Either China is on the side of the Globalists or they’re going to war with the Globalists to determine who rules Earth.

So let’s look at the evidence. It’s just been announced in the news that China is building a new naval base in Cambodia to increase their influence in the Indo-Pacific. Add that to the new alliance announced by Russia, with China. This latter I take with a great grain of salt, since I don’t see a bit of actual MILITARY assistance from China to Russia and they could sure use it right now, the way they’ve become bogged down in Ukraine. This appears to be strictly an economic alliance, at least for now.

My concern is that China wouldn’t be building bases and seeking alliances if they were part of the Globalist Great Reset. The rest of the world isn’t doing that, and China didn’t use Mrna shots on their citizens, it was an actual vaccine based on Covid virus spike protein bits that won’t depopulate the country.

It looks like their plan is still to dominate the planet, which means war between China and the West may be inevitable. I’ve been watching India to see how they’re leaning and while they’re economically close, as well as physically, to Russia, and like all the rest of us still do business with China, India and Russia have no beef with each other but India and China do, very much so.

India has an overburden of people, with about the same population as China, only India used the Phizer Killer Vax pretty heavily, which tells me they at least want to reduce their excess population. China appears to be preparing for a big reduction too, not on purpose, but because of starvation due to pending food shortages and they’re doing everything they can to secure food stocks now in advance of the coming famine.

From that I take it that they hope to have this massive population compared to the rest of the world, that they can then send out to overwhelm us all with. The basic CCP plan is to keep buying up seaports, keep indebting nations to them, keep building their military capability, until they have more power than all the rest of the world’s nations combined.

The Globalist plan is to destroy the global economy, thus impoverishing the CCP and making it impossible for them to keep buying up strategic lands, indebting nations to them and continue building up their military. Additionally, the Globalists are wrecking the global food supply and are intent on causing a global famine to kill off most of the Chinese along with most of the rest of us.

The sudden global inflation coupled with the recession that’s currently growing worse is cutting deeply into the Chinese economy. This is the real reason for their harsh lockdowns that included shutting off food supplies. They’re preparing the people for a coming famine and these lockdowns are test runs of public compliance and how well social order can be maintained. They want the people to endure, the West wants their people to die.

It doesn’t seem too far fetched that the Chinese may invade food producing nations like Mexico to take over food production while preventing us from buying the many tons of produce that we do from Mexico and other nations each year and it’s not hard to see us going to war next door if they do, if the plan, and I’m sure it is, is to starve China into submission both literally and economically.

To sum up, the Globalists aren’t just trying to starve us, they want to starve the Chinese even more because the Chinese are a bigger threat to their plans than overpopulation generally. This necessarily means that there must be a global famine that hits all of us. It can’t be avoided. About Mexico, though, I do expect the Chinese to give it a try, and I wouldn’t put it past them to destroy Mexico’s agriculture so we can’t have it, if we prevent them from getting it. We’re going to need Mexico’s food production for awhile and we sure as hell don’t want the Chinese staving off starvation by taking it.

What a fascinating time we live in, isn’t it? The bugles have sounded once again and the Four Horsemen are loosened upon the Earth and all that jazz. Yeehaw!


For decades I’ve been saying that there’s too many people. Like, 6 decades. I knew in the ’60’s that we were killing our planet with pollution and that the pollution was increasing because our numbers were increasing. I got a vasectomy after my wife and I had 2 kids, because if everyone did that, our numbers would naturally decline due to normal loss of life, accidents, diseases.

But I was one of a few, us visionaries have always been a minority, and now the carrion crows are coming home to roost because an international group of the most powerful, wealthiest people on Earth who call themselves Globalists have taken over most of the most powerful nations on Earth, and they’re out to kill off most of us.

They’re succeeding. They’re striking at the heart of food production as a major means of culling humanity. Agriculture has wiped out vast forests and replaced that habitat with rows of corn and soy beans to feed the poultry and beef industries, and the Globalists are buying up this farmland and taking it out of production.

The war between Ukraine and Russia has only one real purpose, which is to crash wheat production, since Ukraine is the bread basket of Europe and Africa. Starvation is the goal. In less than a year, dozens of major food processing plants and distribution companies, egg farms and fertilizer production companies have mysteriously burned to the ground, as total losses. This doesn’t just cause food shortages, it ends the business these companies did with farmers, so the farms have no place to sell their produce and have to shut down.

Naturally, as shortages increase, so do food prices, until only those who can afford to buy food, can buy food. The rest can starve or riot, and the rioters are looters who destroy the markets they loot, shutting them down and making the food shortages even worse for themselves.

All of this is planned. The mass migrations from poverty-stricken nations into the wealthy ones only hastens the demise of the wealthy ones, as they quickly become unable to cope with feeding all those hungry people. Shutting down the oil pipelines and production, starting pandemics, injecting the frightened population with a chemical stew designed to ruin their immune systems, destroying the means of food production, encouraging homosexuality to prevent childbirth, starting wars, encouraging abortions. Even the new drug being added to heroin, meth and cocaine, Fentanyl, is deadly in just a tiny overdose. Anything that kills us off faster is good in the eyes of Globalism.

And I’m for it. The more I look at how badly we’ve wrecked our planet with our callously uncaring greed, the more I see the crude stupidity of most of the people around me, the less humans I want to see exist. I would rather it had been done by making us less fertile and simply reduced the birth rate, and I suspect the effort was made to achieve that, but if so, it failed. So now more extreme measures must be applied and now there’s a rush on because we’re just about out of time.

Too much forest has been cleared. It’s hard to imagine that even many species of trees are in danger of becoming extinct. If it wasn’t for modern plastic wine corks, cork trees would be extinct now, we actually drink that much wine. Most of Earth’s coastal areas are polluted so badly that all the fish are gone. All the fish we do eat now have plastic particles in all their cells from ocean trash dumping. It’s just a list that’s endless, we pollute literally everything in every possible way and we need to reduce our numbers and do it now.

So it looks like I’m a Globalist. There’s going to be a lot of suffering ahead for humanity, but considering the suffering we’ve cause all the other critters we share the world with (“Share”. Yeah, that’s just an expression.), it’s our turn.

But being the visionary that I am, and my age, 83, and of a very curious and exploratory nature still, I’ve planned ahead with the hope of watching this all play out before I expire.

I’ll be cheering and wishing I had some fireworks to shoot off when the first billion deaths is reached. What a difference that will make in the health of our planet! I read that the end goal is a half-billion left alive, no idea if that’s true or not, but it’s one I can hope for, anyway.