


One of the goals of the Globalists is to keep the world’s infrastructure from being destroyed in war. Ukraine is virtually a sacrificial lamb, as the infrastructure there is being ground into dust in the effort to sap the strength and will of the Russian people.

But think of the destruction if Russia makes war on all of NATO . The Globalists aren’t so much the Presidents and Prime Ministers, I assume most of them are bought and paid for. The Globalist elites are the bankers, the industrialists, who own the steel mills and mining operations, the shipping fleets and manufacturing plants, and they don’t want the sources of their wealth destroyed before they can finish ending nationalism and join the world under one government.

China keeps threatening everyone over Taiwan, but China doesn’t want Taiwan flattened anymore than anyone else does. Taiwan is vital to the global economy. This makes it unlikely that a war will be fought over that island nation and if one is, it will be fought mostly at sea or on some other island.

Kim Jong Asswipe of North Korea is bellowing again about using his nukes, something that would end with his half of that peninsula glowing in the dark from the fires and radiation. Let the fat little bastard yell, it keeps him happy. That reign will end when China finally goes down, and it will.

Intact is the word. Most of the world is already deeply involved in Globalism and can’t survive without it. If you look at any country, most of the goods they eat or use are made somewhere else. Everyone is dependent on their economy for ores, grain, energy, whatever, from other nations. Not one nation on Earth is fully independent anymore and if the global supply system were to collapse, the entire economy of the planet would collapse with it.

The way for the Globalists to rid the Earth of most of it’s human population is not through war, which would wreck all that vital infrastructure, but simply by making an impossible mess out of the global supply system. Mass starvation would rapidly ensue.

This is what I suspect is a goal of at least some of the Elitists, but I don’t think these people are all on the same page with each other. Because of their different interests, t believe they’ve formed separate groups with separate approaches to reaching their one-world government. For instance, the shipping magnates might not be very enthusiastic about seeing the supply system fail, nor those who ship their ores and so forth on the ships.

More and more I’ve come to think that there’s disparity between the Globalists on how to reach their goals and this may end up meaning that things may not happen nearly as fast as some of them have planned. The massive food shortages we’ve been warned about haven’t happened and the price of gasoline is going back down again instead of continuing to rise as we were told it would. This indicates to me a lack of agreement among the Elitists, which is another way of saying that not all Elitists are Globalists.

It’s all still evolving. Watch and wait. If there’s one thing we can always depend on, it’s that rich or poor, people will always fight among themselves for positions of power.


We won’t know until the fat lady sings, but we can keep guessing what the Globalists and the rest of the world are up to. I do it in my sleep anymore, and wake up in the middle of the night thinking about some new information and how it fits in.

An old friend and I were talking politics on the phone yesterday and the conversation ran on about Trump and the Democrats, with me insisting that there are no Democrats or Republicans anymore because when the election was stolen, not a single person in either party spoke up for him or spoke out about the theft. Not one. And that tells me that they’re basically all on the same side, as I’ve posted here before.

I guess while asleep I took a longer look at Trump and this almost universal desire to keep him from being re-elected because yesterday I also became aware that I’ve completely overlooked the United Nations. I’ve long held that body in contempt for being so anti-democracy but I was reminded yesterday that they’ve gone completely over to Globalism with the exception of a few, like Russia and China.

Briefly, Russia under Putin wants to rebuild the old Soviet Union and his assault on Ukraine is the first major step. Putin is Nationalist. China wants to be ruler of the world. Their idea of global government doesn’t include anyone else. China is Nationalist. The true Globalists are the elites from all over the world, those who control most of the power and wealth, like corporations, shipping, food and goods production. These are the warring parties and the struggle is fully engaged. Any nation or party wanting to be separate from this struggle is seen as a danger by all of them.

THIS is why Donald Trump was cheated out of his election victory. Because if he was successful in keeping this powerhouse of a nation out of the Globalism struggle, the United States would have been plunged into war and been attacked from all sides, not just from our enemies but from our allies, too, because our allies are all Globalist. I’ve wondered for a long time why so many of our formerly good allies had distanced themselves so much from us over the decades. Too much nationalism on our part.

This new view of mine gives me a new perspective on India. I’ve wondered which way they lean, because they do a lot of business with Russia. However, everyone does business with Russia just like everyone did business with the USA under Trump, including Russia. India can’t possibly hope to create an empire the way Putin does, or dominate the world as China wants, because they don’t have the military or economic power. They’re one of the world’s largest grain producers but they have so many people they eat almost all of it themselves and are still going hungry a lot. India has no choice but to be Globalist.

India is a bitter enemy of China, which constantly pushes their border boundaries, trying to take a little more, a little more. If Putin can be subdued and Russia brought into the Globalist fold, China will be isolated as the only major Nationalist nation left.

This is the reason for the war with Ukraine, it’s draining Russia’s resources and keeping their attention away from other dangers. For the Globalists this can only end one way, with Putin gone and Russia Globalist. Then the pressure to economically crush China will really begin.

The Chinese have a great strength that may also be their greatest weakness, which is their enduring patience. They believe in their “Long Walks”, their efforts to achieve a goal even if it takes a century or two. If China’s goals can be stymied sufficiently, they may start drawing back in because of this willingness to wait, rather than risk a major war. All the Globalists need to make China Globalist is to get them to draw back in just enough.



I have a Cell Phone. It’s not a Smart Phone. It’s just a cheap Flip Phone. No one has the number. I keep it charged up and turned off. This way, if I’m away from home and need to make a phone call, it’s always at full charge when I need it to be. That’s why I own a phone. So I can use it when I need it, not when others want to reach me for their purposes. I have a home phone for that.

Smart phones connect to the Internet, Flip Phones do not. Flip Phones just connect to the phone service you use. In truth there isn’t much difference there and one can be hacked as easily as the other. It’s the uses you put them to.

If you carry a cell phone only to use for really necessary and vital communications, you are safeguarding your life. If you use it to send and receive photos including intimate ones, do Google searches, store passwords, bank accounts, pay bills, record conversations, video events in your life, in short store everything that goes on in your life on your Smart Phone, you are handing over everything there is to know about you to anyone who can gain access to this information, and they can do anything with that information they want to.

Governments can and do gain access to this information.

Governments encourage the ownership and use of Smart Phones. The Chinese Communist Party requires that you have and use Smart Phones and your station and privileges in life are determined by your Social Score, which itself is determined by what’s on your Smart Phone. Our government applauds this Chinese system. Yours does too. Of course. They want total control of your life.

The less you show up as an electronic presence, the less attention you will receive. If you’re a Twitter and Facebook habitue, you no doubt have a bigger presence than you realize and your words continue to expand on the pattern that is you in some mega-computer somewhere, where advanced AI is continually redefining you as benign, a mild threat, an increasing threat, a tax cheater, some sort of criminal, a potential employee, some sort of liability and so on. This sounds like paranoid conspiracy nut stuff right now but it actually isn’t, it’s just not as fully implemented yet as it will be in the future. Just don’t think that none of the above applies to you, because it does. It’s known that our government is keeping track of us with mega-computers, just how far it goes is still secret. But if you look to China as an example of this, they already have it down. If they do, why wouldn’t we?

Smart Phones are like Television. Could you turn off your TV and never turn it on again? We’re easily addicted to anything that makes our lives more interesting or easier and that lets us feel popular and “liked”. Being able to communicate with strangers around the world is pretty heady stuff, to spout off with our opinions in a global forum makes us feel important. It creates the illusion of having lots of friends and dispels loneliness, what’s not to like?

Humans are sheep. Very few of us stray from the flock but the funny thing is, we who do aren’t the ones in the most danger, they are. The wolves aren’t coming for us. Not yet anyway.


Every one of you people who have Amazon Ring doorbell cameras and Blink camera systems is contributing to the total destruction of anything resembling democracy in the world. You are AIDING AND ABETTING the total control of everyone everywhere and the complete destruction and loss of every bit of your privacy.

Amazon has provided footage from Ring video cameras to police without permission from owners or a court warrant 11 times so far this year. This is a direct violation of Constitutional rights, and Amazon’s excuse is that it seemed “reasonable” to do so at the time.

Ring now lets 2,161 police departments use its Neighbors app and this is a growing list. It’s easy to see that eventually every police department and state and federal agency will have access to the video of every Ring user because this won’t stop, it will keep spreading. As it always does.

Blink security systems are compatible with Ring and this is probably no accident. With Blink you buy the system, install it yourself and then pay Blink $15 a month to use it. That’s right, you only THOUGHT you owned it when you bought it. You don’t, Blink does and they own every bit of the video recorded that you can only access by paying them $15 a month instead of being able to keep it on your own computer for free.

They can look at all the video from your indoor cameras as well as the outdoor ones, and give or sell it to anyone they choose. Like government agencies.

I have a home video camera security system, it’s called Defender. You can get it with 2 cameras or 4 cameras depending on your needs. It comes with a monitor screen. You mount the cameras and plug them in to power outlets, then you plug in the monitor. That’s it. You’re done. Turn on the monitor and there’s the views from your cameras, you can switch from single camera to split screen, the cameras have motion detection, good infra-red night vision and there’s 2-way sound, you can talk to people near the cameras and hear what they say and any other noises going on, day or night, you can set it to record when motion is detected and the recording is done on a memory card you insert into the monitor and can replay. No $15 or other fees, no one else looking at your videos, no invasion of your privacy.

Don’t be a Stupid Fucker. Don’t buy ANY security system that connects to the internet or cell phones.



Every day there’s more doom and gloom in the news and on various financial websites warning us that home prices are going to crash, that the rising interest rates are making it difficult to impossible for people of average means to buy a home because the mortgages, the monthly payments, are going up too high and it’s a big bubble that’s going to burst just like it did before and peoples home equities disappeared when the value of their homes took a monster crap.

When that happened we weren’t letting in hundreds of thousands of immigrants. Our population wasn’t exploding. Now it is thanks to the open borders. It doesn’t matter that wages may go down, or that inflation may increase. Have you ever seen how Hispanics live?

The first thing they do is get on welfare. Then once the government checks start coming in, one family will get together with two or three more and buy a nice new large home and pay for it with their welfare checks while they’re out working under the table for some construction company or whatever and everybody lives in the new home. They will probably have a couple of house trailers parked in back or in the driveway for the kids to live in.

This is HOG HEAVEN for these people. They came here from mud huts with no toilets or running water at all and maybe even no electricity. If you go into one of their homes you’ll see a wastebasket beside the toilet, full of used toilet paper, because those who did have the use of a toilet never threw the t.p. into it because it would clog the toilet. That’s normal conditions in third world countries.

What’s REALLY going to happen to home prices is they’re going to SKYROCKET as the demand increases due to all these new people wanting a place, anyplace, to live.

You watch. You think food and gas prices are too inflationary? Wait just a bit, it’s the housing prices that are going to really go nuts.