So much of the “news” on the Internet now is just whining and blaming. This group of politicians is supporting gun confiscation. That group of politicians is partisan, that bunch of jurists is ignoring the truth, or refusing to allow the proof to be entered as evidence, or refusing to release a political prisoner. Whine, whine, whine, constantly.

It’s because no one is ready to just call it what it is, yet. I think that’s because the actors aren’t in charge of closing the curtains of the stage. Like Pelosi. She’s addicted to emoting her power, her imperious power, it’s all she knows. Close the curtains and she’ll collapse into a puddle of twitching goo. Similar fates to varying degrees await all the other actors on this stage from Schumer on down through the CIA and all the rest of the Alphabet Agencies.

Because it really is all just playacting. All those ridiculous, incompetent clowns that have been given government posts without a clue how to manage them, and look at Kamala Harris, a total giggling, cackling ignoramus and they made her the Vice President, successor to a man with advancing senility they gave the Presidency to. If THAT doesn’t tell you how unimportant the role of politicians is to the real leaders of this nation, then nothing ever will. They’re just actors whose job is to keep all the rest of us entertained while they reshape America into compliant Globalism.

What’s going to be funny is when Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler et al realize that their job is over. It will be when they suddenly find themselves standing there with their power gone. Their aides are gone, their offices are being shuttered and no one is taking orders from them because they’re no longer needed to distract the populace because the Great Reset is here, now.

These people may be the first to go, the first Useless Eaters to be made an example of, their wealth stripped from them, dead or dying of some new disease, found hanging from a noose tied to a chandelier, or a “tragic accident”. So many ways to go. It would be comical if they end up like that.

Ah, wishful thinking. It was never so true as now, though, that life is just a play and we are but actors on its stage. That it is truer than ever before in my life is why it seems important to me to be cognizant of this truth and the depth of it. Literally the very people who present themselves as being the most serious and the most in charge are doing nothing more than role playing. and have no power whatever in the directing of our affairs, let alone the world’s.

But the masses sit and stare, entranced, unable to turn away from the gibber and the glitter and all the flashing lights, while in the darkness, off the wings, those who mold the Earth are busy.